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2015-05-29, v1.5.0

* Added ability to print custom text on the images fetched by the Image provider [\#583]( ([fzaninotto](
* Fixed typos in Preuvian (es\_PE) Person provider [\#581]( [\#580]( ([ysramirez](
* Added instructions for installing with composer to [\#572]( ([totophe](
* Added Kazakh (kk\_KZ) locale [\#569]( ([YerlenZhubangaliyev](
* Added Korean (ko\_KR) locale [\#566]( ([pearlc](
* Fixed file provider to ignore unreadable and special files [\#565]( ([svrnm](
* Fixed Dutch (nl\_NL) Address and Person providers [\#560]( ([killerog](
* Fixed Dutch (nl\_NL) Person provider [\#559]( ([pauledenburg](
* Added Russian (ru\_RU) Bank names provider [\#553]( ([wizardjedi](
* Added mobile phone function in French (fr\_FR) provider [\#552]( ([kletellier](
* Added phpdoc for new magic methods in Generator to help IntelliSense completion [\#550]( ([stof](
* Fixed File provider bug 'The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory' [\#547]( ([svrnm](
* Added new Brazilian (pt\_BR) Providers [\#545]( ([igorsantos07](
* Fixed ability to seed the generator [\#543]( ([schmengler](
* Added streetAddress formatter to Russian (ru\_RU) provider [\#542]( ([ZAYEC77](
* Fixed Internet provider warning "Could not create transliterator"* [\#541]( ([fonsecas72](
* Fixed Spanish for Argentina (es\_AR) Address provider [\#540]( ([ivanmirson](
* Fixed region names in French for Belgium (fr\_BE) address provider [\#536]( ([miclf](
* Fixed broken Doctrine2 link in README [\#534]( ([JonathanKryza](
* Added link to faker-context Behat extension in readme [\#532]( ([denheck](
* Added PHP 7.0 nightly to Travis build targets [\#525]( ([TomasVotruba](
* Added Dutch (nl\_NL) color names [\#523]( ([belendel](
* Fixed Chinese (zh\_CN) Address provider (remove Taipei) [\#522]( ([asika32764](
* Fixed phonenumber formats in Dutch (nl\_NL) PhoneNumber provider [\#521]( ([SpaceK33z](
* Fixed Russian (ru\_RU) Address provider [\#518]( ([glagola](
* Added Italian (it\_IT) Text provider [\#517]( ([endelwar](
* Added Norwegian (no\_NO) locale [\#515]( ([phaza](
* Added VAT number to Bulgarian (bg\_BG) Payment provider [\#512]( ([ronanguilloux](
* Fixed UserAgent provider outdated user agents [\#511]( ([ajbdev](
* Fixed `image()` formatter to make it work with temp dir of any (decent) OS [\#507]( ([ronanguilloux](
* Added Persian (fa\_IR) locale [\#500]( ([zoli](
* Added Currency Code formatter [\#497]( ([stelgenhof](
* Added VAT number to Belgium (be_BE) Payment provider [\#495]( ([ronanguilloux](
* Fixed `imageUrl` formatter bug where it would always return the same image [\#494]( ([fzaninotto](
* Added more Indonesian (id\_ID) providers [\#493]( ([deerawan](
* Added Indonesian (id\_ID) locale [\#492]( ([stoutZero](
* Fixed unique generator performance [\#491]( ([ikwattro](
* Added transliterator to `email` and `username` [\#490]( ([fzaninotto](
* Added Hungarian (hu\_HU) Text provider [\#486]( ([lintaba](
* Fixed CakePHP Entity Popolator (some cases where no entities prev. inserted) [\#483]( ([jadb](
* Added Color and DateTime Turkish (tr\_TR) Providers [\#481]( ([behramcelen](
* Added Latvian (lv\_LV) `personalIdentityNumber` formatter [\#472]( ([MatissJanis](
* Added VAT number to Austrian (at_AT) Payment provider [\#470]( ([ronanguilloux](
* Fixed missing @return phpDoc in Payment provider [\#469]( ([ronanguilloux](
* Added SWIFT/BIC payment type formatter to the Payment provider [\#465]( ([ronanguilloux](
* Fixed small typo in Base provider exception [\#460]( ([miclf](
* Added Georgian (ka\_Ge) locale [\#457]( ([lperto](
* Added PSR-4 Autoloading [\#455]( ([GrahamCampbell](
* Added Uganda (en_UG) locale [\#454]( ([tharoldD](
* Added `regexify` formatter, generating a random string based on a regular expression [\#453]( ([fzaninotto](
* Added shuffle formatter, to shuffle an array or a string [\#452]( ([fzaninotto](
* Added ISBN-10 & ISBN-13 codes formatters to Barcode provider [\#451]( ([gietos](
* Fixed Russian (ru\_RU) middle names (different for different genders) [\#450]( ([gietos](
