Yii 2.0 Public Preview - Mutex Extension

Thank you for choosing Yii - a high-performance component-based PHP framework.

If you are looking for a production-ready PHP framework, please use Yii v1.1.

Yii 2.0 is still under heavy development. We may make significant changes without prior notices. Yii 2.0 is not ready for production use yet.

Build Status

This is the yii2-mutex extension.


The prefered way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require yiisoft/yii2-mutex "*"

or add

"yiisoft/yii2-mutex": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json.

Note: You might have to run php composer.phar selfupdate

Usage & Documentation

This component can be used to perform actions similar to the concept of mutual exclusion.

For concrete examples and advanced usage refer to the yii guide.