Using template engines

By default Yii uses PHP as template language, but you can configure it to support other rendering engines, such as [Twig]( or [Smarty](

The component responsible for rendering a view is called `view`. You can add
a custom template engines as follows:

	'components' => array(
		'view' => array(
			'class' => 'yii\base\View',
			'renderers' => array(
				'tpl' => array(
					'class' => 'yii\renderers\SmartyViewRenderer',
				'twig' => array(
					'class' => 'yii\renderers\TwigViewRenderer',
					'twigPath' => '@app/vendors/Twig',
				// ...

Note that Smarty and Twig are not bundled with Yii and you have to download and
unpack these yourself and then specify `twigPath` and `smartyPath` respectively.


In order to use Twig you need to put you templates in files with extension `.twig`
(or another one if configured differently).
Also you need to specify this extension explicitly when calling `$this->render()`
or `$this->renderPartial()` from your controller:

echo $this->render('renderer.twig', array('username' => 'Alex'));

### Additional functions

Additionally to regular Twig syntax the following is available in Yii:

<a href="{{ path('blog/view', {'alias' : post.alias}) }}">{{ post.title }}</a>

path function calls `Html::url()` internally.

### Additional variables

- `app` = `\Yii::$app`
- `this` = current `View` object


In order to use Smarty you need to put you templates in files with extension `.tpl`
(or another one if configured differently).
Also you need to specify this extension explicitly when calling `$this->render()`
or `$this->renderPartial()` from your controller:

echo $this->render('renderer.tpl', array('username' => 'Alex'));

### Additional functions

Additionally to regular Smarty syntax the following is available in Yii:

<a href="{path route='blog/view' alias=$post.alias}">{$post.title}</a>

path function calls `Html::url()` internally.

### Additional variables

- `$app` = `\Yii::$app`
- `$this` = current `View` object