FactoryMethod.php 5.52 KB
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 Copyright (c) 2009 hamcrest.org

 * Represents a single static factory method from a {@link Matcher} class.
 * @todo Search method in file contents for func_get_args() to replace factoryVarArgs.
class FactoryMethod
     * @var FactoryClass
    private $class;

     * @var ReflectionMethod
    private $reflector;

     * @var array of string
    private $comment;

     * @var bool
    private $isVarArgs;

     * @var array of FactoryCall
    private $calls;

     * @var array FactoryParameter
    private $parameters;

    public function __construct(FactoryClass $class, ReflectionMethod $reflector)
        $this->class = $class;
        $this->reflector = $reflector;

    public function extractCommentWithoutLeadingShashesAndStars()
        $this->comment = explode("\n", $this->reflector->getDocComment());
        foreach ($this->comment as &$line) {
            $line = preg_replace('#^\s*(/\\*+|\\*+/|\\*)\s?#', '', $line);

    public function trimLeadingBlankLinesFromComment()
        while (count($this->comment) > 0) {
            $line = array_shift($this->comment);
            if (trim($line) != '') {
                array_unshift($this->comment, $line);

    public function trimTrailingBlankLinesFromComment()
        while (count($this->comment) > 0) {
            $line = array_pop($this->comment);
            if (trim($line) != '') {
                array_push($this->comment, $line);

    public function extractFactoryNamesFromComment()
        $this->calls = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->comment); $i++) {
            if ($this->extractFactoryNamesFromLine($this->comment[$i])) {

    public function extractFactoryNamesFromLine($line)
        if (preg_match('/^\s*@factory(\s+(.+))?$/', $line, $match)) {
                    isset($match[2]) ? trim($match[2]) : null
            return true;
        return false;

    public function extractFactoryNamesFromAnnotation($value)
        $primaryName = $this->reflector->getName();
        if (empty($value)) {
            return array($primaryName);
        preg_match_all('/(\.{3}|-|[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/', $value, $match);
        $names = $match[0];
        if (in_array('...', $names)) {
            $this->isVarArgs = true;
        if (!in_array('-', $names) && !in_array($primaryName, $names)) {
            array_unshift($names, $primaryName);
        return $names;

    public function createCalls(array $names)
        $names = array_unique($names);
        foreach ($names as $name) {
            if ($name != '-' && $name != '...') {
                $this->calls[] = new FactoryCall($this, $name);

    public function extractParameters()
        $this->parameters = array();
        if (!$this->isVarArgs) {
            foreach ($this->reflector->getParameters() as $parameter) {
                $this->parameters[] = new FactoryParameter($this, $parameter);

    public function getParameterDeclarations()
        if ($this->isVarArgs || !$this->hasParameters()) {
            return '';
        $params = array();
        foreach ($this->parameters as /** @var $parameter FactoryParameter */
                 $parameter) {
            $params[] = $parameter->getDeclaration();
        return implode(', ', $params);

    public function getParameterInvocations()
        if ($this->isVarArgs) {
            return '';
        $params = array();
        foreach ($this->parameters as $parameter) {
            $params[] = $parameter->getInvocation();
        return implode(', ', $params);

    public function getClass()
        return $this->class;

    public function getClassName()
        return $this->class->getName();

    public function getName()
        return $this->reflector->name;

    public function isFactory()
        return count($this->calls) > 0;

    public function getCalls()
        return $this->calls;

    public function acceptsVariableArguments()
        return $this->isVarArgs;

    public function hasParameters()
        return !empty($this->parameters);

    public function getParameters()
        return $this->parameters;

    public function getFullName()
        return $this->getClassName() . '::' . $this->getName();

    public function getCommentText()
        return implode(PHP_EOL, $this->comment);

    public function getComment($indent = '')
        $comment = $indent . '/**';
        foreach ($this->comment as $line) {
            $comment .= PHP_EOL . rtrim($indent . ' * ' . $line);
        $comment .= PHP_EOL . $indent . ' */';
        return $comment;