Commit a75a4415 by Qiang Xue

Merge pull request #3003 from yiisoft/split-find-into-find-findOne-findAll

Refactored AR find to fix #2999
parents c8d17099 5eebaf87
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface
public static function findIdentity($id)
return static::find($id);
return static::findOne($id);
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface
public static function findByUsername($username)
return static::find(['username' => $username, 'status' => self::STATUS_ACTIVE]);
return static::findOne(['username' => $username, 'status' => self::STATUS_ACTIVE]);
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface
return null;
return static::find([
return static::findOne([
'password_reset_token' => $token,
'status' => self::STATUS_ACTIVE,
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class PasswordResetRequestForm extends Model
public function sendEmail()
/** @var User $user */
$user = User::find([
$user = User::findOne([
'status' => User::STATUS_ACTIVE,
'email' => $this->email,
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class PasswordResetRequestFormTest extends DbTestCase
$model = new PasswordResetRequestForm();
$model->email = $this->user[0]['email'];
$user = User::find(['password_reset_token' => $this->user[0]['password_reset_token']]);
$user = User::findOne(['password_reset_token' => $this->user[0]['password_reset_token']]);
expect('email sent', $model->sendEmail())->true();
expect('user has valid token', $user->password_reset_token)->notNull();
......@@ -169,20 +169,27 @@ $customers = Customer::findBySql($sql)->all();
use meaningful constant names rather than hardcoded strings or numbers in your code.
The `find()` method also supports the following shortcut usage which allows you to retrieve an Active Record
instance based on a primary key value or a set of column values. The main difference here is that instead of
returning a [[yii\db\ActiveQuery]] instance, the method takes the column value(s) and returns an Active Record
instance directly without the need to call `one()`.
Two shortcut methods are provided to return Active Record instances matching a primary key value or a set of
column values: `findOne()` and `findAll()`. The former returns the first matching instance while the latter
returns all of them. For example,
// to return a single customer whose ID is 1:
$customer = Customer::find(1);
$customer = Customer::findOne(1);
// to return an *active* customer whose ID is 1:
$customer = Customer::find([
$customer = Customer::findOne([
'id' => 1,
'status' => Customer::STATUS_ACTIVE,
// to return customers whose ID is 1, 2 or 3:
$customers = Customer::findAll([1, 2, 3]);
// to return customers whose status is "deleted":
$customer = Customer::findAll([
'status' => Customer::STATUS_DELETED,
......@@ -252,12 +259,12 @@ $customer->email = '';
$customer->save(); // equivalent to $customer->insert();
// to update an existing customer record
$customer = Customer::find($id);
$customer = Customer::findOne($id);
$customer->email = '';
$customer->save(); // equivalent to $customer->update();
// to delete an existing customer record
$customer = Customer::find($id);
$customer = Customer::findOne($id);
// to increment the age of ALL customers by 1
......@@ -267,8 +274,8 @@ Customer::updateAllCounters(['age' => 1]);
> Info: The `save()` method will call either `insert()` or `update()`, depending on whether
the Active Record instance is new or not (internally it will check the value of [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::isNewRecord]]).
If an Active Record is instantiated via the `new` operator, calling `save()` will
insert a row in the table; if an Active Record is obtained by `find()`, calling `save()` will
update the corresponding row in the table.
insert a row in the table; calling `save()` on active record fetched from database will update the corresponding
row in the table.
### Data Input and Validation
......@@ -291,7 +298,7 @@ if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
// updating a record whose primary key is $id
$model = Customer::find($id);
$model = Customer::findOne($id);
if ($model === null) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException;
......@@ -399,7 +406,7 @@ that is defined by the corresponding getter method:
// get the orders of a customer
$customer = Customer::find(1);
$customer = Customer::findOne(1);
$orders = $customer->orders; // $orders is an array of Order objects
......@@ -501,7 +508,7 @@ if you access the same related objects again. We call this *lazy loading*. For e
// SQL executed: SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id=1
$customer = Customer::find(1);
$customer = Customer::findOne(1);
// SQL executed: SELECT * FROM order WHERE customer_id=1
$orders = $customer->orders;
// no SQL executed
......@@ -559,7 +566,7 @@ Sometimes, you may want to customize the relational queries on the fly. This can
done for both lazy loading and eager loading. For example,
$customer = Customer::find(1);
$customer = Customer::findOne(1);
// lazy loading: SELECT * FROM order WHERE customer_id=1 AND subtotal>100
$orders = $customer->getOrders()->where('subtotal>100')->all();
......@@ -605,7 +612,7 @@ the `customer` of an order will trigger another SQL execution:
// SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id=1
$customer = Customer::find(1);
$customer = Customer::findOne(1);
// echoes "not equal"
// SELECT * FROM order WHERE customer_id=1
// SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id=1
......@@ -634,7 +641,7 @@ Now if we execute the same query as shown above, we would get:
// SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id=1
$customer = Customer::find(1);
$customer = Customer::findOne(1);
// echoes "equal"
// SELECT * FROM order WHERE customer_id=1
if ($customer->orders[0]->customer === $customer) {
......@@ -762,7 +769,7 @@ in the WHERE part of the corresponding SQL statement, because there is no JOIN q
// SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=10
$user = User::find(10);
$user = User::findOne(10);
// SELECT * FROM item WHERE owner_id=10 AND category_id=1
$books = $user->books;
......@@ -781,7 +788,7 @@ For example, given a customer and a new order, we can use the following code to
order owned by the customer:
$customer = Customer::find(1);
$customer = Customer::findOne(1);
$order = new Order();
$order->subtotal = 100;
$customer->link('orders', $order);
......@@ -828,7 +835,7 @@ Important points are:
2. A method should be `public` and should return `$this` in order to allow method chaining. It may accept parameters.
3. Check [[yii\db\ActiveQuery]] methods that are very useful for modifying query conditions.
Second, override [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::createQuery()]] to use the custom query class instead of the regular [[yii\db\ActiveQuery|ActiveQuery]].
Second, override [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::find()]] to use the custom query class instead of the regular [[yii\db\ActiveQuery|ActiveQuery]].
