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Nexmo Package for Laravel

This is a simple Laravel Service Provider providing access to the Nexmo PHP Client Library.


To install the PHP client library using Composer:

composer require nexmo/laravel

Importaint note: While the client library is in beta, to avoid changing the minimum-stability in your composer.json require nexmo/client as well, using @beta as the version.

composer require nexmo/client @beta

Then add Nexmo\Laravel\NexmoServiceProvider to the providers array in your config/app.php:


If you want to use the facade interface, you can use the facade class when needed:

use Nexmo\Laravel\Facade\Nexmo;

Or add an alias in your config/app.php:

'Nexmo' => \Nexmo\Laravel\Facade\Nexmo::class


You can use artisan vendor:publish to copy the distribution configuration file to your app's config directory:

php artisan vendor:publish

Then set either the api_key and api_secret, or the api_key and signature_secret.


To use the Nexmo Client Library you can use the facade, or request the instance from the service container:

    'to' => '14845551244',
    'from' => '16105552344',
    'text' => 'Using the facad to send a mesage.'


$nexmo = app('Nexmo\Client');
    'to' => '14845551244',
    'from' => '16105552344',
    'text' => 'Using the instance to send a message.'

For more information on using the Nexmo client library, see the official client library repository.