* Fixed Ukranian (uk\_UA) Person provider [\#448]( ([aivus](
* Added Vietnamese (vi\_VN) locale [\#447]( ([huy95](
* Added type hint to the Documentor constructor [\#446]( ([JeroenDeDauw](
* Fixed Russian (ru\_RU) Person provider (joined names) [\#445]( ([aivus](
* Added English (en\_GB) `mobileNumber` methods [\#438]( ([daveblake](
* Added Traditional Chinese (zh\_TW) Realtext provider [\#434]( ([tzhuan](
* Fixed first name in Spanish for Argentina (es\_AR) Person provider [\#433]( ([fzaninotto](
* Fixed Canadian (en_CA) state abbreviation for Nunavut [\#430]( ([julien-c](
* Added CakePHP ORM entity populator [\#428]( ([jadb](
* Added Traditional Chinese (zh\_TW) locale [\#427]( ([tzhuan](
* Fixed typo in Doctrine Populator phpDoc [\#425]( ([ihsanudin](
* Added Chinese (zh_CN) Internet provider [\#424]( ([Lisso-Me](
* Added Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code to the Miscellaneous provider[\#422]( ([gido](
* Added English (en\_GB) Person provider [\#421]( ([AlexCutts](
* Added missing tests for the Color Provider [\#420]( ([bessl](
* Added Nepali (ne\_NP) locale [\#419]( ([ankitpokhrel](
* Fixed latitude and longitude formatters bug (numeric value out of range for 32bits) [\#416]( ([fzaninotto](
* Added a dedicated calculator Luhn calculator service [\#414]( ([fzaninotto](
* Fixed Russian (ru_RU) Person provider (removed lowercase duplications) [\#413]( ([Ragazzo](
* Fixed barcode formatter (improved speed, added tests) [\#412]( ([fzaninotto](
* Added ipv4 and barcode formatters tests [\#410]( ([bessl](
* Fixed typos in various comments blocks [\#409]( ([bessl](
* Fixed InternetTest (replaced regex with PHP filter) [\#406]( ([bessl](
* Added password formatter to the Internet provider[\#402]( ([fzaninotto](
* Added Company and Internet Austrian (de\_AT) Providers [\#400]( ([bessl](
* Added third-party libraries section in README [\#399]( ([fzaninotto](
* Added Spanish for Venezuela (es\_VE) locale [\#398]( ([DIOHz0r](
* Added PhoneNumber Autrian (de\_AT) Provider, and missing test for the 'locale' method. [\#395]( ([bessl](
* Removed wrongly localized Lorem provider [\#394]( ([fzaninotto](
* Fixed Miscellaneous provider (made the `locale` formatter static) [\#390]( ([bessl](
* Added a unit test file for the Miscellaneous Provider [\#389]( ([bessl](
* Added warning in README about using `rand()`` and the seed functions [\#386]( ([paulvalla](
* Fixed French (fr\_FR) Person provider (Uppercased a first name) [\#385]( ([netcarver](
* Added Russian (ru\_RU) and Ukrainian (uk\_UA) Text providers [\#383]( ([terion-name](
* Added more street prefixes to French (fr\_FR) Address provider [\#381]( ([ronanguilloux](
* Added PHP 5.6 to CI targets [\#378]( ([GrahamCampbell](
* Fixed spaces remaining at the end of liine in various files [\#377]( ([GrahamCampbell](
* Fixed UserAgent provider (added space before processor on linux platform) [\#374]( ([TomK](
* Added Company generator for Russian (ru\_RU) locale [\#371]( ([kix](
* Fixed Russian (ru\_RU) Color provider (uppercase letters) [\#370]( ([semanser](
* Added more Polish (pl\_PL) phone numbers [\#369]( ([piotrantosik](
* Fixed Ruby Faker link in readme [\#368]( ([philsturgeon](
* Added more Japanese (ja\_JP) names in Person provider [\#366]( ([kumamidori](
* Added Slovenian (sl\_SL) locale [\#363]( ([alesf](
* Fixed German (de\_DE) Person provider (first names) [\#362]( ([mikehaertl](
* Fixed Ukrainian (uk\_UA) Person providr (there is no such letter "ы" in  Ukrainian) [\#359]( ([nazar-pc](
* Fixed Chinese (zh\_CN) PhoneNumber provider (the length of mobile phone number is 11) [\#358]( ([byan](
* Added Arabic (ar_\JO) Locale [\#357]( ([zrashwani](
* Fixed Czech (cs\_CZ) Person provider (missing lowercase in last name) [\#355]( ([halaxa](
* Fixed French for Belgium (fr\_BE) Address Provider (doubled city names) [\#354]( ([miclf](
* Added Biased Integer Provider [\#332]( ([TimWolla](
* Added Swedish (sv\_SE) locale [\#316]( ([ulrikjohansson](
* Added English for New Zealand (en\_NZ) locale [\#283]( ([JasonMortonNZ](
* Added mention of external Provider for cron expressions to readme[\#498]( ([swekaj](

