<?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\rest; use Yii; use yii\base\InvalidConfigException; use yii\web\Response; use yii\web\UnauthorizedHttpException; use yii\web\UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException; use yii\web\TooManyRequestsHttpException; use yii\web\VerbFilter; use yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException; /** * Controller is the base class for RESTful API controller classes. * * Controller implements the following steps in a RESTful API request handling cycle: * * 1. Resolving response format and API version number (see [[supportedFormats]], [[supportedVersions]] and [[version]]); * 2. Validating request method (see [[verbs()]]). * 3. Authenticating user (see [[authenticate()]]); * 4. Formatting response data (see [[serializeData()]]). * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @since 2.0 */ class Controller extends \yii\web\Controller { /** * @var string the name of the header parameter representing the API version number. */ public $versionHeaderParam = 'version'; /** * @var string|array the configuration for creating the serializer that formats the response data. */ public $serializer = 'yii\rest\Serializer'; /** * @inheritdoc */ public $enableCsrfValidation = false; /** * @var array the supported authentication methods. This property should take a list of supported * authentication methods, each represented by an authentication class or configuration. * If this is not set or empty, it means authentication is disabled. */ public $authMethods; /** * @var string|array the rate limiter class or configuration. If this is not set or empty, * the rate limiting will be disabled. Note that if the user is not authenticated, the rate limiting * will also NOT be performed. * @see checkRateLimit() * @see authMethods */ public $rateLimiter = 'yii\rest\RateLimiter'; /** * @var string the chosen API version number, or null if [[supportedVersions]] is empty. * @see supportedVersions */ public $version; /** * @var array list of supported API version numbers. If the current request does not specify a version * number, the first element will be used as the [[version|chosen version number]]. For this reason, you should * put the latest version number at the first. If this property is empty, [[version]] will not be set. */ public $supportedVersions = []; /** * @var array list of supported response formats. The array keys are the requested content MIME types, * and the array values are the corresponding response formats. The first element will be used * as the response format if the current request does not specify a content type. */ public $supportedFormats = [ 'application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'application/xml' => Response::FORMAT_XML, ]; /** * @inheritdoc */ public function behaviors() { return [ 'verbFilter' => [ 'class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => $this->verbs(), ], ]; } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function init() { parent::init(); $this->resolveFormatAndVersion(); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function beforeAction($action) { $this->authenticate($action); if (parent::beforeAction($action)) { $this->checkRateLimit($action); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function afterAction($action, $result) { $result = parent::afterAction($action, $result); return $this->serializeData($result); } /** * Resolves the response format and the API version number. * @throws UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException */ protected function resolveFormatAndVersion() { $this->version = empty($this->supportedVersions) ? null : reset($this->supportedVersions); Yii::$app->getResponse()->format = reset($this->supportedFormats); $types = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getAcceptableContentTypes(); if (empty($types)) { $types['*/*'] = []; } foreach ($types as $type => $params) { if (isset($this->supportedFormats[$type])) { Yii::$app->getResponse()->format = $this->supportedFormats[$type]; if (isset($params[$this->versionHeaderParam])) { if (in_array($params[$this->versionHeaderParam], $this->supportedVersions, true)) { $this->version = $params[$this->versionHeaderParam]; } else { throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException('You are requesting an invalid version number.'); } } return; } } if (!isset($types['*/*'])) { throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException('None of your requested content types is supported.'); } } /** * Declares the allowed HTTP verbs. * Please refer to [[VerbFilter::actions]] on how to declare the allowed verbs. * @return array the allowed HTTP verbs. */ protected function verbs() { return []; } /** * Authenticates the user. * This method implements the user authentication based on an access token sent through the `Authorization` HTTP header. * @param \yii\base\Action $action the action to be executed * @throws UnauthorizedHttpException if the user is not authenticated successfully * @throws InvalidConfigException if an auth method declared in [[authMethods]] is invalid. */ protected function authenticate($action) { if (empty($this->authMethods)) { return; } $user = Yii::$app->getUser(); $request = Yii::$app->getRequest(); $response = Yii::$app->getResponse(); foreach ($this->authMethods as $i => $auth) { $this->authMethods[$i] = $auth = Yii::createObject($auth); if (!$auth instanceof AuthInterface) { throw new InvalidConfigException(get_class($auth) . ' must implement yii\rest\AuthInterface'); } elseif ($auth->authenticate($user, $request, $response) !== null) { return; } } /** @var AuthInterface $auth */ $auth = reset($this->authMethods); $auth->handleFailure($response); } /** * Ensures the rate limit is not exceeded. * * This method will use [[rateLimiter]] to check rate limit. In order to perform rate limiting check, * the user must be authenticated and the user identity object (`Yii::$app->user->identity`) must * implement [[RateLimitInterface]]. * * @param \yii\base\Action $action the action to be executed * @throws TooManyRequestsHttpException if the rate limit is exceeded. */ protected function checkRateLimit($action) { if (empty($this->rateLimiter)) { return; } $identity = Yii::$app->getUser()->getIdentity(false); if ($identity instanceof RateLimitInterface) { /** @var RateLimiter $rateLimiter */ $rateLimiter = Yii::createObject($this->rateLimiter); $rateLimiter->check($identity, Yii::$app->getRequest(), Yii::$app->getResponse(), $action); } } /** * Serializes the specified data. * The default implementation will create a serializer based on the configuration given by [[serializer]]. * It then uses the serializer to serialize the given data. * @param mixed $data the data to be serialized * @return mixed the serialized data. */ protected function serializeData($data) { return Yii::createObject($this->serializer)->serialize($data); } /** * Checks the privilege of the current user. * * This method should be overridden to check whether the current user has the privilege * to run the specified action against the specified data model. * If the user does not have access, a [[ForbiddenHttpException]] should be thrown. * * @param string $action the ID of the action to be executed * @param object $model the model to be accessed. If null, it means no specific model is being accessed. * @param array $params additional parameters * @throws ForbiddenHttpException if the user does not have access */ public function checkAccess($action, $model = null, $params = []) { } }