<?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\db; use yii\base\InvalidConfigException; use yii\base\InvalidParamException; /** * ActiveRelationTrait implements the common methods and properties for active record relational queries. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc> * @since 2.0 */ trait ActiveRelationTrait { /** * @var boolean whether this query represents a relation to more than one record. * This property is only used in relational context. If true, this relation will * populate all query results into AR instances using [[all()]]. * If false, only the first row of the results will be retrieved using [[one()]]. */ public $multiple; /** * @var ActiveRecord the primary model of a relational query. * This is used only in lazy loading with dynamic query options. */ public $primaryModel; /** * @var array the columns of the primary and foreign tables that establish a relation. * The array keys must be columns of the table for this relation, and the array values * must be the corresponding columns from the primary table. * Do not prefix or quote the column names as this will be done automatically by Yii. * This property is only used in relational context. */ public $link; /** * @var array the query associated with the pivot table. Please call [[via()]] * to set this property instead of directly setting it. * This property is only used in relational context. * @see via() */ public $via; /** * @var string the name of the relation that is the inverse of this relation. * For example, an order has a customer, which means the inverse of the "customer" relation * is the "orders", and the inverse of the "orders" relation is the "customer". * If this property is set, the primary record(s) will be referenced through the specified relation. * For example, `$customer->orders[0]->customer` and `$customer` will be the same object, * and accessing the customer of an order will not trigger new DB query. * This property is only used in relational context. * @see inverseOf() */ public $inverseOf; /** * Clones internal objects. */ public function __clone() { parent::__clone(); // make a clone of "via" object so that the same query object can be reused multiple times if (is_object($this->via)) { $this->via = clone $this->via; } elseif (is_array($this->via)) { $this->via = [$this->via[0], clone $this->via[1]]; } } /** * Specifies the relation associated with the pivot table. * * Use this method to specify a pivot record/table when declaring a relation in the [[ActiveRecord]] class: * * ```php * public function getOrders() * { * return $this->hasOne(Order::className(), ['id' => 'order_id']); * } * * public function getOrderItems() * { * return $this->hasMany(Item::className(), ['id' => 'item_id']) * ->via('orders', ['order_id' => 'id']); * } * ``` * * @param string $relationName the relation name. This refers to a relation declared in [[primaryModel]]. * @param callable $callable a PHP callback for customizing the relation associated with the pivot table. * Its signature should be `function($query)`, where `$query` is the query to be customized. * @return static the relation object itself. */ public function via($relationName, $callable = null) { $relation = $this->primaryModel->getRelation($relationName); $this->via = [$relationName, $relation]; if ($callable !== null) { call_user_func($callable, $relation); } return $this; } /** * Sets the name of the relation that is the inverse of this relation. * For example, an order has a customer, which means the inverse of the "customer" relation * is the "orders", and the inverse of the "orders" relation is the "customer". * If this property is set, the primary record(s) will be referenced through the specified relation. * For example, `$customer->orders[0]->customer` and `$customer` will be the same object, * and accessing the customer of an order will not trigger a new DB query. * * Use this method when declaring a relation in the [[ActiveRecord]] class: * * ```php * public function getOrders() * { * return $this->hasMany(Order::className(), ['customer_id' => 'id'])->inverseOf('customer'); * } * ``` * * @param string $relationName the name of the relation that is the inverse of this relation. * @return static the relation object itself. */ public function inverseOf($relationName) { $this->inverseOf = $relationName; return $this; } /** * Finds the related records for the specified primary record. * This method is invoked when a relation of an ActiveRecord is being accessed in a lazy fashion. * @param string $name the relation name * @param ActiveRecordInterface|BaseActiveRecord $model the primary model * @return mixed the related record(s) * @throws InvalidParamException if the relation is invalid */ public function findFor($name, $model) { if ($model->hasMethod('get' . $name)) { $method = new \ReflectionMethod($model, 'get' . $name); $realName = lcfirst(substr($method->getName(), 3)); if ($realName !== $name) { throw new InvalidParamException('Relation names are case sensitive. ' . get_class($model) . " has a relation named \"$realName\" instead of \"$name\"."); } } $related = $this->multiple ? $this->all() : $this->one(); if ($this->inverseOf === null || empty($related)) { return $related; } $inverseRelation = (new $this->modelClass)->getRelation($this->inverseOf); if ($this->multiple) { foreach ($related as $i => $relatedModel) { if ($relatedModel instanceof ActiveRecordInterface) { $relatedModel->populateRelation($this->inverseOf, $inverseRelation->multiple ? [$model] : $model); } else { $related[$i][$this->inverseOf] = $inverseRelation->multiple ? [$model] : $model; } } } else { if ($related instanceof ActiveRecordInterface) { $related->populateRelation($this->inverseOf, $inverseRelation->multiple ? [$model] : $model); } else { $related[$this->inverseOf] = $inverseRelation->multiple ? [$model] : $model; } } return $related; } /** * Finds the related records and populates them into the primary models. * @param string $name the relation name * @param array $primaryModels primary models * @return array the related models * @throws InvalidConfigException if [[link]] is invalid */ public function populateRelation($name, &$primaryModels) { if (!is_array($this->link)) { throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid link: it must be an array of key-value pairs.'); } if ($this->via instanceof self) { // via pivot table /** @var ActiveRelationTrait $viaQuery */ $viaQuery = $this->via; $viaModels = $viaQuery->findPivotRows($primaryModels); $this->filterByModels($viaModels); } elseif (is_array($this->via)) { // via relation /** @var ActiveRelationTrait $viaQuery */ list($viaName, $viaQuery) = $this->via; $viaQuery->primaryModel = null; $viaModels = $viaQuery->populateRelation($viaName, $primaryModels); $this->filterByModels($viaModels); } else { $this->filterByModels($primaryModels); } if (count($primaryModels) === 1 && !