<?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\web; use Yii; use yii\base\Component; use yii\base\InvalidConfigException; /** * User is the class for the "user" application component that manages the user authentication status. * * In particular, [[User::isGuest]] returns a value indicating whether the current user is a guest or not. * Through methods [[login()]] and [[logout()]], you can change the user authentication status. * * User works with a class implementing the [[IdentityInterface]]. This class implements * the actual user authentication logic and is often backed by a user database table. * * User is configured as an application component in [[yii\web\Application]] by default. * You can access that instance via `Yii::$app->user`. * * You can modify its configuration by adding an array to your application config under `components` * as it is shown in the following example: * * ~~~ * 'user' => [ * 'identityClass' => 'app\models\User', // User must implement the IdentityInterface * 'enableAutoLogin' => true, * // 'loginUrl' => ['user/login'], * // ... * ] * ~~~ * * @property string|integer $id The unique identifier for the user. If null, it means the user is a guest. * This property is read-only. * @property IdentityInterface $identity The identity object associated with the currently logged user. Null * is returned if the user is not logged in (not authenticated). * @property boolean $isGuest Whether the current user is a guest. This property is read-only. * @property string $returnUrl The URL that the user should be redirected to after login. Note that the type * of this property differs in getter and setter. See [[getReturnUrl()]] and [[setReturnUrl()]] for details. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @since 2.0 */ class User extends Component { const EVENT_BEFORE_LOGIN = 'beforeLogin'; const EVENT_AFTER_LOGIN = 'afterLogin'; const EVENT_BEFORE_LOGOUT = 'beforeLogout'; const EVENT_AFTER_LOGOUT = 'afterLogout'; /** * @var string the class name of the [[identity]] object. */ public $identityClass; /** * @var boolean whether to enable cookie-based login. Defaults to false. */ public $enableAutoLogin = false; /** * @var string|array the URL for login when [[loginRequired()]] is called. * If an array is given, [[UrlManager::createUrl()]] will be called to create the corresponding URL. * The first element of the array should be the route to the login action, and the rest of * the name-value pairs are GET parameters used to construct the login URL. For example, * * ~~~ * ['site/login', 'ref' => 1] * ~~~ * * If this property is null, a 403 HTTP exception will be raised when [[loginRequired()]] is called. */ public $loginUrl = ['site/login']; /** * @var array the configuration of the identity cookie. This property is used only when [[enableAutoLogin]] is true. * @see Cookie */ public $identityCookie = ['name' => '_identity', 'httpOnly' => true]; /** * @var integer the number of seconds in which the user will be logged out automatically if he * remains inactive. If this property is not set, the user will be logged out after * the current session expires (c.f. [[Session::timeout]]). */ public $authTimeout; /** * @var boolean whether to automatically renew the identity cookie each time a page is requested. * This property is effective only when [[enableAutoLogin]] is true. * When this is false, the identity cookie will expire after the specified duration since the user * is initially logged in. When this is true, the identity cookie will expire after the specified duration * since the user visits the site the last time. * @see enableAutoLogin */ public $autoRenewCookie = true; /** * @var string the session variable name used to store the value of [[id]]. */ public $idVar = '__id'; /** * @var string the session variable name used to store the value of expiration timestamp of the authenticated state. * This is used when [[authTimeout]] is set. */ public $authTimeoutVar = '__expire'; /** * @var string the session variable name used to store the value of [[returnUrl]]. */ public $returnUrlVar = '__returnUrl'; private $_access = []; /** * Initializes the application component. */ public function init() { parent::init(); if ($this->identityClass === null) { throw new InvalidConfigException('User::identityClass must be set.'); } if ($this->enableAutoLogin && !isset($this->identityCookie['name'])) { throw new InvalidConfigException('User::identityCookie must contain the "name" element.'); } Yii::$app->getSession()->open(); $this->renewAuthStatus(); if ($this->enableAutoLogin) { if ($this->getIsGuest()) { $this->loginByCookie(); } elseif ($this->autoRenewCookie) { $this->renewIdentityCookie(); } } } private $_identity = false; /** * Returns the identity object associated with the currently logged user. * @return IdentityInterface the identity object associated with the currently logged user. * Null is returned if the user is not logged in (not authenticated). * @see login() * @see logout() */ public function getIdentity() { if ($this->_identity === false) { $id = $this->getId(); if ($id === null) { $this->_identity = null; } else { /** @var IdentityInterface $class */ $class = $this->identityClass; $this->_identity = $class::findIdentity($id); } } return $this->_identity; } /** * Sets the identity object. * This method should be mainly be used by the User component or its child class * to maintain the identity object. * * You should normally update the user identity via methods [[login()]], [[logout()]] * or [[switchIdentity()]]. * * @param IdentityInterface $identity the identity object associated with the currently logged user. */ public function setIdentity($identity) { $this->_identity = $identity; } /** * Logs in a user. * * This method stores the necessary session information to keep track * of the user identity information. If `$duration` is greater than 0 * and [[enableAutoLogin]] is true, it will also send out an identity * cookie to support cookie-based login. * * @param IdentityInterface $identity the user identity (which should already be authenticated) * @param integer $duration number of seconds that the user can remain in logged-in status. * Defaults to 0, meaning login till the user closes the browser or the session is manually destroyed. * If greater than 0 and [[enableAutoLogin]] is true, cookie-based login will be supported. * @return boolean whether the user is logged in */ public function login($identity, $duration = 0) { if ($this->beforeLogin($identity, false)) { $this->switchIdentity($identity, $duration); $id = $identity->getId(); $ip = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getUserIP(); Yii::info("User '$id' logged in from $ip.", __METHOD__); $this->afterLogin($identity, false); } return !$this->getIsGuest(); } /** * Logs in a user by cookie. * * This method attempts to log in a user using the ID and authKey information * provided by the given cookie. */ protected function loginByCookie() { $name = $this->identityCookie['name']; $value = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getCookies()->getValue($name); if ($value !== null) { $data = json_decode($value, true); if (count($data) === 3 && isset($data[0], $data[1], $data[2])) { list ($id, $authKey, $duration) = $data; /** @var IdentityInterface $class */ $class = $this->identityClass; $identity = $class::findIdentity($id); if ($identity !== null && $identity->validateAuthKey($authKey)) { if ($this->beforeLogin($identity, true)) { $this->switchIdentity($identity, $this->autoRenewCookie ? $duration : 0); $ip = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getUserIP(); Yii::info("User '$id' logged in from $ip via cookie.", __METHOD__); $this->afterLogin($identity, true); } } elseif ($identity !== null) { Yii::warning("Invalid auth key attempted for user '$id': $authKey", __METHOD__); } } } } /** * Logs out the current user. * This will remove authentication-related session data. * If `$destroySession` is true, all session data will be removed. * @param boolean $destroySession whether to destroy the whole session. Defaults to true. */ public function logout($destroySession = true) { $identity = $this->getIdentity(); if ($identity !== null && $this->beforeLogout($identity)) { $this->switchIdentity(null); $id = $identity->getId(); $ip = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getUserIP(); Yii::info("User '$id' logged out from $ip.", __METHOD__); if ($destroySession) { Yii::$app->getSession()->destroy(); } $this->afterLogout($identity); } } /** * Returns a value indicating whether the user is a guest (not authenticated). * @return boolean whether the current user is a guest. */ public function getIsGuest() { return $this->getIdentity() === null; } /** * Returns a value that uniquely represents the user. * @return string|integer the unique identifier for the user. If null, it means the user is a guest. */ public function getId() { return Yii::$app->getSession()->get($this->idVar); } /** * Returns the URL that the user should be redirected to after successful login. * This