<?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\imagine; use Yii; use Imagine\Image\Box; use Imagine\Image\Color; use Imagine\Image\ImageInterface; use Imagine\Image\ImagineInterface; use Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface; use Imagine\Image\Point; use yii\base\InvalidConfigException; use yii\base\InvalidParamException; use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper; /** * BaseImage provides concrete implementation for [[Image]]. * * Do not use BaseImage. Use [[Image]] instead. * * @author Antonio Ramirez <amigo.cobos@gmail.com> * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @since 2.0 */ class BaseImage { /** * GD2 driver definition for Imagine implementation using the GD library. */ const DRIVER_GD2 = 'gd2'; /** * imagick driver definition. */ const DRIVER_IMAGICK = 'imagick'; /** * gmagick driver definition. */ const DRIVER_GMAGICK = 'gmagick'; /** * @var array|string the driver to use. This can be either a single driver name or an array of driver names. * If the latter, the first available driver will be used. */ public static $driver = [self::DRIVER_GMAGICK, self::DRIVER_IMAGICK, self::DRIVER_GD2]; /** * @var ImagineInterface instance. */ private static $_imagine; /** * Returns the `Imagine` object that supports various image manipulations. * @return ImagineInterface the `Imagine` object */ public static function getImagine() { if (self::$_imagine === null) { self::$_imagine = static::createImagine(); } return self::$_imagine; } /** * @param ImagineInterface $imagine the `Imagine` object. */ public static function setImagine($imagine) { self::$_imagine = $imagine; } /** * Creates an `Imagine` object based on the specified [[driver]]. * @return ImagineInterface the new `Imagine` object * @throws InvalidConfigException if [[driver]] is unknown or the system doesn't support any [[driver]]. */ protected static function createImagine() { foreach ((array) static::$driver as $driver) { switch ($driver) { case self::DRIVER_GMAGICK: if (class_exists('Gmagick', false)) { return new \Imagine\Gmagick\Imagine(); } break; case self::DRIVER_IMAGICK: if (class_exists('Imagick', false)) { return new \Imagine\Imagick\Imagine(); } break; case self::DRIVER_GD2: if (function_exists('gd_info')) { return new \Imagine\Gd\Imagine(); } break; default: throw new InvalidConfigException("Unknown driver: $driver"); } } throw new InvalidConfigException("Your system does not support any of these drivers: " . implode(',', (array) static::$driver)); } /** * Crops an image. * * For example, * * ~~~ * $obj->crop('path\to\image.jpg', 200, 200, [5, 5]); * * $point = new \Imagine\Image\Point(5, 5); * $obj->crop('path\to\image.jpg', 200, 200, $point); * ~~~ * * @param string $filename the image file path or path alias. * @param integer $width the crop width * @param integer $height the crop height * @param array $start the starting point. This must be an array with two elements representing `x` and `y` coordinates. * @return ImageInterface * @throws InvalidParamException if the `$start` parameter is invalid */ public static function crop($filename, $width, $height, array $start = [0, 0]) { if (!isset($start[0], $start[1])) { throw new InvalidParamException('$start must be an array of two elements.'); } return static::getImagine() ->open(Yii::getAlias($filename)) ->copy() ->crop(new Point($start[0], $start[1]), new Box($width, $height)); } /** * Creates a thumbnail image. The function differs from [[\Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::thumbnail()]] function that * it keeps the aspect ratio of the image. * @param string $filename the image file path or path alias. * @param integer $width the width in pixels to create the thumbnail * @param integer $height the height in pixels to create the thumbnail * @param string $mode * @return ImageInterface */ public static function thumbnail($filename, $width, $height, $mode = ManipulatorInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND) { $box = new Box($width, $height); $img = static::getImagine()->open(Yii::getAlias($filename)); if (($img->getSize()->getWidth() <= $box->getWidth() && $img->getSize()->getHeight() <= $box->getHeight()) || (!$box->getWidth() && !$box->getHeight())) { return $img->copy(); } $img = $img->thumbnail($box, $mode); // create empty image to preserve aspect ratio of thumbnail $thumb = static::getImagine()->create($box, new Color('FFF', 100)); // calculate points $size = $img->getSize(); $startX = 0; $startY = 0; if ($size->getWidth() < $width) { $startX = ceil($width - $size->getWidth()) / 2; } if ($size->getHeight() < $height) { $startY = ceil($height - $size->getHeight()) / 2; } $thumb->paste($img, new Point($startX, $startY)); return $thumb; } /** * Adds a watermark to an existing image. * @param string $filename the image file path or path alias. * @param string $watermarkFilename the file path or path alias of the watermark image. * @param array $start the starting point. This must be an array with two elements representing `x` and `y` coordinates. * @return ImageInterface * @throws InvalidParamException if `$start` is invalid */ public static function watermark($filename, $watermarkFilename, array $start = [0, 0]) { if (!isset($start[0], $start[1])) { throw new InvalidParamException('$start must be an array of two elements.'); } $img = static::getImagine()->open(Yii::getAlias($filename)); $watermark = static::getImagine()->open(Yii::getAlias($watermarkFilename)); $img->paste($watermark, new Point($start[0], $start[1])); return $img; } /** * Draws a text string on an existing image. * @param string $filename the image file path or path alias. * @param string $text the text to write to the image * @param string $fontFile the file path or path alias * @param array $start the starting position of the text. This must be an array with two elements representing `x` and `y` coordinates. * @param array $fontOptions the font options. The following options may be specified: * * - color: The font color. Defaults to "fff". * - size: The font size. Defaults to 12. * - angle: The angle to use to write the text. Defaults to 0. * * @return ImageInterface * @throws InvalidParamException if `$fontOptions` is invalid */ public static function text($filename, $text, $fontFile, array $start = [0, 0], array $fontOptions = []) { if (!isset($start[0], $start[1])) { throw new InvalidParamException('$start must be an array of two elements.'); } $fontSize = ArrayHelper::getValue($fontOptions, 'size', 12); $fontColor = ArrayHelper::getValue($fontOptions, 'color', 'fff'); $fontAngle = ArrayHelper::getValue($fontOptions, 'angle', 0); $img = static::getImagine()->open(Yii::getAlias($filename)); $font = static::getImagine()->font(Yii::getAlias($fontFile), $fontSize, new Color($fontColor)); $img->draw()->text($text, $font, new Point($start[0], $start[1]), $fontAngle); return $img; } /** * Adds a frame around of the image. Please note that the image size will increase by `$margin` x 2. * @param string $filename the full path to the image file * @param integer $margin the frame size to add around the image * @param string $color the frame color * @param integer $alpha the alpha value of the frame. * @return ImageInterface */ public static function frame($filename, $margin = 20, $color = '666', $alpha = 100) { $img = static::getImagine()->open(Yii::getAlias($filename)); $size = $img->getSize(); $pasteTo = new Point($margin, $margin); $padColor = new Color($color, $alpha); $box = new Box($size->getWidth() + ceil($margin * 2), $size->getHeight() + ceil($margin * 2)); $image = static::getImagine()->create($box, $padColor); $image->paste($img, $pasteTo); return $image; } }