Commit cd5bb5af by Funson Lee

for check

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When an application finishes handling a [request](, it generates a [[yii\web\Response|response]] object
and sends it to the end user. The response object contains information such as the HTTP status code, HTTP headers and body.
The ultimate goal of Web application development is essentially to build such response objects upon various requests.
当应用完成处理一个[请求](后, 会生成一个[[yii\web\Response|response]]响应对象并发送给终端用户
响应对象包含的信息有HTTP状态码,HTTP头和主体内容等, 网页应用开发的最终目的本质上就是根据不同的请求构建这些响应对象。
In most cases you should mainly deal with the `response` [application component](
which is an instance of [[yii\web\Response]], by default. However, Yii also allows you to create your own response
objects and send them to end users as we will explain in the following.
在大多是情况下主要处理继承自 [[yii\web\Response]] 的 `response` [应用组件](
In this section, we will describe how to compose and send responses to end users.
In this section, we will describe how to compose and send responses to end users.
## Status Code <a name="status-code"></a>
## 状态码 <a name="status-code"></a>
One of the first things you would do when building a response is to state whether the request is successfully handled.
This is done by setting the [[yii\web\Response::statusCode]] property which can take one of the valid
[HTTP status codes]( For example, to indicate the request
is successfully handled, you may set the status code to be 200, like the following:
[[yii\web\Response::statusCode]] 属性,该属性使用一个有效的
[HTTP 状态码](。例如,为标识处理已被处理成功,
Yii::$app->response->statusCode = 200;
......@@ -26,21 +37,25 @@ Yii::$app->response->statusCode = 200;
However, in most cases you do not need to explicitly set the status code. This is because the default value
of [[yii\web\Response::statusCode]] is 200. And if you want to indicate the request is unsuccessful, you may
throw an appropriate HTTP exception like the following:
尽管如此,大多数情况下不需要明确设置状态码,因为 [[yii\web\Response::statusCode]] 状态码默认为200,
throw new \yii\web\NotFoundHttpException;
When the [error handler]( catches an exception, it will extract the status code
When the [error handler]( catches an exception, it will extract the status code
from the exception and assign it to the response. For the [[yii\web\NotFoundHttpException]] above, it is
associated with the HTTP status 404. The following HTTP exceptions are predefined in Yii:
[错误处理器]( 捕获到一个异常,会从异常中提取状态码并赋值到响应,
对于上述的 [[yii\web\NotFoundHttpException]] 对应HTTP 404状态码,以下为Yii预定义的HTTP异常:
* [[yii\web\BadRequestHttpException]]: status code 400.
* [[yii\web\ConflictHttpException]]: status code 409.
* [[yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException]]: status code 403.
* [[yii\web\GoneHttpException]]: status code 410.
* [[yii\web\MethodNotAllowedHttpException]]: status code 405.
* [[yii\web\NotAcceptableHttpException]]: status code 406.
* [[yii\web\NotAcceptableHttpException]]: status code 406.
* [[yii\web\NotFoundHttpException]]: status code 404.
* [[yii\web\ServerErrorHttpException]]: status code 500.
* [[yii\web\TooManyRequestsHttpException]]: status code 429.
......@@ -49,40 +64,47 @@ associated with the HTTP status 404. The following HTTP exceptions are predefine
If the exception that you want to throw is not among the above list, you may create one by extending
from [[yii\web\HttpException]], or directly throw it with a status code, for example,
throw new \yii\web\HttpException(402);
## HTTP Headers <a name="http-headers"></a>
## HTTP Headers <a name="http-headers"></a>
## HTTP 头部 <a name="http-headers"></a>
You can send HTTP headers by manipulating the [[yii\web\Response::headers|header collection]] in the `response` component.
For example,
可在 `response` 组件中操控[[yii\web\Response::headers|header collection]]来发送HTTP头部信息,例如:
$headers = Yii::$app->response->headers;
// add a Pragma header. Existing Pragma headers will NOT be overwritten.
// 增加一个 Pragma 头,已存在的Pragma 头不会被覆盖。
$headers->add('Pragma', 'no-cache');
// set a Pragma header. Any existing Pragma headers will be discarded.