property is usually used by the login action. If the login is successful, * the action should read this property and use it to redirect the user browser. * @param string|array $defaultUrl the default return URL in case it was not set previously. * If this is null and the return URL was not set previously, [[Application::homeUrl]] will be redirected to. * Please refer to [[setReturnUrl()]] on accepted format of the URL. * @return string the URL that the user should be redirected to after login. * @see loginRequired() */ public function getReturnUrl($defaultUrl = null) { $url = Yii::$app->getSession()->get($this->returnUrlVar, $defaultUrl); if (is_array($url)) { if (isset($url[0])) { $route = array_shift($url); return Yii::$app->getUrlManager()->createUrl($route, $url); } else { $url = null; } } return $url === null ? Yii::$app->getHomeUrl() : $url; } /** * @param string|array $url the URL that the user should be redirected to after login. * If an array is given, [[UrlManager::createUrl()]] will be called to create the corresponding URL. * The first element of the array should be the route, and the rest of * the name-value pairs are GET parameters used to construct the URL. For example, * * ~~~ * ['admin/index', 'ref' => 1] * ~~~ */ public function setReturnUrl($url) { Yii::$app->getSession()->set($this->returnUrlVar, $url); } /** * Redirects the user browser to the login page. * Before the redirection, the current URL (if it's not an AJAX url) will be * kept as [[returnUrl]] so that the user browser may be redirected back * to the current page after successful login. Make sure you set [[loginUrl]] * so that the user browser can be redirected to the specified login URL after * calling this method. * After calling this method, the current request processing will be terminated. */ public function loginRequired() { $request = Yii::$app->getRequest(); if (!$request->getIsAjax()) { $this->setReturnUrl($request->getUrl()); } if ($this->loginUrl !== null) { Yii::$app->getResponse()->redirect($this->loginUrl)->send(); exit(); } else { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException(Yii::t('yii', 'Login Required')); } } /** * This method is called before logging in a user. * The default implementation will trigger the [[EVENT_BEFORE_LOGIN]] event. * If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation * so that the event is triggered. * @param IdentityInterface $identity the user identity information * @param boolean $cookieBased whether the login is cookie-based * @return boolean whether the user should continue to be logged in */ protected function beforeLogin($identity, $cookieBased) { $event = new UserEvent([ 'identity' => $identity, 'cookieBased' => $cookieBased, ]); $this->trigger(self::EVENT_BEFORE_LOGIN, $event); return $event->isValid; } /** * This method is called after the user is successfully logged in. * The default implementation will trigger the [[EVENT_AFTER_LOGIN]] event. * If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation * so that the event is triggered. * @param IdentityInterface $identity the user identity information * @param boolean $cookieBased whether the login is cookie-based */ protected function afterLogin($identity, $cookieBased) { $this->trigger(self::EVENT_AFTER_LOGIN, new UserEvent([ 'identity' => $identity, 'cookieBased' => $cookieBased, ])); } /** * This method is invoked when calling [[logout()]] to log out a user. * The default implementation will trigger the [[EVENT_BEFORE_LOGOUT]] event. * If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation * so that the event is triggered. * @param IdentityInterface $identity the user identity information * @return boolean whether the user should continue to be logged out */ protected function beforeLogout($identity) { $event = new UserEvent([ 'identity' => $identity, ]); $this->trigger(self::EVENT_BEFORE_LOGOUT, $event); return $event->isValid; } /** * This method is invoked right after a user is logged out via [[logout()]]. * The default implementation will trigger the [[EVENT_AFTER_LOGOUT]] event. * If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation * so that the event is triggered. * @param IdentityInterface $identity the user identity information */ protected function afterLogout($identity) { $this->trigger(self::EVENT_AFTER_LOGOUT, new UserEvent([ 'identity' => $identity, ])); } /** * Renews the identity cookie. * This method will set the expiration time of the identity cookie to be the current time * plus the originally specified cookie duration. */ protected function renewIdentityCookie() { $name = $this->identityCookie['name']; $value = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getCookies()->getValue($name); if ($value !