2014-06-04, v1.4.0

* Fixed typo in Slovak person names (cinan)
* Added tests for uk_UA providers (serge-kuharev)
* Fixed numerify() performance by making it 30% faster (fzaninotto)
* Added strict option to randomNumber to force number of digits (fzaninotto)
* Fixed randomNumber usage duplicating numberBetween (fzaninotto)
* Fixed address provider for latvian language (MatissJA)
* Added Czech Republic (cs_CZ) address, company, datetime and text providers (Mikulas)
* Fixed da_DK Person provider data containing an 'unnamed' person (tolnem)
* Added slug provider (fzaninotto)
* Fixed IDE insights for new local IP and MAC address providers (hugofonseca)
* Added firstname gender method to all Person providers (csanquer)
* Fixed tr_TR email service, city name, person, and phone number formats (ogunkarakus)
* Fixed US_en state list (fzaninotto)
* Fixed en_US address provider so state abbr are ISO 3166 codes (Garbee)
* Added local IP and MAC address providers (kielabokkie)
* Fixed typo in century list affecting the century provider (fzaninotto)
* Added default value to optional modifier (joshuajabbour)
* Fixed Portuguese phonenumbers have 9 digits (hugofonseca)
* Added fileCopy to File provider to simulate file upload (stefanosala)
* Added pt_PT providers (hugofonseca)
* Fixed dead code in text provider (hugofonseca)
* Fixed IDE insights for magic properties (hugofonseca)
* Added tin (NIF) generator for pt_PT provider (hugofonseca)
* Fixed numberBetween max default value handling (fzaninotto)
* Added pt_PT phone number provider (hugofonseca)
* Fixed PSR-2 standards and add make task to force it on Travis (terite)
* Added new ro_RO Personal Numerical Code (CNP) and phone number providers (avataru)
* Fixed Internet provider for sk_SK locale (cinan)
* Fixed typo in en_ZA Internet provider (bjorntheart)
* Fixed phpdoc for DateTime magic methods (stof)
* Added doc about seeding with maximum timestamp using dateTime formatters (fzaninotto)
* Added Maximum Timestamp option to get always same unix timestamp when using a fixed seed (csanquer)
* Added Montenegrian (me_ME) providers (ognjenm)
* Added ean barcode provider (nineinchnick)
* Added fullPath parameter to Image provider (stefanosala)
* Added more Polish company formats (nineinchnick)
* Added Polish realText provider (nineinchnick)
* Fixed remaining non-seedable random generators (terite)
* Added randomElements provider (terite)
* Added French realText provider (fzaninotto)
* Fixed realText provider bootstrap slowness (fzaninotto)
* Added realText provider for English and German, based on Markov Chains Generator (TimWolla)
* Fixed address format in nl_NL provider (doenietzomoeilijk)
* Fixed potentially offensive word from last name list (joshuajabbour)
* Fixed reamde documentation about the optional modifier (cryode)
* Fixed Image provider and documentor routine (fzaninotto)
* Fixed IDE insights for methods (PedroTroller)
* Fixed missing data in en_US Address provider (Garbee)
* Added Bengali (bn_BD) providers (masnun)
* Fixed warning on test file when short tags are on (bateller)
* Fixed Doctrine populator undefined index warning (dbojdo)
* Added French Canadian (fr_CA) Address and Person providers (marcaube)
* Fixed typo in NullGenerator (mhanson01)
* Fixed Doctrine populator issue with one-to-one nullable relationship (jpetitcolas)
* Added Canadian English (en_CA) address and phone number providers (cviebrock)
* Fixed duplicated Payment example in readme (Garbee)
* Fixed Polish (pl_PL) Person provider data (czogori)
* Added Hungarian (hu_HU) providers (sagikazarmark)
* Added 'kana' (ja_JP) name formatters (kzykhys)
* Added allow_failure for hhvm to travis-ci and test against php 5.5 (toin0u)