// 设置一个Pragma 头. 任何已存在的Pragma 头都会被丢弃
$headers->set('Pragma', 'no-cache');
// remove Pragma header(s) and return the removed Pragma header values in array
// 删除Pragma 头并返回删除的Pragma 头的值到数组
$values = $headers->remove('Pragma');
> Info: Header names are case insensitive. And the newly registered headers are not sent to the user until
the [[yii\web\Response::send()]] method is called.
> 补充: 头名称是大小写敏感的,在[[yii\web\Response::send()]]方法调用前新注册的头信息并不会发送给用户。
## Response Body <a name="response-body"></a>
## 响应主体 <a name="response-body"></a>
Most responses should have a body which gives the content that you want to show to end users.
If you already have a formatted body string, you may assign it to the [[yii\web\Response::content]] property
of the response. For example,
Yii::$app->response->content = 'hello world!';
......@@ -91,6 +113,9 @@ Yii::$app->response->content = 'hello world!';
If your data needs to be formatted before sending it to end users, you should set both of the
[[yii\web\Response::format|format]] and [[yii\web\Response::data|data]] properties. The [[yii\web\Response::format|format]]
property specifies in which format the [[yii\web\Response::data|data]] should be formatted. For example,
[[yii\web\Response::format|format]] 和 [[yii\web\Response::data|data]] 属性,[[yii\web\Response::format|format]]
$response = Yii::$app->response;
......@@ -100,14 +125,15 @@ $response->data = ['message' => 'hello world'];
Yii supports the following formats out of the box, each implemented by a [[yii\web\ResponseFormatterInterface|formatter]] class.
You can customize these formatters or add new ones by configuring the [[yii\web\Response::formatters]] property.
Yii支持以下可直接使用的格式,每个实现了[[yii\web\ResponseFormatterInterface|formatter]] 类,
可自定义这些格式器或通过配置[[yii\web\Response::formatters]] 属性来增加格式器。
* [[yii\web\Response::FORMAT_HTML|HTML]]: implemented by [[yii\web\HtmlResponseFormatter]].
* [[yii\web\Response::FORMAT_XML|XML]]: implemented by [[yii\web\XmlResponseFormatter]].
* [[yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON|JSON]]: implemented by [[yii\web\JsonResponseFormatter]].
* [[yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSONP|JSONP]]: implemented by [[yii\web\JsonResponseFormatter]].
* [[yii\web\Response::FORMAT_HTML|HTML]]: 通过 [[yii\web\HtmlResponseFormatter]] 来实现.
* [[yii\web\Response::FORMAT_XML|XML]]: 通过 [[yii\web\XmlResponseFormatter]]来实现.
* [[yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON|JSON]]: 通过 [[yii\web\JsonResponseFormatter]]来实现.
* [[yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSONP|JSONP]]: 通过 [[yii\web\JsonResponseFormatter]]来实现.
While response body can be set explicitly as shown above, in most cases you may set it implicitly by the return value
of [action]( methods. A common use case is like the following:
上述响应主体可明确地被设置,但是在大多数情况下是通过 [操作]( 方法的返回值隐式地设置,常用场景如下所示:
public function actionIndex()
......@@ -116,12 +142,13 @@ public function actionIndex()
The `index` action above returns the rendering result of the `index` view. The return value will be taken
by the `response` component, formatted and then sent to end users.
上述的 `index` 操作返回 `index` 视图渲染结果,返回值会被 `response` 组件格式化后发送给终端用户。
Because by default, the response format is as [[yii\web\Response::FORMAT_HTML|HTML]], you should only return a string
in an action method. If you want to use a different response format, you should set it first before returning the data.
For example,
因为响应格式默认为[[yii\web\Response::FORMAT_HTML|HTML]], 只需要在操作方法中返回一个字符串,
public function actionInfo()
......@@ -136,6 +163,7 @@ public function actionInfo()
As aforementioned, besides using the default `response` application component, you can also create your own
response objects and send them to end users. You can do so by returning such object in an action method, like the following,
如上所述,触雷使用默认的 `response` 应用组件,也可创建自己的响应对象并发送给终端用户,可在操作方法中返回该响应对象,如下所示:
public function actionInfo()
......@@ -154,16 +182,22 @@ public function actionInfo()
> Note: If you are creating your own response objects, you will not be able to take advantage of the configurations
that you set for the `response` component in the application configuration. You can, however, use
[dependency injection]( to apply common configuration to your new response objects.
