The Definitive Guide to Yii 2.0 =============================== This tutorial is released under the [Terms of Yii Documentation]( All Rights Reserved. 2014 (c) Yii Software LLC. Introduction ------------ - [Overview]( - What is Yii and what is it good for? Getting started --------------- - [Upgrading from 1.1 to 2.0]( - [Installation]( - How to download Yii and configure the Webserver? - [Configuration]( - Configuration of a Yii application - [Basic Application Template]( - A template to start a basic frontend application. - [Advanced Application Template]( - The basis for more advanced applications. - [Creating your own Application structure]( - Learn how to start from scratch. Base concepts ------------- - [Basic concepts of Yii]( - The Object and Component class, Path aliases and autoloading - [MVC]( - Implementation of MVC in Yii and a typical MVC application flow - [Model]( - The Yii Model provides Attributes, Scenarios and data Validation - [View]( - Rendering Views applying layouts, using Widgets and asset management - [Controller]( - controller actions, routing and action filters - [Event Handling]( - The Yii event handling mechanism - [Behaviors]( Database -------- - [Basics]( - Connecting to a database, basic queries, transactions and schema manipulation - [Query Builder]( - Querying the database using a simple abstraction layer - [ActiveRecord]( - The active record ORM, retrieving and manipulating records and defining relations - [Database Migration]( - Versioning your database with database migration Developers Toolbox ------------------ - [Helper Classes]( - [Automatic Code Generation]( - [Debug toolbar and debugger]( - [Error Handling]( - [Logging]( Extensions and 3rd party libraries ---------------------------------- - [Composer]( - How to manage applications dependencies via composer - [Extending Yii]( - [Template engines]( - Using template engines such as Smarty or Twig - [Using Yii together with 3rd-Party Systems]( - Using Yii in 3rd-Party Systems and using Yii 1 and 2 together Security and access control --------------------------- - [Authentication]( - Identifying Users - [Authorization]( - Access control and RBAC - [Security]( - Hashing and verifying passwords, encryption - [Views security]( - how to prevent XSS Data providers, lists and grids ------------------------------- - [Overview]( - [Data providers]( - [Data widgets]( - [Grid]( Advanced Topics --------------- - [Asset Management]( - [Working with forms]( - [Implementing RESTful Web Service APIs]( - [Bootstrap widgets]( - Using [twitter bootstrap]( - [Theming]( - [Caching]( - Caching data, page fragments and http requests - [Internationalization]( - Message translation and formatting - [URL Management]( - routing, customized urls and SEO - [Console Application]( - [Performance Tuning]( - [Testing]( - [Managing Test Fixtures]( - [Service Locator and Dependency Injection]( References ---------- - [Model validation reference]( - [Official Composer documentation](