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Yii Framework 2 smarty extension Change Log

Qiang Xue committed
4 5 6 7 8 9
2.0.2 under development

- no changes in this release.

Qiang Xue committed
2.0.1 December 07, 2014
Qiang Xue committed
11 12

- Bug #5748: `{path` was generating absolute URLs instead of relative ones (samdark, motzel)
Qiang Xue committed
14 15

Qiang Xue committed
16 17
2.0.0 October 12, 2014
Qiang Xue committed
18 19 20 21

- no changes in this release.

22 23
2.0.0-rc September 27, 2014
Qiang Xue committed

25 26 27
- Enh #4619 (samdark, hwmaier)
    - New functions:
        - `url` generates absolute URL.
munawer committed
        - `set` allows setting commonly used view parameters: `title`, `theme` and `layout`.
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
        - `meta` registers meta tag.
        - `registerJsFile` registers JavaScript file.
        - `registerCssFile` registers CSS file.
        - `use` allows importing classes to the template and optionally provides these as functions and blocks.
    - New blocks:
        - `title`.
        - `description`.
        - `registerJs`.
        - `registerCss`.
    - New modifier `void` that allows calling functions and ignoring result.
    - Moved most of Yii custom syntax into `\yii\smarty\Extension` class that could be extended via `extensionClass` property.
    - Added ability to set Smarty options via config using `options`.
    - Added `imports` property that accepts an array of classes imported into template namespace.
    - Added `widgets` property that can be used to import widgets as Smarty tags.
    - `Yii::$app->params['paramKey']` values are now accessible as Smarty config variables `{#paramKey#}`.
    - Added ability to use Yii aliases in `extends` and `require`.
Qiang Xue committed

46 47
2.0.0-beta April 13, 2014
48 49 50

- no changes in this release.

Carsten Brandt committed
2.0.0-alpha, December 1, 2013
52 53 54

- Initial release.