For the example above, you need to write the following code:
......@@ -838,7 +845,11 @@ use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
class Comment extends ActiveRecord
public static function createQuery()
* @inheritdoc
* @return CommentQuery
public static function find()
return new CommentQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -875,43 +886,15 @@ $posts = Post::find()->with([
### Making it IDE-friendly
In order to make most modern IDE autocomplete happy you need to override return types for some methods of both model
and query like the following:
* @method \app\models\CommentQuery|static|null find($q = null) static
* @method \app\models\CommentQuery findBySql($sql, $params = []) static
class Comment extends ActiveRecord
// ...
* @method \app\models\Comment|array|null one($db = null)
* @method \app\models\Comment[]|array all($db = null)
class CommentQuery extends ActiveQuery
// ...
### Default Scope
If you used Yii 1.1 before, you may know a concept called *default scope*. A default scope is a scope that
applies to ALL queries. You can define a default scope easily by overriding [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::createQuery()]]. For example,
applies to ALL queries. You can define a default scope easily by overriding [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::find()]]. For example,
public static function createQuery()
public static function find()
return parent::createQuery()->where(['deleted' => false]);
return parent::find()->where(['deleted' => false]);
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface
public static function findIdentity($id)
return static::find($id);
return static::findOne($id);
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface
public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token)
return static::find(['access_token' => $token]);
return static::findOne(['access_token' => $token]);
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ simple checks could be used instead. For example such code that uses RBAC:
public function editArticle($id)
$article = Article::find($id);
$article = Article::findOne($id);
if (!$article) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException;
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ can be replaced with simpler code that doesn't use RBAC:
public function editArticle($id)
$article = Article::find(['id' => $id, 'author_id' => \Yii::$app->user->id]);
$article = Article::findOne(['id' => $id, 'author_id' => \Yii::$app->user->id]);
if (!$article) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException;
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class BlogController extends Controller
public function actionView($id, $version = null)
$post = Post::find($id);
$post = Post::findOne($id);
$text = $post->text;
if ($version) {
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class BlogController extends Controller
public function actionUpdate($id)
$post = Post::find($id);
$post = Post::findOne($id);
if (!$post) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException();
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ The following code will return *all* attributes in the `$post` model
as an array of name-value pairs.
$post = Post::find(42);
$post = Post::findOne(42);
if ($post) {
$attributes = $post->attributes;
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ class User extends ActiveRecord
For the code above mass assignment will be allowed strictly according to `scenarios()`:
$user = User::find(42);
$user = User::findOne(42);
$data = ['password' => '123'];
$user->attributes = $data;
......@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ print_r($user->attributes);
Will give you empty array because there's no default scenario defined in our `scenarios()`.
$user = User::find(42);
$user = User::findOne(42);
$user->scenario = 'signup';
$data = [
'username' => 'samdark',
......@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ class User extends ActiveRecord
The code above assumes default scenario so mass assignment will be available for all fields with `rules` defined:
$user = User::find(42);
$user = User::findOne(42);
$data = [
'username' => 'samdark',
'first_name' => 'Alexander',
......@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ class User extends ActiveRecord
Mass assignment is still available by default:
$user = User::find(42);
$user = User::findOne(42);
$data = [
'username' => 'samdark',
'first_name' => 'Alexander',
......@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface
public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token)
return static::find(['access_token' => $token]);
return static::findOne(['access_token' => $token]);
......@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ $customers = Customer::find()
// return the customer whose PK is 1
$customer = Customer::find(1);
$customer = Customer::findOne(1);
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ namespace yii\elasticsearch;
use yii\base\InvalidCallException;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\db\BaseActiveRecord;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\Inflector;
use yii\helpers\Json;
use yii\helpers\StringHelper;
......@@ -65,19 +66,34 @@ class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
* @inheritdoc
public static function find($q = null)
public static function find()
$query = static::createQuery();
$args = func_get_args();
if (empty($args)) {
return $query;
return new ActiveQuery(get_called_class());
* @inheritdoc
public static function findOne($condition)
$query = static::find();
if (is_array($condition)) {
return $query->andWhere($condition)->one();
} else {
return static::get($condition);
$q = reset($args);
if (is_array($q)) {
return $query->andWhere($q)->one();
* @inheritdoc
public static function findAll($condition)
$query = static::find();
if (ArrayHelper::isAssociative($condition)) {
return $query->andWhere($condition)->all();
} else {
return static::get($q);
return static::mget((array) $condition);
......@@ -118,14 +134,18 @@ class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
* Please refer to the [elasticsearch documentation](
* for more details on these options.
* @return static|null The record instance or null if it was not found.
* @return array The record instances, or empty array if nothing was found
public static function mget($primaryKeys, $options = [])
public static function mget(array $primaryKeys, $options = [])
if (empty($primaryKeys)) {
return [];
if (count($primaryKeys) === 1) {
$model = static::get(reset($primaryKeys));
return $model === null ? [] : [$model];
$command = static::getDb()->createCommand();
$result = $command->mget(static::index(), static::type(), $primaryKeys, $options);
$models = [];
......@@ -145,33 +165,6 @@ class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
// TODO add percolate functionality
* Creates an [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* This method is called by [[find()]] to start a SELECT query but also
* by [[hasOne()]] and [[hasMany()]] to create a relational query.
* You may override this method to return a customized query (e.g. `CustomerQuery` specified
* written for querying `Customer` purpose.)
* You may also define default conditions that should apply to all queries unless overridden:
* ```php
* public static function createQuery()
* {
* return parent::createQuery()->where(['deleted' => false]);
* }
* ```
* Note that all queries should use [[Query::andWhere()]] and [[Query::orWhere()]] to keep the
* default condition. Using [[Query::where()]] will override the default condition.
* @return ActiveQuery the newly created [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
public static function createQuery()
return new ActiveQuery(get_called_class());
// TODO implement copy and move as pk change is not possible
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ if (count($pks) === 1) {
$condition = '[' . implode(', ', $condition) . ']';
if (($model = <?= $modelClass ?>::find(<?= $condition ?>)) !== null) {
if (($model = <?= $modelClass ?>::findOne(<?= $condition ?>)) !== null) {
return $model;
} else {
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');
......@@ -92,28 +92,9 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
* Creates an [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* This method is called by [[find()]] to start a SELECT query but also
* by [[hasOne()]] and [[hasMany()]] to create a relational query.
* You may override this method to return a customized query (e.g. `CustomerQuery` specified
* written for querying `Customer` purpose.)
