Commit 7960ccdf by Qiang Xue

Tab to spaces conversion.

parent 8cb144c5
(function() {
var ajax = function(url, settings) {
var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
settings = settings || {}; || 'GET', url, true);
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xhr.onreadystatechange = function(state) {
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if (xhr.status == 200 && settings.success) {
} else if (xhr.status != 200 && settings.error) {
xhr.send( || '');
(function () {
var ajax = function (url, settings) {
var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
settings = settings || {}; || 'GET', url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function (state) {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200 && settings.success) {
} else if (xhr.status != 200 && settings.error) {
xhr.send( || '');
var e = document.getElementById('yii-debug-toolbar');
if (e) { = 'block';
var url = e.getAttribute('data-url');
ajax(url, {
success: function(xhr) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
e.parentNode.replaceChild(div, e);
if (window.localStorage) {
var pref = localStorage.getItem('yii-debug-toolbar');
if (pref == 'minimized') {
document.getElementById('yii-debug-toolbar').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('yii-debug-toolbar-min').style.display = 'block';
error: function(xhr) {
e.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
var e = document.getElementById('yii-debug-toolbar');
if (e) { = 'block';
var url = e.getAttribute('data-url');
ajax(url, {
success: function (xhr) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
e.parentNode.replaceChild(div, e);
if (window.localStorage) {
var pref = localStorage.getItem('yii-debug-toolbar');
if (pref == 'minimized') {
document.getElementById('yii-debug-toolbar').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('yii-debug-toolbar-min').style.display = 'block';
error: function (xhr) {
e.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
yii.gii = (function ($) {
var isActive = $('.default-view').length > 0;
var isActive = $('.default-view').length > 0;
var initHintBlocks = function () {
$('.hint-block').each(function () {
var $hint = $(this);
html: true,
trigger: 'hover',
placement: 'right',
content: $hint.html()
var initHintBlocks = function () {
$('.hint-block').each(function () {
var $hint = $(this);
html: true,
trigger: 'hover',
placement: 'right',
content: $hint.html()
var initStickyInputs = function () {
$('.sticky:not(.error)').find('input[type="text"],select,textarea').each(function () {
var value;
if (this.tagName === 'SELECT') {
value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text;
} else if (this.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') {
value = $(this).html();
} else {
value = $(this).val();
if (value === '') {
value = '[empty]';
$(this).before('<div class="sticky-value">' + value + '</div>').hide();
$('.sticky-value').on('click', function () {
var initStickyInputs = function () {
$('.sticky:not(.error)').find('input[type="text"],select,textarea').each(function () {
var value;
if (this.tagName === 'SELECT') {
value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text;
} else if (this.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') {
value = $(this).html();
} else {
value = $(this).val();
if (value === '') {
value = '[empty]';
$(this).before('<div class="sticky-value">' + value + '</div>').hide();
$('.sticky-value').on('click', function () {
var initPreviewDiffLinks = function () {
$('.preview-code, .diff-code, .modal-refresh, .modal-previous, .modal-next').on('click', function () {
var $modal = $('#preview-modal');
var $link = $(this);
$modal.find('.modal-refresh').attr('href', $link.attr('href'));
if ($link.hasClass('preview-code') || $link.hasClass('diff-code')) {
$'action', ($link.hasClass('preview-code') ? 'preview-code' : 'diff-code'))
$modal.find('.modal-body').html('Loading ...');
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
url: $link.prop('href'),
data: $('.default-view form').serializeArray(),
success: function (data) {
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var filesSelector = 'a.' + $'action');
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error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').html('<div class="error">' + XMLHttpRequest.responseText + '</div>');
return false;
var initPreviewDiffLinks = function () {
$('.preview-code, .diff-code, .modal-refresh, .modal-previous, .modal-next').on('click', function () {
var $modal = $('#preview-modal');
var $link = $(this);
$modal.find('.modal-refresh').attr('href', $link.attr('href'));
if ($link.hasClass('preview-code') || $link.hasClass('diff-code')) {
$'action', ($link.hasClass('preview-code') ? 'preview-code' : 'diff-code'))
$modal.find('.modal-body').html('Loading ...');
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
url: $link.prop('href'),
data: $('.default-view form').serializeArray(),
success: function (data) {
if (!$link.hasClass('modal-refresh')) {
var filesSelector = 'a.' + $'action');
var $files = $(filesSelector);
var index = $files.filter('[href="' + $link.attr('href') + '"]').index(filesSelector);
var $prev = $files.eq(index - 1);
var $next = $files.eq((index + 1 == $files.length ? 0 : index + 1));
$modal.find('.modal-previous').attr('href', $prev.attr('href')).data('title', $'title'));
$modal.find('.modal-next').attr('href', $next.attr('href')).data('title', $'title'));
$modal.find('.content').css('max-height', ($(window).height() - 200) + 'px');
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').html('<div class="error">' + XMLHttpRequest.responseText + '</div>');