> 注意: 如果创建你自己的响应对象,将不能在应用配置中设置 `response` 组件,尽管如此,
可使用 [依赖注入]( 应用通用配置到你新的响应对象。
## Browser Redirection <a name="browser-redirection"></a>
## 浏览器跳转 <a name="browser-redirection"></a>
Browser redirection relies on sending a `Location` HTTP header. Because this feature is commonly used, Yii provides
some special supports for it.
浏览器跳转依赖于发送一个`Location` HTTP 头,因为该功能通常被使用,Yii提供对它提供了特别的支持。
You can redirect the user browser to a URL by calling the [[yii\web\Response::redirect()]] method. The method
sets the appropriate `Location` header with the given URL and returns the response object itself. In an action method,
you can call its shortcut version [[yii\web\Controller::redirect()]]. For example,
可调用[[yii\web\Response::redirect()]] 方法将用户浏览器跳转到一个URL地址,该方法设置合适的
带指定URL的 `Location` 头并返回它自己为响应对象,在操作的方法中,可调用缩写版[[yii\web\Controller::redirect()]],例如:
public function actionOld()
......@@ -174,9 +208,12 @@ public function actionOld()
In the above code, the action method returns the result of the `redirect()` method. As explained before, the response
object returned by an action method will be used as the response sending to end users.
在如上代码中,操作的方法返回`redirect()` 方法的结果,如前所述,操作的方法返回的响应对象会被当总响应发送给终端用户。
In places other than an action method, you should call [[yii\web\Response::redirect()]] directly followed by
a call to the [[yii\web\Response::send()]] method to ensure no extra content will be appended to the response.
除了操作方法外,可直接调用[[yii\web\Response::redirect()]] 再调用
[[yii\web\Response::send()]] 方法来确保没有其他内容追加到响应中。
\Yii::$app->response->redirect('', 301)->send();
......@@ -185,29 +222,43 @@ a call to the [[yii\web\Response::send()]] method to ensure no extra content wil
> Info: By default, the [[yii\web\Response::redirect()]] method sets the response status code to be 302 which instructs
the browser that the resource being requested is *temporarily* located in a different URI. You can pass in a status
code 301 to tell the browser that the resource has been *permanently* relocated.
> 补充: [[yii\web\Response::redirect()]] 方法默认会设置响应状态码为302,该状态码会告诉浏览器请求的资源
*临时* 放在另一个URI地址上,可传递一个301状态码告知浏览器请求的资源已经 *永久* 重定向到新的URId地址。
When the current request is an AJAX request, sending a `Location` header will not automatically cause the browser
redirection. To solve this problem, the [[yii\web\Response::redirect()]] method sets an `X-Redirect` header with
the redirection URL as its value. On the client side you may write JavaScript code to read this header value and
redirect the browser accordingly.
如果当前请求为AJAX 请求,发送一个 `Location` 头不会自动使浏览器跳转,为解决这个问题,
[[yii\web\Response::redirect()]] 方法设置一个值为要跳转的URL的`X-Redirect` 头,
在客户端可编写JavaScript 代码读取该头部值然后让浏览器跳转对应的URL。
> Info: Yii comes with a `yii.js` JavaScript file which provides a set of commonly used JavaScript utilities,
including browser redirection based on the `X-Redirect` header. Therefore, if you are using this JavaScript file
(by registering the [[yii\web\YiiAsset]] asset bundle), you do not need to write anything to support AJAX redirection.
> 补充: Yii 配备了一个`yii.js` JavaScript 文件提供常用JavaScript功能,包括基于`X-Redirect`头的浏览器跳转,
因此,如果你使用该JavaScript 文件(通过[[yii\web\YiiAsset]] 资源包注册),就不需要编写AJAX跳转的代码。
## Sending Files <a name="sending-files"></a>
## 发送文件 <a name="sending-files"></a>
Like browser redirection, file sending is another feature that relies on specific HTTP headers. Yii provides
a set of methods to support various file sending needs. They all have built-in support for HTTP range header.