* You may also define default conditions that should apply to all queries unless overridden:
* ```php
* public static function createQuery()
* {
* return parent::createQuery()->where(['deleted' => false]);
* }
* ```
* Note that all queries should use [[Query::andWhere()]] and [[Query::orWhere()]] to keep the
* default condition. Using [[Query::where()]] will override the default condition.
* @return ActiveQuery the newly created [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* @inheritdoc
public static function createQuery()
public static function find()
return new ActiveQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -45,28 +45,9 @@ use yii\web\UploadedFile;
abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord
* Creates an [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* This method is called by [[find()]] to start a SELECT query but also
* by [[hasOne()]] and [[hasMany()]] to create a relational query.
* You may override this method to return a customized query (e.g. `CustomerQuery` specified
* written for querying `Customer` purpose.)
* You may also define default conditions that should apply to all queries unless overridden:
* ```php
* public static function createQuery()
* {
* return parent::createQuery()->where(['deleted' => false]);
* }
* ```
* Note that all queries should use [[Query::andWhere()]] and [[Query::orWhere()]] to keep the
* default condition. Using [[Query::where()]] will override the default condition.
* @return ActiveQuery the newly created [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* @inheritdoc
public static function createQuery()
public static function find()
return new ActiveQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -49,28 +49,9 @@ class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
* Creates an [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* This method is called by [[find()]] to start a SELECT query but also
* by [[hasOne()]] and [[hasMany()]] to create a relational query.
* You may override this method to return a customized query (e.g. `CustomerQuery` specified
* written for querying `Customer` purpose.)
* You may also define default conditions that should apply to all queries unless overridden:
* ```php
* public static function createQuery()
* {
* return parent::createQuery()->where(['deleted' => false]);
* }
* ```
* Note that all queries should use [[Query::andWhere()]] and [[Query::orWhere()]] to keep the
* default condition. Using [[Query::where()]] will override the default condition.
* @return ActiveQuery the newly created [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* @inheritdoc
public static function createQuery()
public static function find()
return new ActiveQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -274,7 +255,7 @@ class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
private static function fetchPks($condition)
$query = static::createQuery();
$query = static::find();
$records = $query->asArray()->all(); // TODO limit fetched columns to pk
$primaryKey = static::primaryKey();
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
public static function findBySql($sql, $params = [])
$query = static::createQuery();
$query = static::find();
$query->sql = $sql;
return $query->params($params);
......@@ -136,28 +136,9 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
* Creates an [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* This method is called by [[find()]], [[findBySql()]] to start a SELECT query but also
* by [[hasOne()]] and [[hasMany()]] to create a relational query.
* You may override this method to return a customized query (e.g. `CustomerQuery` specified
* written for querying `Customer` purpose.)
* You may also define default conditions that should apply to all queries unless overridden:
* ```php
* public static function createQuery()
* {
* return parent::createQuery()->where(['deleted' => false]);
* }
* ```
* Note that all queries should use [[Query::andWhere()]] and [[Query::orWhere()]] to keep the
* default condition. Using [[Query::where()]] will override the default condition.
* @return ActiveQuery the newly created [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* @inheritdoc
public static function createQuery()
public static function find()
return new ActiveQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -442,7 +423,7 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
* For example, to update an article record:
* ~~~
* $article = Article::find(['id' => $id]);
* $article = Article::findOne($id);
* $article->genre_id = $genreId;
* $article->group_id = $groupId;
* $article->update();
......@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ Yii Framework 2 Change Log
- Enh: Implemented Oracle column comment reading from another schema (gureedo, samdark)
- Enh: Added support to allow an event handler to be inserted at the beginning of the existing event handler list (qiangxue)
- Enh: Improved action filter and action execution flow by supporting installing action filters at controller, module and application levels (qiangxue)
- Enh: Added `isAssociative()` and `isIndexed()` to `yii\helpers\ArrayHelper` (qiangxue)
- Chg #47: Changed Markdown library to cebe/markdown and adjusted Markdown helper API (cebe)
- Chg #735: Added back `ActiveField::hiddenInput()` (qiangxue)
- Chg #1186: Changed `Sort` to use comma to separate multiple sort fields and use negative sign to indicate descending sort (qiangxue)
......@@ -240,7 +241,8 @@ Yii Framework 2 Change Log
- Chg #2816: Changed default date and time format of `yii\base\Formatter` to `Y-m-d` and `H:i:s` (qiangxue)
- Chg #2911: Removed `tbl_` default for table prefix (samdark)
- Chg #2912: Relative view files will be looked for under the directory containing the view currently being rendered (qiangxue)
- Chg #2955: Changed the signature of ActiveQuery constructors and `ActiveRecord::createQuery()` to simplify customizing ActiveQuery classes (qiangxue)
- Chg #2955: Changed the signature of ActiveQuery constructors and replaced `ActiveRecord::createQuery()` with `find()` to simplify customizing ActiveQuery classes (qiangxue)
- Chg #2999: Added `findOne()` and `findAll()` to replace the usage of `ActiveRecord::query($condition)`. (samdark, qiangxue)
- Chg: Renamed `yii\jui\Widget::clientEventsMap` to `clientEventMap` (qiangxue)
- Chg: Renamed `ActiveRecord::getPopulatedRelations()` to `getRelatedRecords()` (qiangxue)
- Chg: Renamed `attributeName` and `className` to `targetAttribute` and `targetClass` for `UniqueValidator` and `ExistValidator` (qiangxue)
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
public static function findBySql($sql, $params = [])
$query = static::createQuery();
$query = static::find();
$query->sql = $sql;
return $query->params($params);
......@@ -224,28 +224,9 @@ class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
* Creates an [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* This method is called by [[find()]], [[findBySql()]] to start a SELECT query but also
* by [[hasOne()]] and [[hasMany()]] to create a relational query.
* You may override this method to return a customized query (e.g. `CustomerQuery` specified
* written for querying `Customer` purpose.)
* You may also define default conditions that should apply to all queries unless overridden:
* ```php
* public static function createQuery()
* {
* return parent::createQuery()->where(['deleted' => false]);
* }
* ```
* Note that all queries should use [[Query::andWhere()]] and [[Query::orWhere()]] to keep the
* default condition. Using [[Query::where()]] will override the default condition.
* @return ActiveQuery the newly created [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* @inheritdoc
public static function createQuery()
public static function find()
return new ActiveQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -479,7 +460,7 @@ class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
* For example, to update a customer record:
* ~~~
* $customer = Customer::find($id);
* $customer = Customer::findOne($id);
* $customer->name = $name;
* $customer->email = $email;
* $customer->update();
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ interface ActiveRecordInterface
* Returns the old primary key value(s).