return false;
$('#preview-modal').on('keydown', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 37) {
} else if(e.keyCode === 39) {
} else if(e.keyCode === 82) {
$('#preview-modal').on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 37) {
} else if (e.keyCode === 39) {
} else if (e.keyCode === 82) {
var initConfirmationCheckboxes = function () {
var $checkAll = $('#check-all');
$ () {
$('.default-view-files table .check input').prop('checked', this.checked);
$('.default-view-files table .check input').click(function () {
$checkAll.prop('checked', !$('.default-view-files table .check input:not(:checked)').length);
$checkAll.prop('checked', !$('.default-view-files table .check input:not(:checked)').length);
var initConfirmationCheckboxes = function () {
var $checkAll = $('#check-all');
$ () {
$('.default-view-files table .check input').prop('checked', this.checked);
$('.default-view-files table .check input').click(function () {
$checkAll.prop('checked', !$('.default-view-files table .check input:not(:checked)').length);
$checkAll.prop('checked', !$('.default-view-files table .check input:not(:checked)').length);
return {
autocomplete: function (counter, data) {
var datum = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: function(d){return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.word);},
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
local: data
jQuery('.typeahead-'+counter).typeahead(null,{displayKey: 'word', source: datum.ttAdapter()});
init: function () {
return {
autocomplete: function (counter, data) {
var datum = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: function (d) {
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.word);
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
local: data
jQuery('.typeahead-' + counter).typeahead(null, {displayKey: 'word', source: datum.ttAdapter()});
init: function () {
// model generator: hide class name input when table name input contains *
$('#model-generator #generator-tablename').on('change', function () {
$('#model-generator .field-generator-modelclass').toggle($(this).val().indexOf('*') == -1);
// model generator: hide class name input when table name input contains *
$('#model-generator #generator-tablename').on('change',function () {
$('#model-generator .field-generator-modelclass').toggle($(this).val().indexOf('*') == -1);
// hide Generate button if any input is changed
$('.default-view .form-group input,select,textarea').change(function () {
$('.default-view button[name="generate"]').hide();
// hide Generate button if any input is changed
$('.default-view .form-group input,select,textarea').change(function () {
$('.default-view button[name="generate"]').hide();
$('.module-form #generator-moduleclass').change(function () {
var value = $(this).val().match(/(\w+)\\\w+$/);
var $idInput = $('#generator-moduleid');
if (value && value[1] && $idInput.val() == '') {
$('.module-form #generator-moduleclass').change(function () {
var value = $(this).val().match(/(\w+)\\\w+$/);
var $idInput = $('#generator-moduleid');
if (value && value[1] && $idInput.val() == '') {
......@@ -10,400 +10,400 @@
* @since 2.0
(function ($) {
$.fn.yiiActiveForm = function (method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.yiiActiveForm');
return false;
var defaults = {
// the jQuery selector for the error summary
errorSummary: undefined,
// whether to perform validation before submitting the form.
validateOnSubmit: true,
// the container CSS class representing the corresponding attribute has validation error
errorCssClass: 'error',
// the container CSS class representing the corresponding attribute passes validation
successCssClass: 'success',
// the container CSS class representing the corresponding attribute is being validated
validatingCssClass: 'validating',
// the URL for performing AJAX-based validation. If not set, it will use the the form's action
validationUrl: undefined,
// a callback that is called before submitting the form. The signature of the callback should be:
// function ($form) { ...return false to cancel submission...}
beforeSubmit: undefined,
// a callback that is called before validating each attribute. The signature of the callback should be:
// function ($form, attribute, messages) { ...return false to cancel the validation...}
beforeValidate: undefined,
// a callback that is called after an attribute is validated. The signature of the callback should be:
// function ($form, attribute, messages)
afterValidate: undefined,
// the GET parameter name indicating an AJAX-based validation
ajaxParam: 'ajax',
// the type of data that you're expecting back from the server
ajaxDataType: 'json'
$.fn.yiiActiveForm = function (method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.yiiActiveForm');
return false;
var attributeDefaults = {
// attribute name or expression (e.g. "[0]content" for tabular input)
name: undefined,
// the jQuery selector of the container of the input field
container: undefined,
// the jQuery selector of the input field
input: undefined,
// the jQuery selector of the error tag
error: undefined,
// whether to perform validation when a change is detected on the input
validateOnChange: false,
// whether to perform validation when the user is typing.
validateOnType: false,
// number of milliseconds that the validation should be delayed when a user is typing in the input field.
validationDelay: 200,
// whether to enable AJAX-based validation.
enableAjaxValidation: false,
// function (attribute, value, messages), the client-side validation function.