2013-12-16, v1.3.0

* Fixed state generator in Australian (en_AU) provider (sebklaus)
* Fixed IDE insights for locale specific providers (ulrikjohansson)
* Added English (South Africa) (en_ZA) person, address, Internet and phone number providers (dmfaux)
* Fixed integer values overflowing on signed INTEGER columns on Doctrine populator (Thinkscape)
* Fixed spelling error in French (fr_FR) address provider (leihog)
* Added improvements based on SensioLabsInsights analysis
* Fixed Italian (it_IT) email provider (garak)
* Added Spanish (es_ES) Internet provider (eusonlito)
* Added English Philippines (en_PH) address provider (kamote)
* Added Brazilian (pt_BR) email provider data (KennedyTedesco)
* Fixed UK country code (pgscandeias)
* Added Peruvian (es_PE) person, address, phone number, and company providers (cslucano)
* Added Ukrainian (uk_UA) color provider (ruden)
* Fixed Ukrainian (uk_UA) namespace and email translitteration (ruden)
* Added Romanian (Moldova) (ro_MD) person, address, and phone number providers (AlexanderC)
* Added IBAN generator for every currently known locale that uses it (nineinchnick)
* Added Image generation powered by LoremPixel (weotch)
* Fixed missing timezone with dateTimeBetween (baldurrensch)
* Fixed call to undefined method cardType in Payment (WMeldon)
* Added Romanian (ro_RO) address and person providers (calina-c)
* Fixed Doctrine populator to use ObjectManager instead of EntityManagerInterface (mgiustiniani)
* Fixed docblock for Provider\Base::unique() (pschultz)
* Added Payment providers (creditCardType, creditCardNumber, creditCardExpirationDate, creditCardExpirationDateString) (pomaxa)
* Added unique() modifier
* Added IDE insights to allow better intellisense/phpStorm autocompletion (thallisphp)
* Added Polish (pl_PL) address provider, personal identity number and pesel number generator (nineinchnick)
* Added Turkish (tr_TR) address provider, and improved internet provider (hasandz)
* Fixed Propel column number guesser to use signed range of values (gunnarlium)
* Added Greek (el_GR) person, address, and phone number providers (georgeharito)
* Added Austrian (en_AU) address, Internet, and phone number providers (rcuddy)
* Fixed phpDoc in Doctrine Entity populator (rogamoore)
* Added French (fr_FR) phone number formats (vchabot)
* Added optional() modifier (weotch)
* Fixed typo in the Person provider documentation (jtreminio)
* Fixed Russian (ru_RU) person format (alexshadow007)
* Added Japanese (ja_JP) person, address, Internet, phone number, and company providers (kumamidori)
* Added color providers, driver license and passport number formats for the ru_RU locale (pomaxa)
* Added Latvian (lv_LV) person, address, Internet, and phone number providers (pomaxa)
* Added Brazilian (pt_BR) Internet provider (vjnrv)
* Added more Czech (cs_CZ) lastnames (petrkle)
* Added Chinese Simplified (zh_CN) person, address, Internet, and phone number providers (tlikai)
* Fixed Typos (pborelli)
* Added Color provider with hexColor, rgbColor, rgbColorAsArray, rgbCssColor, safeColorName, and colorName formatters (lsv)
* Added support for associative arrays in `randomElement` (aRn0D)

