1.96 KB
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Qiang Xue committed
- caching
Alexander Makarov committed
	* dependency unit tests
Qiang Xue committed
- validators
Qiang Xue committed
	* Refactor validators to add validateValue() for every validator, if possible. Check if value is an array.
Qiang Xue committed
5 6
	* FileValidator: depends on CUploadedFile
	* CaptchaValidator: depends on CaptchaAction
Qiang Xue committed
7 8
	* DateValidator: should we use CDateTimeParser, or simply use strtotime()?
	* CompareValidator::clientValidateAttribute(): depends on CHtml::activeId()
Qiang Xue committed

Qiang Xue committed
10 11
	* Minimal PHP version required: 5.3.7 (
Qiang Xue committed
12 13

14 15
- base
	* module
Alexander Makarov committed
	  - Module should be able to define its own configuration including routes. Application should be able to overwrite it.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
	* application
- built-in console commands
	+ api doc builder
		* support for markdown syntax
		* support for [[name]]
		* consider to be released as a separate tool for user app docs
- i18n
	* consider using PHP built-in support and data
	* formatting: number and date
	* parsing??
	* make dates/date patterns uniform application-wide including JUI, formats etc.
- helpers
	* image
	* string
	* file
- web: TBD
	* get/setFlash() should be moved to session component
	* support optional parameter in URL patterns
Alexander Makarov committed
	* Response object.
Qiang Xue committed
	* ErrorAction
37 38 39 40 41 42 43
- gii
    * move generation API out of gii, provide yiic commands to use it. Use same templates for gii/yiic.
	* i18n variant of templates
	* allow to generate module-specific CRUD
- assets
    * ability to manage scripts order (store these in a vector?)
	*,, use content hash instead of mtime + directory hash.
Alexander Makarov committed
- Requirement checker
Alexander Makarov committed
- Optional configurable input filtering in request
Alexander Makarov committed
- widgets
Alexander Makarov committed
47 48
    * if we're going to supply default ones, these should generate really unique IDs. This will solve a lot of AJAX-nesting problems.
- Make sure type hinting is used when components are passed to methods
Alexander Makarov committed
- Decouple controller from application (by passing web application instance to controller and if not passed, using Yii::app())?