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Version 2.1.2-dev

Nothing yet.

Version 2.1.1 (2016-09-16)


  • The pretty printer will now escape all control characters in the range \x00-\x1F inside double quoted strings. If no special escape sequence is available, an octal escape will be used.
  • The quality of the error recovery has been improved. In particular unterminated expressions should be handled more gracefully.
  • The PHP 7 parser will now generate a parse error for $var =& new Obj assignments.
  • Comments on free-standing code blocks will no be retained as comments on the first statement in the code block.

Version 2.1.0 (2016-04-19)


  • Properly support B"" strings (with uppercase B) in a number of places.
  • Fixed reformatting of indented parts in a certain non-standard comment style.


  • Added dumpComments option to node dumper, to enable dumping of comments associated with nodes.
  • Added Stmt\Nop node, that is used to collect comments located at the end of a block or at the end of a file (without a following node with which they could otherwise be associated).
  • Added kind attribute to Expr\Exit to distinguish between exit and die.
  • Added kind attribute to Scalar\LNumber to distinguish between decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers.
  • Added kind attribtue to Expr\Array to distinguish between array() and [].
  • Added kind attribute to Scalar\String and Scalar\Encapsed to distinguish between single-quoted, double-quoted, heredoc and nowdoc string.
  • Added docLabel attribute to Scalar\String and Scalar\Encapsed, if it is a heredoc or nowdoc string.
  • Added start file offset information to Comment nodes.
  • Added setReturnType() method to function and method builders.
  • Added -h and --help options to php-parse script.


  • Invalid octal literals now throw a parse error in PHP 7 mode.
  • The pretty printer takes all the new attributes mentioned in the previous section into account.
  • The protected AbstractPrettyPrinter::pComments() method no longer returns a trailing newline.
  • The bundled autoloader supports library files being stored in a different directory than PhpParser for easier downstream distribution.


  • The Comment::setLine() and Comment::setText() methods have been deprecated. Construct new objects instead.


  • The internal (but public) method Scalar\LNumber::parse() has been removed. A non-internal LNumber::fromString() method has been added instead.

Version 2.0.1 (2016-02-28)


  • declare() {} and declare(); are not semantically equivalent and will now result in different ASTs. The format case will have an empty stmts array, while the latter will set stmts to null.
  • Magic constants are now supported as semi-reserved keywords.
  • A shebang line like #!/usr/bin/env php is now allowed at the start of a namespaced file. Previously this generated an exception.
  • The prettyPrintFile() method will not strip a trailing ?> from the raw data that follows a __halt_compiler() statement.
  • The prettyPrintFile() method will not strip an opening <?php if the file starts with a comment followed by InlineHTML.

Version 2.0.0 (2015-12-04)


  • String parts of encapsed strings are now represented using Scalar\EncapsStringPart nodes. Previously raw strings were used. This affects the parts child of Scalar\Encaps and Expr\ShellExec. The change has been done to allow assignment of attributes to encapsed string parts.

Version 2.0.0-beta1 (2015-10-21)


  • Fixed issue with too many newlines being stripped at the end of heredoc/nowdoc strings in some cases. (#227)


  • Update group use support to be in line with recent PHP 7.0 builds.
  • Renamed php-parse.php to php-parse and registered it as a composer bin.
  • Use composer PSR-4 autoloader instead of custom autoloader.
  • Specify phpunit as a dev dependency.


  • Added shortArraySyntax option to pretty printer, to print all arrays using short syntax.

Version 2.0.0-alpha1 (2015-07-14)

A more detailed description of backwards incompatible changes can be found in the upgrading guide.


  • Removed support for running on PHP 5.4. It is however still possible to parse PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3 code while running on a newer version.
  • Removed legacy class name aliases. This includes the old non-namespaced class names and the old names for classes that were renamed for PHP 7 compatibility.
  • Removed support for legacy node format. All nodes must have a getSubNodeNames() method now.


  • Added support for remaining PHP 7 features that were not present in 1.x:
    • Group use declarations. These are represented using Stmt\GroupUse nodes. Furthermore a type attribute was added to Stmt\UseUse to handle mixed group use declarations.
    • Uniform variable syntax.
    • Generalized yield operator.
    • Scalar type declarations. These are presented using 'bool', 'int', 'float' and 'string' as the type. The PHP 5 parser also accepts these, however they'll be Name instances there.
    • Unicode escape sequences.
  • Added PhpParser\ParserFactory class, which should be used to create parser instances.
  • Added Name::concat() which concatenates two names.
  • Added Name->slice() which takes a subslice of a name.


  • PhpParser\Parser is now an interface, implemented by Parser\Php5, Parser\Php7 and Parser\Multiple. The Multiple parser will try multiple parsers, until one succeeds.
  • Token constants are now defined on PhpParser\Parser\Tokens rather than PhpParser\Parser.
  • The Name->set(), Name->append(), Name->prepend() and Name->setFirst() methods are deprecated in favor of Name::concat() and Name->slice().
  • The NodeTraverser no longer clones nodes by default. The old behavior can be restored by passing true to the constructor.
  • The constructor for Scalar nodes no longer has a default value. E.g. new LNumber() should now be written as new LNumber(0).

This changelog only includes changes from the 2.0 series. For older changes see the 1.x series changelog and the 0.9 series changelog.