validate: undefined,
// status of the input field, 0: empty, not entered before, 1: validated, 2: pending validation, 3: validating
status: 0,
// the value of the input
value: undefined
var defaults = {
// the jQuery selector for the error summary
errorSummary: undefined,
// whether to perform validation before submitting the form.
validateOnSubmit: true,
// the container CSS class representing the corresponding attribute has validation error
errorCssClass: 'error',
// the container CSS class representing the corresponding attribute passes validation
successCssClass: 'success',
// the container CSS class representing the corresponding attribute is being validated
validatingCssClass: 'validating',
// the URL for performing AJAX-based validation. If not set, it will use the the form's action
validationUrl: undefined,
// a callback that is called before submitting the form. The signature of the callback should be:
// function ($form) { ...return false to cancel submission...}
beforeSubmit: undefined,
// a callback that is called before validating each attribute. The signature of the callback should be:
// function ($form, attribute, messages) { ...return false to cancel the validation...}
beforeValidate: undefined,
// a callback that is called after an attribute is validated. The signature of the callback should be:
// function ($form, attribute, messages)
afterValidate: undefined,
// the GET parameter name indicating an AJAX-based validation
ajaxParam: 'ajax',
// the type of data that you're expecting back from the server
ajaxDataType: 'json'
var methods = {
init: function (attributes, options) {
return this.each(function () {
var $form = $(this);
if ($'yiiActiveForm')) {
var attributeDefaults = {
// attribute name or expression (e.g. "[0]content" for tabular input)
name: undefined,
// the jQuery selector of the container of the input field
container: undefined,
// the jQuery selector of the input field
input: undefined,
// the jQuery selector of the error tag
error: undefined,
// whether to perform validation when a change is detected on the input
validateOnChange: false,
// whether to perform validation when the user is typing.
validateOnType: false,
// number of milliseconds that the validation should be delayed when a user is typing in the input field.
validationDelay: 200,
// whether to enable AJAX-based validation.
enableAjaxValidation: false,
// function (attribute, value, messages), the client-side validation function.
validate: undefined,
// status of the input field, 0: empty, not entered before, 1: validated, 2: pending validation, 3: validating
status: 0,
// the value of the input
value: undefined
var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {});
if (settings.validationUrl === undefined) {
settings.validationUrl = $form.prop('action');
$.each(attributes, function (i) {
attributes[i] = $.extend({value: getValue($form, this)}, attributeDefaults, this);
$'yiiActiveForm', {
settings: settings,
attributes: attributes,
submitting: false,
validated: false
var methods = {
init: function (attributes, options) {
return this.each(function () {
var $form = $(this);
if ($'yiiActiveForm')) {
watchAttributes($form, attributes);
var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {});
if (settings.validationUrl === undefined) {
settings.validationUrl = $form.prop('action');
$.each(attributes, function (i) {
attributes[i] = $.extend({value: getValue($form, this)}, attributeDefaults, this);
$'yiiActiveForm', {
settings: settings,
attributes: attributes,
submitting: false,
validated: false
* Clean up error status when the form is reset.
* Note that $form.on('reset', ...) does work because the "reset" event does not bubble on IE.
$form.bind('reset.yiiActiveForm', methods.resetForm);
watchAttributes($form, attributes);
if (settings.validateOnSubmit) {
$form.on('mouseup.yiiActiveForm keyup.yiiActiveForm', ':submit', function () {
$'yiiActiveForm').submitObject = $(this);
$form.on('submit', methods.submitForm);
* Clean up error status when the form is reset.
* Note that $form.on('reset', ...) does work because the "reset" event does not bubble on IE.
$form.bind('reset.yiiActiveForm', methods.resetForm);
destroy: function () {
return this.each(function () {
if (settings.validateOnSubmit) {
$form.on('mouseup.yiiActiveForm keyup.yiiActiveForm', ':submit', function () {
$'yiiActiveForm').submitObject = $(this);
$form.on('submit', methods.submitForm);
data: function() {
destroy: function () {
return this.each(function () {
submitForm: function () {
var $form = $(this),
data = $'yiiActiveForm');
if (data.validated) {
if (data.settings.beforeSubmit !== undefined) {
if (data.settings.beforeSubmit($form) == false) {
data.validated = false;
data.submitting = false;
return false;
// continue submitting the form since validation passes
return true;
data: function () {
if (data.settings.timer !== undefined) {
data.submitting = true;
validate($form, function (messages) {
var errors = [];
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (updateInput($form, this, messages)) {
updateSummary($form, messages);
if (errors.length) {
var top = $form.find(errors.join(',')).first().offset().top;
var wtop = $(window).scrollTop();
if (top < wtop || top > wtop + $(window).height) {
} else {
data.validated = true;
var $button = data.submitObject || $form.find(':submit:first');
// TODO: if the submission is caused by "change" event, it will not work
if ($button.length) {
} else {
// no submit button in the form
data.submitting = false;
}, function () {
data.submitting = false;
return false;
submitForm: function () {
var $form = $(this),
data = $'yiiActiveForm');
if (data.validated) {
if (data.settings.beforeSubmit !== undefined) {
if (data.settings.beforeSubmit($form) == false) {
data.validated = false;
data.submitting = false;
return false;
// continue submitting the form since validation passes
return true;
resetForm: function () {
var $form = $(this);
var data = $'yiiActiveForm');
// Because we bind directly to a form reset event instead of a reset button (that may not exist),
// when this function is executed form input values have not been reset yet.
