diff --git a/framework/CHANGELOG.md b/framework/CHANGELOG.md
index e1f6be8..de7ad9c 100644
--- a/framework/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/framework/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Yii Framework 2 Change Log
 - Bug #6404: advanced application template `Alert` widget was generating duplicate IDs in case of multiple flashes (SDKiller)
 - Bug #6557: Link URLs generated by `yii\widgets\Menu` are not encoded (qiangxue)
 - Bug #6632: `yii\di\Container::get()` did not handle config parameter correctly when it is passed as a constructor parameter (qiangxue)
+- Bug #6648: Added explicit type casting to avoid dblib issues on SQL Server 2014 (o-rey)
 - Enh #6247: Logger and error handler are now using slightly less memory (stepanselyuk, samdark)
 - Enh #6434: Added `yii\behaviors\SluggableBehavior::immutable` to support keeping the generated slug unchanged (trntv)
 - Enh #6467: `ActiveForm` will scroll to the nearest visible element when the first error input is hidden (newartix)
@@ -234,16 +235,16 @@ Yii Framework 2 Change Log
 - Bug #5336: `yii\bootstrap\DropDown` should register bootstrap plugin asset (zelenin)
 - Bug #5379: `Module::afterAction()` was called even when `beforeAction()` returned false (cebe)
 - Bug #5408: Gii console command incorrectly reports errors when there is actually no error (qiangxue)
-- Bug #5423: `yii\behaviors\Cors` causes "undefined index" error when its `cors` is configured (qiangxue) 
+- Bug #5423: `yii\behaviors\Cors` causes "undefined index" error when its `cors` is configured (qiangxue)
 - Bug #5424: `Html::addCssStyle()` wasn't correctly setting style passed in array (kartik-v, samdark)
 - Bug #5435: Added extra checks to `yii\rbac\DbManager` to prevent database exceptions when `$userId` is empty (samdark)
 - Bug #5484: Fixed potential string suffix detection failure on 5.5.11 (qiangxue)
 - Bug: Date and time formatting now assumes UTC as the timezone for input dates unless a timezone is explicitly given (cebe)
-- Enh #4040: Added `$viewFile` and `$params` to the `EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER` and `EVENT_AFTER_RENDER` events for `View` (qiangxue) 
+- Enh #4040: Added `$viewFile` and `$params` to the `EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER` and `EVENT_AFTER_RENDER` events for `View` (qiangxue)
 - Enh #4275: Added `removeChildren()` to `yii\rbac\ManagerInterface` and implementations (samdark)
 - Enh: Added `yii\base\Application::loadedModules` (qiangxue)
 - Enh #5316: Added `startsWith()` and `endsWith()` to `yii\helpers\StringHelper`. Methods are binary-safe, multibyte-safe and optionally case-insensitive (armab)
-- Enh #5467: Added ability to pass HTML tag options to `asEmail()`, `asImage()` and `asUrl()` methods of `yii\i18n\Formatter` (alxkolm, samdark) 
+- Enh #5467: Added ability to pass HTML tag options to `asEmail()`, `asImage()` and `asUrl()` methods of `yii\i18n\Formatter` (alxkolm, samdark)
 - Chg #2037: Dropped the support for using `yii\base\Module` as concrete module classes (qiangxue)
 - Chg: Updated cebe/markdown to 1.0.0 which includes breaking changes in its internal API (cebe)
 - Chg: If you are using CUBRID DBMS, make sure to use at least version 9.3.0 because quoting is broken in prior versions and Yii has no reliable way to work around this issue (cebe)