== null) { $data = json_decode($value, true); if (is_array($data) && isset($data[2])) { $cookie = new Cookie($this->identityCookie); $cookie->value = $value; $cookie->expire = time() + (int)$data[2]; Yii::$app->getResponse()->getCookies()->add($cookie); } } } /** * Sends an identity cookie. * This method is used when [[enableAutoLogin]] is true. * It saves [[id]], [[IdentityInterface::getAuthKey()|auth key]], and the duration of cookie-based login * information in the cookie. * @param IdentityInterface $identity * @param integer $duration number of seconds that the user can remain in logged-in status. * @see loginByCookie() */ protected function sendIdentityCookie($identity, $duration) { $cookie = new Cookie($this->identityCookie); $cookie->value = json_encode([ $identity->getId(), $identity->getAuthKey(), $duration, ]); $cookie->expire = time() + $duration; Yii::$app->getResponse()->getCookies()->add($cookie); } /** * Switches to a new identity for the current user. * * This method will save necessary session information to keep track of the user authentication status. * If `$duration` is provided, it will also send out appropriate identity cookie * to support cookie-based login. * * This method is mainly called by [[login()]], [[logout()]] and [[loginByCookie()]] * when the current user needs to be associated with the corresponding identity information. * * @param IdentityInterface $identity the identity information to be associated with the current user. * If null, it means switching to be a guest. * @param integer $duration number of seconds that the user can remain in logged-in status. * This parameter is used only when `$identity` is not null. */ public function switchIdentity($identity, $duration = 0) { $session = Yii::$app->getSession(); if (!YII_ENV_TEST) { $session->regenerateID(true); } $this->setIdentity($identity); $session->remove($this->idVar); $session->remove($this->authTimeoutVar); if ($identity instanceof IdentityInterface) { $session->set($this->idVar, $identity->getId()); if ($this->authTimeout !== null) { $session->set($this->authTimeoutVar, time() + $this->authTimeout); } if ($duration > 0 && $this->enableAutoLogin) { $this->sendIdentityCookie($identity, $duration); } } elseif ($this->enableAutoLogin) { Yii::$app->getResponse()->getCookies()->remove(new Cookie($this->identityCookie)); } } /** * Updates the authentication status according to [[authTimeout]]. * This method is called during [[init()]]. * It will update the user's authentication status if it has not outdated yet. * Otherwise, it will logout the user. */ protected function renewAuthStatus() { if ($this->authTimeout !== null && !$this->getIsGuest()) { $expire = Yii::$app->getSession()->get($this->authTimeoutVar); if ($expire !== null && $expire < time()) { $this->logout(false); } else { Yii::$app->getSession()->set($this->authTimeoutVar, time() + $this->authTimeout); } } } /** * Performs access check for this user. * @param string $operation the name of the operation that need access check. * @param array $params name-value pairs that would be passed to business rules associated * with the tasks and roles assigned to the user. A param with name 'userId' is added to * this array, which holds the value of [[id]] when [[DbAuthManager]] or * [[PhpAuthManager]] is used. * @param boolean $allowCaching whether to allow caching the result of access check. * When this parameter is true (default), if the access check of an operation was performed * before, its result will be directly returned when calling this method to check the same * operation. If this parameter is false, this method will always call * [[AuthManager::checkAccess()]] to obtain the up-to-date access result. Note that this * caching is effective only within the same request and only works when `$params = []`. * @return boolean whether the operations can be performed by this user. */ public function checkAccess($operation, $params = [], $allowCaching = true) { $auth = Yii::$app->getAuthManager(); if ($auth === null) { return false; } if ($allowCaching && empty($params) && isset($this->_access[$operation])) { return $this->_access[$operation]; } $access = $auth->checkAccess($this->getId(), $operation, $params); if ($allowCaching && empty($params)) { $this->_access[$operation] = $access; } return $access; } }