// Therefore we do the actual reset work through setTimeout.
setTimeout(function () {
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
// Without setTimeout() we would get the input values that are not reset yet.
this.value = getValue($form, this);
this.status = 0;
var $container = $form.find(this.container);
data.settings.validatingCssClass + ' ' +
data.settings.errorCssClass + ' ' +
}, 1);
if (data.settings.timer !== undefined) {
data.submitting = true;
validate($form, function (messages) {
var errors = [];
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (updateInput($form, this, messages)) {
updateSummary($form, messages);
if (errors.length) {
var top = $form.find(errors.join(',')).first().offset().top;
var wtop = $(window).scrollTop();
if (top < wtop || top > wtop + $(window).height) {
} else {
data.validated = true;
var $button = data.submitObject || $form.find(':submit:first');
// TODO: if the submission is caused by "change" event, it will not work
if ($button.length) {
} else {
// no submit button in the form
data.submitting = false;
}, function () {
data.submitting = false;
return false;
var watchAttributes = function ($form, attributes) {
$.each(attributes, function (i, attribute) {
var $input = findInput($form, attribute);
if (attribute.validateOnChange) {
$input.on('change.yiiActiveForm', function () {
validateAttribute($form, attribute, false);
}).on('blur.yiiActiveForm', function () {
if (attribute.status == 0 || attribute.status == 1) {
validateAttribute($form, attribute, !attribute.status);
if (attribute.validateOnType) {
$input.on('keyup.yiiActiveForm', function () {
if (attribute.value !== getValue($form, attribute)) {
validateAttribute($form, attribute, false);
resetForm: function () {
var $form = $(this);
var data = $'yiiActiveForm');
// Because we bind directly to a form reset event instead of a reset button (that may not exist),
// when this function is executed form input values have not been reset yet.
// Therefore we do the actual reset work through setTimeout.
setTimeout(function () {
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
// Without setTimeout() we would get the input values that are not reset yet.
this.value = getValue($form, this);
this.status = 0;
var $container = $form.find(this.container);
data.settings.validatingCssClass + ' ' +
data.settings.errorCssClass + ' ' +
}, 1);
var validateAttribute = function ($form, attribute, forceValidate) {
var data = $'yiiActiveForm');
var watchAttributes = function ($form, attributes) {
$.each(attributes, function (i, attribute) {
var $input = findInput($form, attribute);
if (attribute.validateOnChange) {
$input.on('change.yiiActiveForm',function () {
validateAttribute($form, attribute, false);
}).on('blur.yiiActiveForm', function () {
if (attribute.status == 0 || attribute.status == 1) {
validateAttribute($form, attribute, !attribute.status);
if (attribute.validateOnType) {
$input.on('keyup.yiiActiveForm', function () {
if (attribute.value !== getValue($form, attribute)) {
validateAttribute($form, attribute, false);
if (forceValidate) {
attribute.status = 2;
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (this.value !== getValue($form, this)) {
this.status = 2;
forceValidate = true;
if (!forceValidate) {
var validateAttribute = function ($form, attribute, forceValidate) {
var data = $'yiiActiveForm');
if (data.settings.timer !== undefined) {
data.settings.timer = setTimeout(function () {
if (data.submitting || $':hidden')) {
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (this.status === 2) {
this.status = 3;
validate($form, function (messages) {
var hasError = false;
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (this.status === 2 || this.status === 3) {
hasError = updateInput($form, this, messages) || hasError;
}, data.settings.validationDelay);
* Performs validation.
* @param $form jQuery the jquery representation of the form
* @param successCallback function the function to be invoked if the validation completes
* @param errorCallback function the function to be invoked if the ajax validation request fails
var validate = function ($form, successCallback, errorCallback) {
var data = $'yiiActiveForm'),
needAjaxValidation = false,
messages = {};
if (forceValidate) {
attribute.status = 2;
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (this.value !== getValue($form, this)) {
this.status = 2;
forceValidate = true;
if (!forceValidate) {
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (data.submitting || this.status === 2 || this.status === 3) {
var msg = [];
if (!data.settings.beforeValidate || data.settings.beforeValidate($form, this, msg)) {
if (this.validate) {
this.validate(this, getValue($form, this), msg);
if (msg.length) {
messages[] = msg;
} else if (this.enableAjaxValidation) {
needAjaxValidation = true;
if (data.settings.timer !== undefined) {
data.settings.timer = setTimeout(function () {
if (data.submitting || $':hidden')) {
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (this.status === 2) {
this.status = 3;
validate($form, function (messages) {
var hasError = false;
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (this.status === 2 || this.status === 3) {
hasError = updateInput($form, this, messages) || hasError;
}, data.settings.validationDelay);
if (needAjaxValidation && (!data.submitting || $.isEmptyObject(messages))) {
// Perform ajax validation when at least one input needs it.