2013-06-09, v1.2.0

* Added new provider for fr_BE locale (jflefebvre)
* Updated locale provider to use a static locale list (spawn-guy)
* Fixed invalid UTF-8 sequence in domain provider with the Bulgarian provider (Dynom)
* Fixed the nl_NL Person provider (Dynom)
* Removed all requires and added the autoload definition to composer (Dynom)
* Fixed encoding problems in nl_NL Address provider (Dynom)
* Added icelandic provider (is_IS) (birkir)
* Added en_CA address and phone numbers (cviebrock)
* Updated safeEmail provider to be really safe (TimWolla)
* Documented alternative randomNumber usage (Seldaek)
* Added basic file provider (anroots)
* Fixed use of fourth argument on Doctrine addEntity (ecentinela)
* Added nl_BE provider (wimvds)
* Added Random Float provider (csanquer)
* Fixed bug in Faker\ORM\Doctrine\Populator (mmf-amarcos)
* Updated ru_RU provider (rmrevin)
* Added safe email domain provider (csanquer)
* Fixed latitude provider (rumpl)
* Fixed unpredictability of fake data generated by Faker\Provider\Base::numberBetween() (goatherd)
* Added uuid provider (goatherd)
* Added possibility to call methods on Doctrine entities, possibility to generate unique id (nenadalm)
* Fixed prefixes typos in 'pl_PL' Person provider (krymen)
* Added more fake data to the Ukraininan providers (lysenkobv)
* Added more fake data to the Italian providers (EmanueleMinotto)
* Fixed spaces appearing in generated emails (alchy58)
* Added Armenian (hy_AM) provider (artash)
* Added Generation of valid SIREN & SIRET codes to French providers (alexsegura)
* Added Dutch (nl_NL) provider (WouterJ)
* Fixed missing typehint in Base::__construct() (benja-M-1)
* Fixed typo in README (benja-M-1)
* Added Ukrainian (ua_UA) provider (rsvasilyev)
* Added Turkish (tr_TR) Provider (faridmovsumov)
* Fixed executable bit in some PHP files (siwinski)
* Added Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) provider (oliveiraev)
* Added Spanish (es_ES) provider (ivannis)
* Fixed Doctrine populator to allow for the population of entity data that has associations to other entities (afishnamedsquish)
* Added Danish (da_DK) providers (toin0u)
* Cleaned up whitespaces (toin0u)
* Fixed utf-8 bug with lowercase generators (toin0u)
* Fixed composer.json (Seldaek)
* Fixed bug in Doctrine EntityPopulator (beberlei)
* Added Finnish (fi_FI) provider (drodil)

2012-10-29, v1.1.0

* Updated text provider to return paragraphs as a string instead of array. Great for populating markdown textarea fields (Seldaek)
* Updated dateTimeBetween to accept DateTime instances (Seldaek)
* Added random number generator between a and b, simply like rand() (Seldaek)
* Fixed spaces in generated emails (blaugueux)
* Fixed Person provider in Russian locale (Isamashii)
* Added new UserAgent provider (blaugueux)
* Added locale generator to Miscellaneous provider (blaugueux)
* Added timezone generator to DateTime provider (blaugueux)
* Added new generators to French Address providers (departments, regions) (geoffrey-brier)
* Added new generators to French Company provider (catch phrase, SIREN, and SIRET numbers) (geoffrey-brier)
* Added state generator to German Address provider (Powerhamster)
* Added Slovak provider (bazo)
* Added latitude and longitude formatters to Address provider (fixe)
* Added Serbian provider (umpirsky)

2012-07-10, v1.0.0

* Initial Version