* This refers to the primary key value that is populated into the record
* after executing a find method (e.g. find(), findAll()).
* after executing a find method (e.g. find(), findOne()).
* The value remains unchanged even if the primary key attribute is manually assigned with a different value.
* @param boolean $asArray whether to return the primary key value as an array. If true,
* the return value will be an array with column name as key and column value as value.
......@@ -111,62 +111,114 @@ interface ActiveRecordInterface
* ->all();
* ```
* This method can also take a parameter which can be:
* This method is also called by [[BaseActiveRecord::hasOne()]] and [[BaseActiveRecord::hasMany()]] to
* create a relational query.
* You may override this method to return a customized query. For example,
* ```php
* class Customer extends ActiveRecord
* {
* public static function find()
* {
* // use CustomerQuery instead of the default ActiveQuery
* return new CustomerQuery(get_called_class());
* }
* }
* ```
* The following code shows how to apply a default condition for all queries:
* ```php
* class Customer extends ActiveRecord
* {
* public static function find()
* {
* return parent::find()->where(['deleted' => false]);
* }
* }
* // Use andWhere()/orWhere() to apply the default condition
* // SELECT FROM customer WHERE `deleted`=:deleted AND age>30
* $customers = Customer::find()->andWhere('age>30')->all();
* // Use where() to ignore the default condition
* // SELECT FROM customer WHERE age>30
* $customers = Customer::find()->where('age>30')->all();
* @return ActiveQueryInterface the newly created [[ActiveQueryInterface|ActiveQuery]] instance.
public static function find();
* Returns a single active record model instance by a primary key or an array of column values.
* The method accepts:
* - a scalar value (integer or string): query by a single primary key value and return the
* corresponding record (or null if not found).
* - an array of name-value pairs: query by a set of attribute values and return a single record
* matching all of them (or null if not found).
* Note that in this case, the method will automatically call the `one()` method and return an
* Note that this method will automatically call the `one()` method and return an
* [[ActiveRecordInterface|ActiveRecord]] instance. For example,
* ```php
* // find a single customer whose primary key value is 10
* $customer = Customer::find(10);
* $customer = Customer::findOne(10);
* // the above code is equivalent to:
* $customer = Customer::find()->where(['id' => 10])->one();
* // find a single customer whose age is 30 and whose status is 1
* $customer = Customer::find(['age' => 30, 'status' => 1]);
* // find the first customer whose age is 30 and whose status is 1
* $customer = Customer::findOne(['age' => 30, 'status' => 1]);
* // the above code is equivalent to:
* $customer = Customer::find()->where(['age' => 30, 'status' => 1])->one();
* ```
* @return ActiveQueryInterface|static|null When this method receives no parameter, a new [[ActiveQuery]] instance
* will be returned; Otherwise, the parameter will be treated as a primary key value or a set of column
* values, and an ActiveRecord object matching it will be returned (null will be returned if there is no matching).
* @see createQuery()
* @param mixed $condition primary key value or a set of column values
* @return static ActiveRecord instance matching the condition, or null if nothing matches.
public static function find();
public static function findOne($condition);
* Creates an [[ActiveQueryInterface|ActiveQuery]] instance.
* Returns a list of active record models that match the specified primary key value or a set of column values.
* This method is called by [[find()]] to start a SELECT query but also
* by [[BaseActiveRecord::hasOne()]] and [[BaseActiveRecord::hasMany()]] to
* create a relational query.
* The method accepts:
* You may override this method to return a customized query (e.g. `CustomerQuery` specified
* written for querying `Customer` purpose.)
* - a scalar value (integer or string): query by a single primary key value and return the
* corresponding record (or null if not found).
* - an array of name-value pairs: query by a set of attribute values and return a single record
* matching all of them (or null if not found).
* You may also define default conditions that should apply to all queries unless overridden:
* Note that this method will automatically call the `all()` method and return an array of
* [[ActiveRecordInterface|ActiveRecord]] instances. For example,
* ```php
* public static function createQuery()
* {
* return parent::createQuery()->where(['deleted' => false]);
* }
* ```
* // find the customers whose primary key value is 10
* $customers = Customer::findAll(10);
* Note that all queries should use [[Query::andWhere()]] and [[Query::orWhere()]] to keep the
* default condition. Using [[Query::where()]] will override the default condition.
* // the above code is equivalent to:
* $customers = Customer::find()->where(['id' => 10])->all();
* @return ActiveQueryInterface the newly created [[ActiveQueryInterface|ActiveQuery]] instance.
* // find the customers whose primary key value is 10, 11 or 12.
* $customers = Customer::findAll([10, 11, 12]);
* // the above code is equivalent to:
* $customers = Customer::find()->where(['id' => [10, 11, 12]])->all();
* // find customers whose age is 30 and whose status is 1
* $customers = Customer::findOne(['age' => 30, 'status' => 1]);
* // the above code is equivalent to:
* $customers = Customer::find()->where(['age' => 30, 'status' => 1])->all();
* ```
* @param mixed $condition primary key value or a set of column values
* @return array an array of ActiveRecord instance, or an empty array if nothing matches.
public static function createQuery();
public static function findAll($condition);
* Updates records using the provided attribute values and conditions.
......@@ -211,7 +263,7 @@ interface ActiveRecordInterface
* For example, to save a customer record:
* ~~~
* $customer = new Customer; // or $customer = Customer::find($id);
* $customer = new Customer; // or $customer = Customer::findOne($id);
* $customer->name = $name;
* $customer->email = $email;
* $customer->save();
......@@ -252,7 +304,7 @@ interface ActiveRecordInterface
* Usage example:
* ```php
* $customer = Customer::find($id);
* $customer = Customer::findOne($id);
* $customer->name = $name;
* $customer->email = $email;
* $customer->update();
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ use yii\base\ModelEvent;
use yii\base\NotSupportedException;
use yii\base\UnknownMethodException;
use yii\base\InvalidCallException;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
* ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data in terms of objects.