// If the validation is triggered by form submission, ajax validation
// should be done only when all inputs pass client validation
var $button = data.submitObject,
extData = '&' + data.settings.ajaxParam + '=' + $form.prop('id');
if ($button && $button.length && $button.prop('name')) {
extData += '&' + $button.prop('name') + '=' + $button.prop('value');
url: data.settings.validationUrl,
type: $form.prop('method'),
data: $form.serialize() + extData,
dataType: data.settings.ajaxDataType,
success: function (msgs) {
if (msgs !== null && typeof msgs === 'object') {
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (!this.enableAjaxValidation) {
delete msgs[];
successCallback($.extend({}, messages, msgs));
} else {
error: errorCallback
} else if (data.submitting) {
// delay callback so that the form can be submitted without problem
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);
} else {
* Performs validation.
* @param $form jQuery the jquery representation of the form
* @param successCallback function the function to be invoked if the validation completes
* @param errorCallback function the function to be invoked if the ajax validation request fails
var validate = function ($form, successCallback, errorCallback) {
var data = $'yiiActiveForm'),
needAjaxValidation = false,
messages = {};
* Updates the error message and the input container for a particular attribute.
* @param $form the form jQuery object
* @param attribute object the configuration for a particular attribute.
* @param messages array the validation error messages
* @return boolean whether there is a validation error for the specified attribute
var updateInput = function ($form, attribute, messages) {
var data = $'yiiActiveForm'),
$input = findInput($form, attribute),
hasError = false;
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (data.submitting || this.status === 2 || this.status === 3) {
var msg = [];
if (!data.settings.beforeValidate || data.settings.beforeValidate($form, this, msg)) {
if (this.validate) {
this.validate(this, getValue($form, this), msg);
if (msg.length) {
messages[] = msg;
} else if (this.enableAjaxValidation) {
needAjaxValidation = true;
if (data.settings.afterValidate) {
data.settings.afterValidate($form, attribute, messages);
attribute.status = 1;
if ($input.length) {
hasError = messages && $.isArray(messages[]) && messages[].length;
var $container = $form.find(attribute.container);
var $error = $container.find(attribute.error);
if (hasError) {
$container.removeClass(data.settings.validatingCssClass + ' ' + data.settings.successCssClass)
} else {
$container.removeClass(data.settings.validatingCssClass + ' ' + data.settings.errorCssClass + ' ')
attribute.value = getValue($form, attribute);
return hasError;
if (needAjaxValidation && (!data.submitting || $.isEmptyObject(messages))) {
// Perform ajax validation when at least one input needs it.
// If the validation is triggered by form submission, ajax validation
// should be done only when all inputs pass client validation
var $button = data.submitObject,
extData = '&' + data.settings.ajaxParam + '=' + $form.prop('id');
if ($button && $button.length && $button.prop('name')) {
extData += '&' + $button.prop('name') + '=' + $button.prop('value');
url: data.settings.validationUrl,
type: $form.prop('method'),
data: $form.serialize() + extData,
dataType: data.settings.ajaxDataType,
success: function (msgs) {
if (msgs !== null && typeof msgs === 'object') {
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (!this.enableAjaxValidation) {
delete msgs[];
successCallback($.extend({}, messages, msgs));
} else {
error: errorCallback
} else if (data.submitting) {
// delay callback so that the form can be submitted without problem
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);
} else {
* Updates the error summary.
* @param $form the form jQuery object
* @param messages array the validation error messages
var updateSummary = function ($form, messages) {
var data = $'yiiActiveForm'),
$summary = $form.find(data.settings.errorSummary),
$ul = $summary.find('ul').html('');
* Updates the error message and the input container for a particular attribute.
* @param $form the form jQuery object
* @param attribute object the configuration for a particular attribute.
