<?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\widgets; use Yii; use yii\base\InvalidConfigException; use yii\base\Widget; use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper; use yii\helpers\Html; /** * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @since 2.0 */ abstract class ListViewBase extends Widget { /** * @var array the HTML attributes for the container tag of the list view. * The "tag" element specifies the tag name of the container element and defaults to "div". */ public $options = array(); /** * @var \yii\data\IDataProvider the data provider for the view. This property is required. */ public $dataProvider; /** * @var array the configuration for the pager widget. By default, [[LinkPager]] will be * used to render the pager. You can use a different widget class by configuring the "class" element. */ public $pager = array(); /** * @var array the configuration for the sorter widget. By default, [[LinkSorter]] will be * used to render the sorter. You can use a different widget class by configuring the "class" element. */ public $sorter = array(); /** * @var string the HTML content to be displayed as the summary of the list view. * If you do not want to show the summary, you may set it with an empty string. * * The following tokens will be replaced with the corresponding values: * * - `{begin}`: the starting row number (1-based) currently being displayed * - `{end}`: the ending row number (1-based) currently being displayed * - `{count}`: the number of rows currently being displayed * - `{totalCount}`: the total number of rows available * - `{page}`: the page number (1-based) current being displayed * - `{pageCount}`: the number of pages available */ public $summary; /** * @var string|boolean the HTML content to be displayed when [[dataProvider]] does not have any data. * If false, the list view will still be displayed (without body content though). */ public $empty; /** * @var string the layout that determines how different sections of the list view should be organized. * The following tokens will be replaced with the corresponding section contents: * * - `{summary}`: the summary section. See [[renderSummary()]]. * - `{items}`: the list items. See [[renderItems()]]. * - `{sorter}`: the sorter. See [[renderSorter()]]. * - `{pager}`: the pager. See [[renderPager()]]. */ public $layout = "{summary}\n{sorter}\n{items}\n{pager}"; /** * Renders the data models. * @return string the rendering result. */ abstract public function renderItems(); /** * Initializes the view. */ public function init() { if ($this->dataProvider === null) { throw new InvalidConfigException('The "dataProvider" property must be set.'); } } /** * Runs the widget. */ public function run() { if ($this->dataProvider->getCount() > 0 || $this->empty === false) { $content = preg_replace_callback("/{\\w+}/", function ($matches) { $content = $this->renderSection($matches[0]); return $content === false ? $matches[0] : $content; }, $this->layout); } else { $content = '<div class="empty">' . ($this->empty === null ? Yii::t('yii', 'No results found.') : $this->empty) . '</div>'; } $tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->options, 'tag', 'div'); echo Html::tag($tag, $content, $this->options); } /** * Renders a section of the specified name. * If the named section is not supported, false will be returned. * @param string $name the section name, e.g., `{summary}`, `{items}`. * @return string|boolean the rendering result of the section, or false if the named section is not supported. */ protected function renderSection($name) { switch ($name) { case '{summary}': return $this->renderSummary(); case '{items}': return $this->renderItems(); case '{pager}': return $this->renderPager(); case '{sorter}': return $this->renderSorter(); default: return false; } } /** * Renders the summary text. */ public function renderSummary() { $count = $this->dataProvider->getCount(); if (($pagination = $this->dataProvider->getPagination()) !== false) { $totalCount = $this->dataProvider->getTotalCount(); $begin = $pagination->getPage() * $pagination->pageSize + 1; $end = $begin + $count - 1; if ($end > $totalCount) { $end = $totalCount; $begin = $end - $count + 1; } $page = $pagination->getPage() + 1; $pageCount = $pagination->pageCount; if (($summaryContent = $this->summary) === null) { $summaryContent = '<div class="summary">' . Yii::t('yii', 'Total <b>1</b> item.|Showing <b>{begin}-{end}</b> of <b>{totalCount}</b> items.', $totalCount) . '</div>'; } } else { $begin = $page = $pageCount = 1; $end = $totalCount = $count; if (($summaryContent = $this->summary) === null) { $summaryContent = '<div class="summary">' . Yii::t('yii', 'Total <b>1</b> item.|Total <b>{count}</b> items.', $count) . '</div>'; } } return strtr($summaryContent, array( '{begin}' => $begin, '{end}' => $end, '{count}' => $count, '{totalCount}' => $totalCount, '{page}' => $page, '{pageCount}' => $pageCount, )); } /** * Renders the pager. * @return string the rendering result */ public function renderPager() { $pagination = $this->dataProvider->getPagination(); if ($pagination === false || $this->dataProvider->getCount() <= 0) { return ''; } /** @var LinkPager $class */ $class = ArrayHelper::remove($this->pager, 'class', LinkPager::className()); $this->pager['pagination'] = $pagination; return $class::widget($this->pager); } /** * Renders the sorter. * @return string the rendering result */ public function renderSorter() { $sort = $this->dataProvider->getSort(); if ($sort === false || empty($sort->attributes) || $this->dataProvider->getCount() <= 0) { return ''; } /** @var LinkSorter $class */ $class = ArrayHelper::remove($this->sorter, 'class', LinkSorter::className()); $this->sorter['sort'] = $sort; return $class::widget($this->sorter); } }