diff --git a/framework/yii/ar/ActiveRelationTrait.php b/framework/yii/ar/ActiveRelationTrait.php
index 6b617bc..d87b22d 100644
--- a/framework/yii/ar/ActiveRelationTrait.php
+++ b/framework/yii/ar/ActiveRelationTrait.php
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ trait ActiveRelationTrait
 	 * @var array the columns of the primary and foreign tables that establish the relation.
 	 * The array keys must be columns of the table for this relation, and the array values
 	 * must be the corresponding columns from the primary table.
-	 * Do not prefix or quote the column names as they will be done automatically by Yii.
+	 * Do not prefix or quote the column names as this will be done automatically by Yii.
 	public $link;
diff --git a/framework/yii/data/ActiveDataProvider.php b/framework/yii/data/ActiveDataProvider.php
index a8bb18f..0943be4 100644
--- a/framework/yii/data/ActiveDataProvider.php
+++ b/framework/yii/data/ActiveDataProvider.php
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class ActiveDataProvider extends BaseDataProvider
 			throw new InvalidConfigException('The "query" property must be an instance of a class that implements the QueryInterface e.g. yii\db\Query or its subclasses.');
 		$query = clone $this->query;
-		return (int) $query->limit(-1)->offset(-1)->orderBy([])->count($this->db);
+		return (int) $query->limit(-1)->offset(-1)->orderBy([])->count('*', $this->db);
diff --git a/framework/yii/db/Query.php b/framework/yii/db/Query.php
index 0ae5f44..50ed105 100644
--- a/framework/yii/db/Query.php
+++ b/framework/yii/db/Query.php
@@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ class Query extends Component implements QueryInterface
 	 * Returns the number of records.
-	 * @param Connection $db the database connection used to generate the SQL statement.
-	 * If this parameter is not given (or null), the `db` application component will be used.
 	 * @param string $q the COUNT expression. Defaults to '*'.
 	 * Make sure you properly quote column names in the expression.
+	 * @param Connection $db the database connection used to generate the SQL statement.
+	 * If this parameter is not given (or null), the `db` application component will be used.
 	 * @return integer number of records
-	public function count($db = null, $q = '*')
+	public function count($q = '*', $db = null)
 		$this->select = ["COUNT($q)"];
 		return $this->createCommand($db)->queryScalar();
diff --git a/framework/yii/db/QueryInterface.php b/framework/yii/db/QueryInterface.php
index d13fa2b..f3cc312 100644
--- a/framework/yii/db/QueryInterface.php
+++ b/framework/yii/db/QueryInterface.php
@@ -44,11 +44,12 @@ interface QueryInterface
 	 * Returns the number of records.
+	 * @param string $q the COUNT expression. Defaults to '*'.
 	 * @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
 	 * If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
 	 * @return integer number of records
-	public function count($db = null);
+	public function count($q = '*', $db = null);
 	 * Returns a value indicating whether the query result contains any row of data.