* @param messages array the validation error messages
* @return boolean whether there is a validation error for the specified attribute
var updateInput = function ($form, attribute, messages) {
var data = $'yiiActiveForm'),
$input = findInput($form, attribute),
hasError = false;
if ($summary.length && messages) {
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if ($.isArray(messages[]) && messages[].length) {
$summary.toggle($ul.find('li').length > 0);
if (data.settings.afterValidate) {
data.settings.afterValidate($form, attribute, messages);
attribute.status = 1;
if ($input.length) {
hasError = messages && $.isArray(messages[]) && messages[].length;
var $container = $form.find(attribute.container);
var $error = $container.find(attribute.error);
if (hasError) {
$container.removeClass(data.settings.validatingCssClass + ' ' + data.settings.successCssClass)
} else {
$container.removeClass(data.settings.validatingCssClass + ' ' + data.settings.errorCssClass + ' ')
attribute.value = getValue($form, attribute);
return hasError;
var getValue = function ($form, attribute) {
var $input = findInput($form, attribute);
var type = $input.prop('type');
if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') {
var $realInput = $input.filter(':checked');
if (!$realInput.length) {
$realInput = $form.find('input[type=hidden][name="'+$input.prop('name')+'"]');
return $realInput.val();
} else {
return $input.val();
* Updates the error summary.
* @param $form the form jQuery object
* @param messages array the validation error messages
var updateSummary = function ($form, messages) {
var data = $'yiiActiveForm'),
$summary = $form.find(data.settings.errorSummary),
$ul = $summary.find('ul').html('');
var findInput = function ($form, attribute) {
var $input = $form.find(attribute.input);
if ($input.length && $input[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'div') {
// checkbox list or radio list
return $input.find('input');
} else {
return $input;
if ($summary.length && messages) {
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if ($.isArray(messages[]) && messages[].length) {
$summary.toggle($ul.find('li').length > 0);
var getValue = function ($form, attribute) {
var $input = findInput($form, attribute);
var type = $input.prop('type');
if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') {
var $realInput = $input.filter(':checked');
if (!$realInput.length) {
$realInput = $form.find('input[type=hidden][name="' + $input.prop('name') + '"]');
return $realInput.val();
} else {
return $input.val();
var findInput = function ($form, attribute) {
var $input = $form.find(attribute.input);
if ($input.length && $input[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'div') {
// checkbox list or radio list
return $input.find('input');
} else {
return $input;
......@@ -10,63 +10,63 @@
* @since 2.0
(function ($) {
$.fn.yiiCaptcha = function (method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.yiiCaptcha');
return false;
$.fn.yiiCaptcha = function (method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.yiiCaptcha');
return false;
var defaults = {
refreshUrl: undefined,
hashKey: undefined
var defaults = {
refreshUrl: undefined,
hashKey: undefined
var methods = {
init: function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
var $e = $(this);
var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {});
$'yiiCaptcha', {
settings: settings
var methods = {
init: function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
var $e = $(this);
var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {});
$'yiiCaptcha', {
settings: settings
$e.on('click.yiiCaptcha', function() {
return false;
$e.on('click.yiiCaptcha', function () {
return false;
refresh: function () {
var $e = this,
settings ='yiiCaptcha').settings;
url: $'yiiCaptcha').settings.refreshUrl,
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
$e.attr('src', data.url);
$('body').data(settings.hashKey, [data.hash1, data.hash2]);
refresh: function () {
var $e = this,
settings ='yiiCaptcha').settings;
url: $'yiiCaptcha').settings.refreshUrl,
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
$e.attr('src', data.url);
$('body').data(settings.hashKey, [data.hash1, data.hash2]);
destroy: function () {
return this.each(function () {
destroy: function () {
return this.each(function () {
data: function() {
data: function () {
......@@ -10,120 +10,120 @@
* @since 2.0
(function ($) {
$.fn.yiiGridView = function (method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.yiiGridView');
return false;
$.fn.yiiGridView = function (method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.yiiGridView');
return false;
var defaults = {
filterUrl: undefined,
filterSelector: undefined
var defaults = {
filterUrl: undefined,
filterSelector: undefined
var gridData = {};
var gridData = {};
var methods = {
init: function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
var $e = $(this);
var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {});
gridData[$e.prop('id')] = {settings: settings};
var methods = {
init: function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
var $e = $(this);
var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {});
gridData[$e.prop('id')] = {settings: settings};
var enterPressed = false;
$(document).off('change.yiiGridView keydown.yiiGridView', settings.filterSelector)
.on('change.yiiGridView keydown.yiiGridView', settings.filterSelector, function (event) {
if (event.type === 'keydown') {
if (event.keyCode !== 13) {
return; // only react to enter key
} else {
enterPressed = true;
} else {
// prevent processing for both keydown and change events
if (enterPressed) {
enterPressed = false;
var enterPressed = false;
$(document).off('change.yiiGridView keydown.yiiGridView', settings.filterSelector)
