JWT.php 5.15 KB
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 * JSON Web Token implementation
 * Minimum implementation used by Realtime auth, based on this spec:
 * http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-jones-json-web-token-01.html.
 * @author Neuman Vong <neuman@twilio.com>
class JWT
     * @param string      $jwt    The JWT
     * @param string|null $key    The secret key
     * @param bool        $verify Don't skip verification process
     * @return object The JWT's payload as a PHP object
    public static function decode($jwt, $key = null, $verify = true)
        $tks = explode('.', $jwt);
        if (count($tks) != 3) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException('Wrong number of segments');
        list($headb64, $payloadb64, $cryptob64) = $tks;
        if (null === ($header = JWT::jsonDecode(JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($headb64)))
        ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException('Invalid segment encoding');
        if (null === $payload = JWT::jsonDecode(JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($payloadb64))
        ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException('Invalid segment encoding');
        $sig = JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($cryptob64);
        if ($verify) {
            if (empty($header->alg)) {
                throw new DomainException('Empty algorithm');
            if ($sig != JWT::sign("$headb64.$payloadb64", $key, $header->alg)) {
                throw new UnexpectedValueException('Signature verification failed');
        return $payload;

     * @param object|array $payload           PHP object or array
     * @param string       $key               The secret key
     * @param string       $algo              The signing algorithm
     * @param array        $additionalHeaders Additional keys/values to add to the header
     * @return string A JWT
    public static function encode($payload, $key, $algo = 'HS256', $additionalHeaders = array())
        $header = array('typ' => 'JWT', 'alg' => $algo);
        $header = $header + $additionalHeaders;

        $segments = array();
        $segments[] = JWT::urlsafeB64Encode(JWT::jsonEncode($header));
        $segments[] = JWT::urlsafeB64Encode(JWT::jsonEncode($payload));
        $signing_input = implode('.', $segments);

        $signature = JWT::sign($signing_input, $key, $algo);
        $segments[] = JWT::urlsafeB64Encode($signature);

        return implode('.', $segments);

     * @param string $msg    The message to sign
     * @param string $key    The secret key
     * @param string $method The signing algorithm
     * @return string An encrypted message
    public static function sign($msg, $key, $method = 'HS256')
        $methods = array(
            'HS256' => 'sha256',
            'HS384' => 'sha384',
            'HS512' => 'sha512',
        if (empty($methods[$method])) {
            throw new DomainException('Algorithm not supported');
        return hash_hmac($methods[$method], $msg, $key, true);

     * @param string $input JSON string
     * @return object Object representation of JSON string
    public static function jsonDecode($input)
        $obj = json_decode($input);
        if (function_exists('json_last_error') && $errno = json_last_error()) {
        else if ($obj === null && $input !== 'null') {
            throw new DomainException('Null result with non-null input');
        return $obj;

     * @param object|array $input A PHP object or array
     * @return string JSON representation of the PHP object or array
    public static function jsonEncode($input)
        $json = json_encode($input);
        if (function_exists('json_last_error') && $errno = json_last_error()) {
        else if ($json === 'null' && $input !== null) {
            throw new DomainException('Null result with non-null input');
        return $json;

     * @param string $input A base64 encoded string
     * @return string A decoded string
    public static function urlsafeB64Decode($input)
        $padlen = 4 - strlen($input) % 4;
        $input .= str_repeat('=', $padlen);
        return base64_decode(strtr($input, '-_', '+/'));

     * @param string $input Anything really
     * @return string The base64 encode of what you passed in
    public static function urlsafeB64Encode($input)
        return str_replace('=', '', strtr(base64_encode($input), '+/', '-_'));

     * @param int $errno An error number from json_last_error()
     * @return void
    private static function handleJsonError($errno)
        $messages = array(
            JSON_ERROR_DEPTH => 'Maximum stack depth exceeded',
            JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR => 'Unexpected control character found',
            JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX => 'Syntax error, malformed JSON'
        throw new DomainException(isset($messages[$errno])
            ? $messages[$errno]
            : 'Unknown JSON error: ' . $errno