......@@ -94,22 +95,37 @@ abstract class BaseActiveRecord extends Model implements ActiveRecordInterface
* @inheritdoc
public static function find()
public static function findOne($condition)
$query = static::createQuery();
$args = func_get_args();
if (empty($args)) {
return $query;
$query = static::find();
if (ArrayHelper::isAssociative($condition)) {
// hash condition
return $query->andWhere($condition)->one();
} else {
// query by primary key
$primaryKey = static::primaryKey();
if (isset($primaryKey[0])) {
return $query->andWhere([$primaryKey[0] => $condition])->one();
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException(get_called_class() . ' must have a primary key.');
$q = reset($args);
if (is_array($q)) {
return $query->andWhere($q)->one();
* @inheritdoc
public static function findAll($condition)
$query = static::find();
if (ArrayHelper::isAssociative($condition)) {
// hash condition
return $query->andWhere($condition)->all();
} else {
// query by primary key
// query by primary key(s)
$primaryKey = static::primaryKey();
if (isset($primaryKey[0])) {
return $query->andWhere([$primaryKey[0] => $q])->one();
return $query->andWhere([$primaryKey[0] => $condition])->all();
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException(get_called_class() . ' must have a primary key.');
......@@ -310,7 +326,7 @@ abstract class BaseActiveRecord extends Model implements ActiveRecordInterface
/** @var ActiveRecordInterface $class */
/** @var ActiveQuery $query */
$query = $class::createQuery();
$query = $class::find();
$query->primaryModel = $this;
$query->link = $link;
$query->multiple = false;
......@@ -351,7 +367,7 @@ abstract class BaseActiveRecord extends Model implements ActiveRecordInterface
/** @var ActiveRecordInterface $class */
/** @var ActiveQuery $query */
$query = $class::createQuery();
$query = $class::find();
$query->primaryModel = $this;
$query->link = $link;
$query->multiple = true;
......@@ -540,7 +556,7 @@ abstract class BaseActiveRecord extends Model implements ActiveRecordInterface
* For example, to save a customer record:
* ~~~
* $customer = new Customer; // or $customer = Customer::find($id);
* $customer = new Customer; // or $customer = Customer::findOne($id);
* $customer->name = $name;
* $customer->email = $email;
* $customer->save();
......@@ -584,7 +600,7 @@ abstract class BaseActiveRecord extends Model implements ActiveRecordInterface
* For example, to update a customer record:
* ~~~
* $customer = Customer::find($id);
* $customer = Customer::findOne($id);
* $customer->name = $name;
* $customer->email = $email;
* $customer->update();
......@@ -695,7 +711,7 @@ abstract class BaseActiveRecord extends Model implements ActiveRecordInterface
* An example usage is as follows:
* ~~~
* $post = Post::find($id);
* $post = Post::findOne($id);
* $post->updateCounters(['view_count' => 1]);
* ~~~
......@@ -891,7 +907,7 @@ abstract class BaseActiveRecord extends Model implements ActiveRecordInterface
public function refresh()
$record = $this->find($this->getPrimaryKey(true));
$record = $this->findOne($this->getPrimaryKey(true));
if ($record === null) {
return false;
......@@ -950,7 +966,7 @@ abstract class BaseActiveRecord extends Model implements ActiveRecordInterface
* Returns the old primary key value(s).
* This refers to the primary key value that is populated into the record
* after executing a find method (e.g. find(), findAll()).
* after executing a find method (e.g. find(), findOne()).
* The value remains unchanged even if the primary key attribute is manually assigned with a different value.
* @param boolean $asArray whether to return the primary key value as an array. If true,
* the return value will be an array with column name as key and column value as value.
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class HttpBasicAuth extends AuthMethod
* ```php
* function ($username, $password) {
* return \app\models\User::find([
* return \app\models\User::findOne([
* 'username' => $username,
* 'password' => $password,
* ]);
......@@ -490,4 +490,75 @@ class BaseArrayHelper
return $d;
* Returns a value indicating whether the given array is an associative array.
* An array is associative if all its keys are strings. If `$allStrings` is false,
* then an array will be treated as associative if at least one of its keys is a string.
* Note that an empty array will NOT be considered associative.
* @param array $array the array being checked
* @param boolean $allStrings whether the array keys must be all strings in order for
* the array to be treated as associative.
* @return boolean whether the array is associative
public static function isAssociative($array, $allStrings = true)
if (!is_array($array) || empty($array)) {
return false;
if ($allStrings) {
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (!is_string($key)) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_string($key)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a value indicating whether the given array is an indexed array.
* An array is indexed if all its keys are integers. If `$consecutive` is true,
* then the array keys must be a consecutive sequence starting from 0.
* Note that an empty array will be considered indexed.
* @param array $array the array being checked
* @param boolean $consecutive whether the array keys must be a consecutive sequence
* in order for the array to be treated as indexed.