.on('change.yiiGridView keydown.yiiGridView', settings.filterSelector, function (event) {
if (event.type === 'keydown') {
if (event.keyCode !== 13) {
return; // only react to enter key
} else {
enterPressed = true;
} else {
// prevent processing for both keydown and change events
if (enterPressed) {
enterPressed = false;
return false;
return false;
applyFilter: function () {
var $grid = $(this);
var settings = gridData[$grid.prop('id')].settings;
var data = {};
$.each($(settings.filterSelector).serializeArray(), function () {
data[] = this.value;
applyFilter: function () {
var $grid = $(this);
var settings = gridData[$grid.prop('id')].settings;
var data = {};
$.each($(settings.filterSelector).serializeArray(), function () {
data[] = this.value;
$.each(yii.getQueryParams(settings.filterUrl), function (name, value) {
if (data[name] === undefined) {
data[name] = value;
$.each(yii.getQueryParams(settings.filterUrl), function (name, value) {
if (data[name] === undefined) {
data[name] = value;
var pos = settings.filterUrl.indexOf('?');
var url = pos < 0 ? settings.filterUrl : settings.filterUrl.substring(0, pos);
var pos = settings.filterUrl.indexOf('?');
var url = pos < 0 ? settings.filterUrl : settings.filterUrl.substring(0, pos);
var $form = $('<form action="' + url + '" method="get" class="gridview-filter-form" style="display:none" data-pjax></form>').appendTo($grid);
$.each(data, function (name, value) {
$form.append($('<input type="hidden" name="t" value="" />').attr('name', name).val(value));
var $form = $('<form action="' + url + '" method="get" class="gridview-filter-form" style="display:none" data-pjax></form>').appendTo($grid);
$.each(data, function (name, value) {
$form.append($('<input type="hidden" name="t" value="" />').attr('name', name).val(value));
setSelectionColumn: function (options) {
var $grid = $(this);
var id = $(this).prop('id');
gridData[id].selectionColumn =;
if (!options.multiple) {
var inputs = "#" + id + " input[name='" + options.checkAll + "']";
$(document).off('click.yiiGridView', inputs).on('click.yiiGridView', inputs, function () {
$grid.find("input[name='" + + "']:enabled").prop('checked', this.checked);
$(document).off('click.yiiGridView', inputs + ":enabled").on('click.yiiGridView', inputs + ":enabled", function () {
var all = $grid.find("input[name='" + + "']").length == $grid.find("input[name='" + + "']:checked").length;
$grid.find("input[name='" + options.checkAll + "']").prop('checked', all);
setSelectionColumn: function (options) {
var $grid = $(this);
var id = $(this).prop('id');
gridData[id].selectionColumn =;
if (!options.multiple) {
var inputs = "#" + id + " input[name='" + options.checkAll + "']";
$(document).off('click.yiiGridView', inputs).on('click.yiiGridView', inputs, function () {
$grid.find("input[name='" + + "']:enabled").prop('checked', this.checked);
$(document).off('click.yiiGridView', inputs + ":enabled").on('click.yiiGridView', inputs + ":enabled", function () {
var all = $grid.find("input[name='" + + "']").length == $grid.find("input[name='" + + "']:checked").length;
$grid.find("input[name='" + options.checkAll + "']").prop('checked', all);
getSelectedRows: function () {
var $grid = $(this);
var data = gridData[$grid.prop('id')];
var keys = [];
if (data.selectionColumn) {
$grid.find("input[name='" + data.selectionColumn + "']:checked").each(function () {
return keys;
getSelectedRows: function () {
var $grid = $(this);
var data = gridData[$grid.prop('id')];
var keys = [];
if (data.selectionColumn) {
$grid.find("input[name='" + data.selectionColumn + "']:checked").each(function () {
return keys;
destroy: function () {
return this.each(function () {
destroy: function () {
return this.each(function () {
data: function () {
var id = $(this).prop('id');
return gridData[id];
data: function () {
var id = $(this).prop('id');
return gridData[id];
......@@ -42,220 +42,220 @@
* You must call "yii.initModule()" once for the root module of all your modules.
yii = (function ($) {
var pub = {
* List of scripts that can be loaded multiple times via AJAX requests. Each script can be represented
* as either an absolute URL or a relative one.
reloadableScripts: [],
* The selector for clickable elements that need to support confirmation and form submission.
clickableSelector: 'a, button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="image"]',
* The selector for changeable elements that need to support confirmation and form submission.
changeableSelector: 'select, input, textarea',
var pub = {
* List of scripts that can be loaded multiple times via AJAX requests. Each script can be represented
* as either an absolute URL or a relative one.
reloadableScripts: [],
* The selector for clickable elements that need to support confirmation and form submission.
clickableSelector: 'a, button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="image"]',
* The selector for changeable elements that need to support confirmation and form submission.
changeableSelector: 'select, input, textarea',
* @return string|undefined the CSRF parameter name. Undefined is returned if CSRF validation is not enabled.
getCsrfParam: function () {
return $('meta[name=csrf-param]').prop('content');
* @return string|undefined the CSRF parameter name. Undefined is returned if CSRF validation is not enabled.
getCsrfParam: function () {
return $('meta[name=csrf-param]').prop('content');
* @return string|undefined the CSRF token. Undefined is returned if CSRF validation is not enabled.
getCsrfToken: function () {
return $('meta[name=csrf-token]').prop('content');
* @return string|undefined the CSRF token. Undefined is returned if CSRF validation is not enabled.
getCsrfToken: function () {
return $('meta[name=csrf-token]').prop('content');
* Displays a confirmation dialog.