* [[yii\web\Response::sendFile()]]: sends an existing file to client.
* [[yii\web\Response::sendContentAsFile()]]: sends a text string as a file to client.
* [[yii\web\Response::sendStreamAsFile()]]: sends an existing file stream as a file to client.
* [[yii\web\Response::sendFile()]]: 发送一个已存在的文件到客户端
* [[yii\web\Response::sendContentAsFile()]]: 发送一个文本字符串作为文件到客户端
* [[yii\web\Response::sendStreamAsFile()]]: 发送一个已存在的文件流作为文件到客户端
These methods have the same method signature with the response object as the return value. If the file
to be sent is very big, you should consider using [[yii\web\Response::sendStreamAsFile()]] because it is more
memory efficient. The following example shows how to send a file in a controller action:
[[yii\web\Response::sendStreamAsFile()]] 因为它更节约内存,以下示例显示在控制器操作中如何发送文件:
public function actionDownload()
......@@ -218,6 +269,7 @@ public function actionDownload()
If you are calling the file sending method in places other than an action method, you should also call
the [[yii\web\Response::send()]] method afterwards to ensure no extra content will be appended to the response.
如果不是在操作方法中调用文件发送方法,在后面还应调用 [[yii\web\Response::send()]] 没有其他内容追加到响应中。
......@@ -228,6 +280,9 @@ request for a file to the Web server which will directly serve the file. As a re
can terminate earlier while the Web server is sending the file. To use this feature, you may call
the [[yii\web\Response::xSendFile()]]. The following list summarizes how to enable the `X-Sendfile` feature
for some popular Web servers:
如下简要列出一些常用Web服务器如何启用`X-Sendfile` 功能:
- Apache: [X-Sendfile](
- Lighttpd v1.4: [X-LIGHTTPD-send-file](
......@@ -237,12 +292,16 @@ for some popular Web servers:
## Sending Response <a name="sending-response"></a>
## 发送响应 <a name="sending-response"></a>
The content in a response is not sent to the user until the [[yii\web\Response::send()]] method is called.
By default, this method will be called automatically at the end of [[yii\base\Application::run()]]. You can, however,
explicitly call this method to force sending out the response immediately.
[[yii\web\Response::send()]] 方法调用前响应中的内容不会发送给用户,该方法默认在[[yii\base\Application::run()]]
The [[yii\web\Response::send()]] method takes the following steps to send out a response:
[[yii\web\Response::send()]] 方法使用以下步骤来发送响应:
1. Trigger the [[yii\web\Response::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND]] event.
2. Call [[yii\web\Response::prepare()]] to format [[yii\web\Response::data|response data]] into
......@@ -251,9 +310,17 @@ The [[yii\web\Response::send()]] method takes the following steps to send out a
4. Call [[yii\web\Response::sendHeaders()]] to send out the registered HTTP headers.
5. Call [[yii\web\Response::sendContent()]] to send out the response body content.
6. Trigger the [[yii\web\Response::EVENT_AFTER_SEND]] event.
1. 触发 [[yii\web\Response::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND]] 事件.
2. 调用 [[yii\web\Response::prepare()]] 来格式化 [[yii\web\Response::data|response data]] 为
[[yii\web\Response::content|response content]].
3. 触发 [[yii\web\Response::EVENT_AFTER_PREPARE]] 事件.
4. 调用 [[yii\web\Response::sendHeaders()]] 来发送注册的HTTP头
5. 调用 [[yii\web\Response::sendContent()]] 来发送响应主体内容
6. 触发 [[yii\web\Response::EVENT_AFTER_SEND]] 事件.
After the [[yii\web\Response::send()]] method is called once, any further call to this method will be ignored.
This means once the response is sent out, you will not be able to append more content to it.
一旦[[yii\web\Response::send()]] 方法被执行后,其他地方调用该方法会被忽略,
As you can see, the [[yii\web\Response::send()]] method triggers several useful events. By responding to
these events, it is possible to adjust or decorate the response.
如你所见[[yii\web\Response::send()]] 触发了几个实用的事件,通过响应这些事件可调整或包装响应。
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