$this->multiple) { $model = $this->one(); foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) { if ($primaryModel instanceof ActiveRecordInterface) { $primaryModel->populateRelation($name, $model); } else { $primaryModels[$i][$name] = $model; } if ($this->inverseOf !== null) { $this->populateInverseRelation($primaryModels, [$model], $name, $this->inverseOf); } } return [$model]; } else { $models = $this->all(); if (isset($viaModels, $viaQuery)) { $buckets = $this->buildBuckets($models, $this->link, $viaModels, $viaQuery->link); } else { $buckets = $this->buildBuckets($models, $this->link); } $link = array_values(isset($viaQuery) ? $viaQuery->link : $this->link); foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) { $key = $this->getModelKey($primaryModel, $link); $value = isset($buckets[$key]) ? $buckets[$key] : ($this->multiple ? [] : null); if ($primaryModel instanceof ActiveRecordInterface) { $primaryModel->populateRelation($name, $value); } else { $primaryModels[$i][$name] = $value; } } if ($this->inverseOf !== null) { $this->populateInverseRelation($primaryModels, $models, $name, $this->inverseOf); } return $models; } } private function populateInverseRelation(&$primaryModels, $models, $primaryName, $name) { if (empty($models) || empty($primaryModels)) { return; } $model = reset($models); $relation = $model instanceof ActiveRecordInterface ? $model->getRelation($name) : (new $this->modelClass)->getRelation($name); if ($relation->multiple) { $buckets = $this->buildBuckets($primaryModels, $relation->link, null, null, false); if ($model instanceof ActiveRecordInterface) { foreach ($models as $model) { $key = $this->getModelKey($model, $relation->link); $model->populateRelation($name, isset($buckets[$key]) ? $buckets[$key] : []); } } else { foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) { if ($this->multiple) { foreach ($primaryModel as $j => $m) { $key = $this->getModelKey($m, $relation->link); $primaryModels[$i][$j][$name] = isset($buckets[$key]) ? $buckets[$key] : []; } } elseif (!empty($primaryModel[$primaryName])) { $key = $this->getModelKey($primaryModel[$primaryName], $relation->link); $primaryModels[$i][$primaryName][$name] = isset($buckets[$key]) ? $buckets[$key] : []; } } } } else { if ($this->multiple) { foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) { foreach ($primaryModel[$primaryName] as $j => $m) { if ($m instanceof ActiveRecordInterface) { $m->populateRelation($name, $primaryModel); } else { $primaryModels[$i][$primaryName][$j][$name] = $primaryModel; } } } } else { foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) { if ($primaryModels[$i][$primaryName] instanceof ActiveRecordInterface) { $primaryModels[$i][$primaryName]->populateRelation($name, $primaryModel); } elseif (!empty($primaryModels[$i][$primaryName])) { $primaryModels[$i][$primaryName][$name] = $primaryModel; } } } } } /** * @param array $models * @param array $link * @param array $viaModels * @param array $viaLink * @param boolean $checkMultiple * @return array */ private function buildBuckets($models, $link, $viaModels = null, $viaLink = null, $checkMultiple = true) { if ($viaModels !== null) { $map = []; $viaLinkKeys = array_keys($viaLink); $linkValues = array_values($link); foreach ($viaModels as $viaModel) { $key1 = $this->getModelKey($viaModel, $viaLinkKeys); $key2 = $this->getModelKey($viaModel, $linkValues); $map[$key2][$key1] = true; } } $buckets = []; $linkKeys = array_keys($link); if (isset($map)) { foreach ($models as $i => $model) { $key = $this->getModelKey($model, $linkKeys); if (isset($map[$key])) { foreach (array_keys($map[$key]) as $key2) { if ($this->indexBy !== null) { $buckets[$key2][$i] = $model; } else { $buckets[$key2][] = $model; } } } } } else { foreach ($models as $i => $model) { $key = $this->getModelKey($model, $linkKeys); if ($this->indexBy !== null) { $buckets[$key][$i] = $model; } else { $buckets[$key][] = $model; } } } if ($checkMultiple && !$this->multiple) { foreach ($buckets as $i => $bucket) { $buckets[$i] = reset($bucket); } } return $buckets; } /** * @param array $models */ private function filterByModels($models) { $attributes = array_keys($this->link); $values = []; if (count($attributes) === 1) { // single key $attribute = reset($this->link); foreach ($models as $model) { if (($value = $model[$attribute]) !== null) { $values[] = $value; } } } else { // composite keys foreach ($models as $model) { $v = []; foreach ($this->link as $attribute => $link) { $v[$attribute] = $model[$link]; } $values[] = $v; } } $this->andWhere(['in', $attributes, array_unique($values, SORT_REGULAR)]); } /** * @param ActiveRecord|array $model * @param array $attributes * @return string */ private function getModelKey($model, $attributes) { if (count($attributes) > 1) { $key = []; foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $key[] = $model[$attribute]; } return serialize($key); } else { $attribute = reset($attributes); $key = $model[$attribute]; return is_scalar($key) ? $key : serialize($key); } } /** * @param array $primaryModels either array of AR instances or arrays * @return array */ private function findPivotRows($primaryModels) { if (empty($primaryModels)) { return []; } $this->filterByModels($primaryModels); /** @var ActiveRecord $primaryModel */ $primaryModel = reset($primaryModels); if (!$primaryModel instanceof ActiveRecordInterface) { // when primaryModels are array of arrays (asArray case) $primaryModel = new $this->modelClass; } return $this->asArray()->all($primaryModel->getDb()); } }