* @return boolean whether the array is associative
public static function isIndexed($array, $consecutive = false)
if (!is_array($array)) {
return false;
if (empty($array)) {
return true;
if ($consecutive) {
return array_keys($array) === range(0, count($array) - 1);
} else {
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (!is_integer($key)) {
return false;
return true;
......@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ class Action extends \yii\base\Action
if (count($keys) > 1) {
$values = explode(',', $id);
if (count($keys) === count($values)) {
$model = $modelClass::find(array_combine($keys, $values));
$model = $modelClass::findOne(array_combine($keys, $values));
} elseif ($id !== null) {
$model = $modelClass::find($id);
$model = $modelClass::findOne($id);
if (isset($model)) {
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ abstract class BaseActiveFixture extends DbFixture implements \IteratorAggregate
$keys[$key] = isset($row[$key]) ? $row[$key] : null;
return $this->_models[$name] = $modelClass::find($keys);
return $this->_models[$name] = $modelClass::findOne($keys);
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace yii\web;
* {
* public static function findIdentity($id)
* {
* return static::find($id);
* return static::findOne($id);
* }
* public function getId()
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ use yiiunit\framework\db\ActiveRecordTest;
* @property string $address
* @property integer $status
* @method CustomerQuery|Customer|null find($q = null) static
* @method CustomerQuery findBySql($sql, $params = []) static
class Customer extends ActiveRecord
......@@ -62,7 +61,11 @@ class Customer extends ActiveRecord
public static function createQuery()
* @inheritdoc
* @return CustomerQuery
public static function find()
return new CustomerQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -64,7 +64,11 @@ class Customer extends ActiveRecord
public static function createQuery()
* @inheritdoc
* @return CustomerQuery
public static function find()
return new CustomerQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ class Customer extends ActiveRecord
return $this->hasMany(CustomerOrder::className(), ['customer_id' => '_id']);
public static function createQuery()
* @inheritdoc
* @return CustomerQuery
public static function find()
return new CustomerQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -4,11 +4,17 @@ namespace yiiunit\data\ar\mongodb\file;
class CustomerFile extends ActiveRecord
* @inheritdoc
public static function collectionName()
return 'customer_fs';
* @inheritdoc
public function attributes()
return array_merge(
......@@ -20,7 +26,11 @@ class CustomerFile extends ActiveRecord
public static function createQuery()
* @inheritdoc
* @return CustomerFileQuery
public static function find()
return new CustomerFileQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ class Customer extends ActiveRecord
public $status2;
* @inheritdoc
public function attributes()
return ['id', 'email', 'name', 'address', 'status', 'profile_id'];
......@@ -24,6 +27,9 @@ class Customer extends ActiveRecord
return $this->hasMany(Order::className(), ['customer_id' => 'id']);
* @inheritdoc
public function afterSave($insert)
ActiveRecordTest::$afterSaveInsert = $insert;
......@@ -31,7 +37,11 @@ class Customer extends ActiveRecord
public static function createQuery()
* @inheritdoc
* @return CustomerQuery
public static function find()
return new CustomerQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ class ArticleIndex extends ActiveRecord
public $custom_column;
* @inheritdoc
public static function indexName()
return 'yii2_test_article_index';
......@@ -20,12 +23,18 @@ class ArticleIndex extends ActiveRecord
return $this->hasMany(TagDb::className(), ['id' => 'tag']);
* @inheritdoc
public function getSnippetSource()
return $this->source->content;
public static function createQuery()
* @return ArticleIndexQuery
public static function find()
return new ArticleIndexQuery(get_called_class());
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends ElasticSearchTestCase
public function testFindLazy()
/** @var $customer Customer */
$customer = Customer::find(2);
$customer = Customer::findOne(2);
$orders = $customer->orders;
$this->assertEquals(2, count($orders));
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends ElasticSearchTestCase
$pkName = 'id';
$orderItem = Order::find([$pkName => 2]);
$orderItem = Order::findOne([$pkName => 2]);
$this->assertEquals(2, $orderItem->primaryKey);
$this->assertEquals(2, $orderItem->oldPrimaryKey);
$this->assertEquals(2, $orderItem->$pkName);
......@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends ElasticSearchTestCase
$this->assertEquals(13, $orderItem->oldPrimaryKey);
$this->assertEquals(13, $orderItem->$pkName);
$this->assertNull(Order::find([$pkName => 2]));
$this->assertNotNull(Order::find([$pkName => 13]));
$this->assertNull(Order::findOne([$pkName => 2]));
$this->assertNotNull(Order::findOne([$pkName => 13]));
public function testFindLazyVia2()
......@@ -66,16 +66,16 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
// find by _id
$testId = $this->testRows[0]['_id'];
$customer = Customer::find($testId);
$customer = Customer::findOne($testId);
$this->assertTrue($customer instanceof Customer);
$this->assertEquals($testId, $customer->_id);
// find by column values
$customer = Customer::find(['name' => 'name5']);
$customer = Customer::findOne(['name' => 'name5']);
$this->assertTrue($customer instanceof Customer);
$this->assertEquals($this->testRows[4]['_id'], $customer->_id);
$this->assertEquals('name5', $customer->name);
$customer = Customer::find(['name' => 'unexisting name']);
$customer = Customer::findOne(['name' => 'unexisting name']);
// find by attributes
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
// save
$record = Customer::find($record->_id);
$record = Customer::findOne($record->_id);
$this->assertTrue($record instanceof Customer);
$this->assertEquals(7, $record->status);
......@@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
$this->assertEquals(9, $record->status);
$record2 = Customer::find($record->_id);
$record2 = Customer::findOne($record->_id);
$this->assertEquals(9, $record2->status);
// updateAll
$pk = ['_id' => $record->_id];
$ret = Customer::updateAll(['status' => 55], $pk);
$this->assertEquals(1, $ret);
$record = Customer::find($pk);
$record = Customer::findOne($pk);
$this->assertEquals(55, $record->status);
......@@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
$record->status = 7;
$record = Customer::find($record->_id);
$record = Customer::findOne($record->_id);
$record = Customer::find($record->_id);
$record = Customer::findOne($record->_id);
// deleteAll
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
$this->assertEquals(1, Customer::updateAllCounters(['status' => 10], ['status' => 10]));
$record = Customer::find(['status' => 10]);
$record = Customer::findOne(['status' => 10]);
......@@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
public function testUpdateCounters()
$record = Customer::find($this->testRows[9]);
$record = Customer::findOne($this->testRows[9]);
$originalCounter = $record->status;
$counterIncrement = 20;
$record->updateCounters(['status' => $counterIncrement]);
$this->assertEquals($originalCounter + $counterIncrement, $record->status);
$refreshedRecord = Customer::find($record->_id);
$refreshedRecord = Customer::findOne($record->_id);
$this->assertEquals($originalCounter + $counterIncrement, $refreshedRecord->status);
......@@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
// save
$record = Customer::find($record->_id);
$record = Customer::findOne($record->_id);
$newAddress = [
'city' => 'AnotherCity'
$record->address = $newAddress;
$record2 = Customer::find($record->_id);
$record2 = Customer::findOne($record->_id);
$this->assertEquals($newAddress, $record2->address);
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class ActiveRelationTest extends MongoDbTestCase
