Commit 3e09adbe by Qiang Xue

guide toc udpate [skip ci]

parent 7450c0d9
......@@ -20,30 +20,14 @@ Getting Started
* [Preparing Your Environment](
* [Creating Your First Yii Application](
* **TBD** [Application Structure](
* **TBD** [Request Lifecycle](
* [Application Structure](
* [Request Lifecycle](
* **TBD** [Next Steps](
Basic Concepts
* [Components](
* [Properties](
* [Events](
* [Behaviors](
* [Configurations](
* [Class Autoloading](
* [Aliases](
* **TBD** [Extensions](
* [Service Locator](
* [Dependency Injection Container](
Basic Structure
Application Structure
* [MVC Overview](
* **TBD** [Entry Scripts](
* **TBD** [Applications](
* [Controllers and Actions](
......@@ -65,6 +49,21 @@ Handling Requests
* **TBD** [Filtering](
Basic Concepts
* [Components](
* [Properties](
* [Events](
* [Behaviors](
* [Configurations](
* [Class Autoloading](
* [Aliases](
* **TBD** [Extensions](
* [Service Locator](
* [Dependency Injection Container](
Working with Databases
MVC Overview
Request Lifecycle
> Note: This chapter is under development.
Yii implements the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern, which is
widely adopted in Web and other application programming. MVC aims to separate business logic from
user interface considerations, allowing developers to more easily change one component of an application without affecting, or even touching, another.
In MVC, the *model* represents both the
information (the data) and the business rules to which the data must adhere. The *view* contains elements
of the user interface, such as text, images, and form elements. The *controller* manages
the communication between the model and the view, acting as an agent that handles actions and requests.
Besides implementing the MVC design pattern, Yii also introduces a *front-controller*, called
*application*. The front-controller encapsulates the *execution context* for the processing of a request. This means that the front-controller collects information about a user request, and
then dispatches it to an appropriate controller for the actual handling of that request. In other words, the front-controller is the primary application manager, handling all requests and delegating action accordingly.
The following diagram shows the static structure of a Yii application:
![Static structure of Yii application](images/structure.png)
A Typical Workflow
The following diagram shows a typical workflow of a Yii application handling a user request:
![Typical workflow of a Yii application](images/flow.png)
Application Structure
> Note: This chapter is under development.
Yii implements the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern, which is
widely adopted in Web and other application programming. MVC aims to separate business logic from
user interface considerations, allowing developers to more easily change one component of an application without affecting, or even touching, another.
In MVC, the *model* represents both the
information (the data) and the business rules to which the data must adhere. The *view* contains elements
of the user interface, such as text, images, and form elements. The *controller* manages
the communication between the model and the view, acting as an agent that handles actions and requests.
Besides implementing the MVC design pattern, Yii also introduces a *front-controller*, called
*application*. The front-controller encapsulates the *execution context* for the processing of a request. This means that the front-controller collects information about a user request, and
then dispatches it to an appropriate controller for the actual handling of that request. In other words, the front-controller is the primary application manager, handling all requests and delegating action accordingly.
The following diagram shows the static structure of a Yii application:
![Static structure of Yii application](images/structure.png)
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