public function testFindLazy()
/** @var CustomerOrder $order */
$order = CustomerOrder::find(['number' => 2]);
$order = CustomerOrder::findOne(['number' => 2]);
$customer = $order->customer;
......@@ -86,16 +86,16 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
// find by _id
$testId = $this->testRows[0]['_id'];
$customer = CustomerFile::find($testId);
$customer = CustomerFile::findOne($testId);
$this->assertTrue($customer instanceof CustomerFile);
$this->assertEquals($testId, $customer->_id);
// find by column values
$customer = CustomerFile::find(['tag' => 'tag5']);
$customer = CustomerFile::findOne(['tag' => 'tag5']);
$this->assertTrue($customer instanceof CustomerFile);
$this->assertEquals($this->testRows[4]['_id'], $customer->_id);
$this->assertEquals('tag5', $customer->tag);
$customer = CustomerFile::find(['tag' => 'unexisting tag']);
$customer = CustomerFile::findOne(['tag' => 'unexisting tag']);
// find by attributes
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
// save
$record = CustomerFile::find($record->_id);
$record = CustomerFile::findOne($record->_id);
$this->assertTrue($record instanceof CustomerFile);
$this->assertEquals(7, $record->status);
......@@ -214,14 +214,14 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
$this->assertEquals(9, $record->status);
$record2 = CustomerFile::find($record->_id);
$record2 = CustomerFile::findOne($record->_id);
$this->assertEquals(9, $record2->status);
// updateAll
$pk = ['_id' => $record->_id];
$ret = CustomerFile::updateAll(['status' => 55], $pk);
$this->assertEquals(1, $ret);
$record = CustomerFile::find($pk);
$record = CustomerFile::findOne($pk);
$this->assertEquals(55, $record->status);
......@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
$updateFileName = __FILE__;
$record = CustomerFile::find($record->_id);
$record = CustomerFile::findOne($record->_id);
$record->setAttribute('file', $updateFileName);
$record->status = 55;
$this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($updateFileName), $record->getFileContent());
$record2 = CustomerFile::find($record->_id);
$record2 = CustomerFile::findOne($record->_id);
$this->assertEquals($record->status, $record2->status);
$this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($updateFileName), $record2->getFileContent());
$this->assertEquals($record->tag, $record2->tag);
......@@ -265,13 +265,13 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
$updateFileContent = 'New updated file content';
$record = CustomerFile::find($record->_id);
$record = CustomerFile::findOne($record->_id);
$record->setAttribute('newFileContent', $updateFileContent);
$record->status = 55;
$this->assertEquals($updateFileContent, $record->getFileContent());
$record2 = CustomerFile::find($record->_id);
$record2 = CustomerFile::findOne($record->_id);
$this->assertEquals($record->status, $record2->status);
$this->assertEquals($updateFileContent, $record2->getFileContent());
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
$this->assertEquals($newFileContent, file_get_contents($outputFileName));
$record2 = CustomerFile::find($record->_id);
$record2 = CustomerFile::findOne($record->_id);
$outputFileName = $this->getTestFilePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'out_refreshed.txt';
$this->assertEquals($newFileContent, file_get_contents($outputFileName));
......@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends MongoDbTestCase
$this->assertEquals($newFileContent, $contents);
$record2 = CustomerFile::find($record->_id);
$record2 = CustomerFile::findOne($record->_id);
$fileResource = $record2->getFileResource();
$contents = stream_get_contents($fileResource);
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends RedisTestCase
// updateCounters
$pk = ['order_id' => 2, 'item_id' => 4];
$orderItem = OrderItem::find($pk);
$orderItem = OrderItem::findOne($pk);
$this->assertEquals(2, $orderItem->order_id);
$this->assertEquals(4, $orderItem->item_id);
......@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends RedisTestCase
$orderItem->item_id = 10;
$this->assertNotNull(OrderItem::find(['order_id' => 2, 'item_id' => 10]));
$this->assertNotNull(OrderItem::findOne(['order_id' => 2, 'item_id' => 10]));
public function testFilterWhere()
......@@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends SphinxTestCase
$this->assertTrue($articles[1] instanceof ArticleIndex);
// find fulltext
$article = ArticleIndex::find(2);
$article = ArticleIndex::findOne(2);
$this->assertTrue($article instanceof ArticleIndex);
$this->assertEquals(2, $article->id);
// find by column values
$article = ArticleIndex::find(['id' => 2, 'author_id' => 2]);
$article = ArticleIndex::findOne(['id' => 2, 'author_id' => 2]);
$this->assertTrue($article instanceof ArticleIndex);
$this->assertEquals(2, $article->id);
$this->assertEquals(2, $article->author_id);
$article = ArticleIndex::find(['id' => 2, 'author_id' => 1]);
$article = ArticleIndex::findOne(['id' => 2, 'author_id' => 1]);
// find by attributes
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends SphinxTestCase
// save
$record = RuntimeIndex::find(2);
$record = RuntimeIndex::findOne(2);
$this->assertTrue($record instanceof RuntimeIndex);
$this->assertEquals(7, $record->type_id);
......@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends SphinxTestCase
$this->assertEquals(9, $record->type_id);
$record2 = RuntimeIndex::find(['id' => 2]);
$record2 = RuntimeIndex::findOne(['id' => 2]);
$this->assertEquals(9, $record2->type_id);
// replace
$query = 'replace';
$rows = RuntimeIndex::find()->match($query)->all();
$record = RuntimeIndex::find(2);
$record = RuntimeIndex::findOne(2);
$record->content = 'Test content with ' . $query;
$rows = RuntimeIndex::find()->match($query);
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends SphinxTestCase
$pk = ['id' => 2];
$ret = RuntimeIndex::updateAll(['type_id' => 55], $pk);
$this->assertEquals(1, $ret);
$record = RuntimeIndex::find($pk);
$record = RuntimeIndex::findOne($pk);
$this->assertEquals(55, $record->type_id);
......@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends SphinxTestCase
$record->category = [1, 2];
$record = RuntimeIndex::find(2);
$record = RuntimeIndex::findOne(2);
$record = RuntimeIndex::find(2);
$record = RuntimeIndex::findOne(2);
// deleteAll
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class ActiveRelationTest extends SphinxTestCase
public function testFindLazy()
/** @var ArticleDb $article */
$article = ArticleDb::find(['id' => 2]);
$article = ArticleDb::findOne(['id' => 2]);
$index = $article->index;
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class ExternalActiveRelationTest extends SphinxTestCase
public function testFindLazy()
/** @var ArticleIndex $article */
$article = ArticleIndex::find(['id' => 2]);
$article = ArticleIndex::findOne(['id' => 2]);
// has one :
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class ActiveDataProviderTest extends DatabaseTestCase
public function testActiveRelation()
/** @var Customer $customer */
$customer = Customer::find(2);
$customer = Customer::findOne(2);
$provider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $customer->getOrders(),
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class ActiveDataProviderTest extends DatabaseTestCase
public function testActiveRelationVia()
/** @var Order $order */
$order = Order::find(2);
$order = Order::findOne(2);
$provider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $order->getItems(),
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class ActiveDataProviderTest extends DatabaseTestCase
public function testActiveRelationViaTable()
/** @var Order $order */
$order = Order::find(1);
$order = Order::findOne(1);
$provider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $order->getBooks(),
......@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends DatabaseTestCase
public function testFindLazyViaTable()
/** @var Order $order */
$order = Order::find(1);
$order = Order::findOne(1);
$this->assertEquals(1, $order->id);
$this->assertEquals(2, count($order->books));
$this->assertEquals(1, $order->items[0]->id);
$this->assertEquals(2, $order->items[1]->id);
$order = Order::find(2);
$order = Order::findOne(2);
$this->assertEquals(2, $order->id);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($order->books));
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends DatabaseTestCase
public function testDeeplyNestedTableRelation()
/** @var Customer $customer */
$customer = Customer::find(1);
$customer = Customer::findOne(1);
$items = $customer->orderItems;
......@@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends DatabaseTestCase
$this->assertEquals(1, count($orders[2]->books2));
// lazy loading with ON condition
$order = Order::find(1);
$order = Order::findOne(1);
$this->assertEquals(2, count($order->books2));
$order = Order::find(2);
$order = Order::findOne(2);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($order->books2));
$order = Order::find(3);
$order = Order::findOne(3);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($order->books2));
// eager loading with ON condition
......@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends DatabaseTestCase
$this->assertEquals(3, count($orders));
$query = Order::find(1);
$query = Order::findOne(1);
$customer = $query->getCustomer()->joinWith([
'orders' => function ($q) { $q->orderBy([]); }
......@@ -451,13 +451,13 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends DatabaseTestCase
$this->assertTrue($customers[0]->orders2[0]->customer2 === $customers[0]);
// lazy loading
$customer = Customer::find(2);
$customer = Customer::findOne(2);
$orders = $customer->orders2;
$this->assertTrue(count($orders) === 2);
$this->assertTrue($customer->orders2[0]->customer2 === $customer);
$this->assertTrue($customer->orders2[1]->customer2 === $customer);
// ad-hoc lazy loading
$customer = Customer::find(2);
$customer = Customer::findOne(2);
$orders = $customer->getOrders2()->all();
$this->assertTrue(count($orders) === 2);
$this->assertTrue($customer->orders2[0]->customer2 === $customer);
......@@ -377,4 +377,23 @@ class ArrayHelperTest extends TestCase
$this->assertEquals($expected, ArrayHelper::getValue($array, $key, $default));
public function testIsAssociative()
$this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isAssociative([1, 2, 3]));
$this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isAssociative(['name' => 1, 'value' => 'test']));
$this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isAssociative(['name' => 1, 'value' => 'test', 3]));
$this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isAssociative(['name' => 1, 'value' => 'test', 3], false));
public function testIsIndexed()
$this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIndexed([1, 2, 3]));
$this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIndexed([2 => 'a', 3 => 'b']));
$this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isIndexed([2 => 'a', 3 => 'b'], true));
......@@ -57,38 +57,38 @@ class ExistValidatorTest extends DatabaseTestCase
// existing value on different table
$val = new ExistValidator(['targetClass' => ValidatorTestMainModel::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'id']);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::find(['id' => 1]);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::findOne(['id' => 1]);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'ref');
// non-existing value on different table
$val = new ExistValidator(['targetClass' => ValidatorTestMainModel::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'id']);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::find(['id' => 6]);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::findOne(['id' => 6]);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'ref');
// existing value on same table
$val = new ExistValidator(['targetAttribute' => 'ref']);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::find(['id' => 2]);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::findOne(['id' => 2]);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'test_val');
// non-existing value on same table
$val = new ExistValidator(['targetAttribute' => 'ref']);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::find(['id' => 5]);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::findOne(['id' => 5]);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'test_val_fail');
// check for given value (true)
$val = new ExistValidator();
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::find(['id' => 3]);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::findOne(['id' => 3]);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'ref');
// check for given defaults (false)
$val = new ExistValidator();
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::find(['id' => 4]);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::findOne(['id' => 4]);
$m->a_field = 'some new value';
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'a_field');
// check array
$val = new ExistValidator(['targetAttribute' => 'ref']);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::find(['id' => 2]);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::findOne(['id' => 2]);
$m->test_val = [1,2,3];
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'test_val');
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class ExistValidatorTest extends DatabaseTestCase
'targetAttribute' => ['order_id', 'item_id'],
// validate old record
$m = OrderItem::find(['order_id' => 1, 'item_id' => 2]);
$m = OrderItem::findOne(['order_id' => 1, 'item_id' => 2]);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'order_id');
......@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ class ExistValidatorTest extends DatabaseTestCase
'targetAttribute' => ['id' => 'order_id'],
// validate old record
$m = Order::find(1);
$m = Order::findOne(1);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'id');
$m = Order::find(1);
$m = Order::findOne(1);
$m->id = 10;
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'id');
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class UniqueValidatorTest extends DatabaseTestCase
$m = ValidatorTestMainModel::find()->one();
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'id');
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::find(1);
$m = ValidatorTestRefModel::findOne(1);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'ref');
// new record:
......@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ class UniqueValidatorTest extends DatabaseTestCase
public function testValidateNonDatabaseAttribute()
$val = new UniqueValidator(['targetClass' => ValidatorTestRefModel::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'ref']);
$m = ValidatorTestMainModel::find(1);
$m = ValidatorTestMainModel::findOne(1);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'testMainVal');
$m = ValidatorTestMainModel::find(1);
$m = ValidatorTestMainModel::findOne(1);
$m->testMainVal = 4;
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'testMainVal');
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class UniqueValidatorTest extends DatabaseTestCase
'targetAttribute' => ['order_id', 'item_id'],
// validate old record
$m = OrderItem::find(['order_id' => 1, 'item_id' => 2]);
$m = OrderItem::findOne(['order_id' => 1, 'item_id' => 2]);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'order_id');
$m->item_id = 1;
......@@ -114,14 +114,14 @@ class UniqueValidatorTest extends DatabaseTestCase
'targetAttribute' => ['id' => 'order_id'],
// validate old record
$m = Order::find(1);
$m = Order::findOne(1);
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'id');
$m = Order::find(1);
$m = Order::findOne(1);
$m->id = 2;
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'id');
$m = Order::find(1);
$m = Order::findOne(1);
$m->id = 10;
$val->validateAttribute($m, 'id');
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