* The default implementation simply displays a js confirmation dialog.
* You may override this by setting `yii.confirm`.
* @param message the confirmation message.
* @return boolean whether the user confirms with the message in the dialog
confirm: function (message) {
return confirm(message);
* Displays a confirmation dialog.
* The default implementation simply displays a js confirmation dialog.
* You may override this by setting `yii.confirm`.
* @param message the confirmation message.
* @return boolean whether the user confirms with the message in the dialog
confirm: function (message) {
return confirm(message);
* Returns a value indicating whether to allow executing the action defined for the specified element.
* This method recognizes the `data-confirm` attribute of the element and uses it
* as the message in a confirmation dialog. The method will return true if this special attribute
* is not defined or if the user confirms the message.
* @param $e the jQuery representation of the element
* @return boolean whether to allow executing the action defined for the specified element.
allowAction: function ($e) {
var message = $'confirm');
return message === undefined || pub.confirm(message);
* Returns a value indicating whether to allow executing the action defined for the specified element.
* This method recognizes the `data-confirm` attribute of the element and uses it
* as the message in a confirmation dialog. The method will return true if this special attribute
* is not defined or if the user confirms the message.
* @param $e the jQuery representation of the element
* @return boolean whether to allow executing the action defined for the specified element.
allowAction: function ($e) {
var message = $'confirm');
return message === undefined || pub.confirm(message);
* Handles the action triggered by user.
* This method recognizes the `data-method` attribute of the element. If the attribute exists,
* the method will submit the form containing this element. If there is no containing form, a form
* will be created and submitted using the method given by this attribute value (e.g. "post", "put").
* For hyperlinks, the form action will take the value of the "href" attribute of the link.
* For other elements, either the containing form action or the current page URL will be used
* as the form action URL.
* If the `data-method` attribute is not defined, the default element action will be performed.
* @param $e the jQuery representation of the element
* @return boolean whether to execute the default action for the element.
handleAction: function ($e) {
var method = $'method');
if (method === undefined) {
return true;
* Handles the action triggered by user.
* This method recognizes the `data-method` attribute of the element. If the attribute exists,
* the method will submit the form containing this element. If there is no containing form, a form
* will be created and submitted using the method given by this attribute value (e.g. "post", "put").
* For hyperlinks, the form action will take the value of the "href" attribute of the link.
* For other elements, either the containing form action or the current page URL will be used
* as the form action URL.
* If the `data-method` attribute is not defined, the default element action will be performed.
* @param $e the jQuery representation of the element
* @return boolean whether to execute the default action for the element.
handleAction: function ($e) {
var method = $'method');
if (method === undefined) {
return true;
var $form = $e.closest('form');
var newForm = !$form.length;
if (newForm) {
var action = $e.prop('href');
if (!action || !action.match(/(^\/|:\/\/)/)) {
action = window.location.href;
$form = $('<form method="' + method + '" action="' + action + '"></form>');
var target = $e.prop('target');
if (target) {
$form.attr('target', target);
if (!method.match(/(get|post)/i)) {
$form.append('<input name="_method" value="' + method + '" type="hidden">');
var csrfParam = pub.getCsrfParam();
if (csrfParam) {
$form.append('<input name="' + csrfParam + '" value="' + pub.getCsrfToken() + '" type="hidden">');
var $form = $e.closest('form');
var newForm = !$form.length;
if (newForm) {
var action = $e.prop('href');
if (!action || !action.match(/(^\/|:\/\/)/)) {
action = window.location.href;
$form = $('<form method="' + method + '" action="' + action + '"></form>');
var target = $e.prop('target');
if (target) {
$form.attr('target', target);
if (!method.match(/(get|post)/i)) {
$form.append('<input name="_method" value="' + method + '" type="hidden">');
var csrfParam = pub.getCsrfParam();
if (csrfParam) {
$form.append('<input name="' + csrfParam + '" value="' + pub.getCsrfToken() + '" type="hidden">');
var activeFormData = $'yiiActiveForm');
if (activeFormData) {
// remember who triggers the form submission. This is used by yii.activeForm.js
activeFormData.submitObject = $e;
var activeFormData = $'yiiActiveForm');
if (activeFormData) {
// remember who triggers the form submission. This is used by yii.activeForm.js
activeFormData.submitObject = $e;
if (newForm) {
if (newForm) {
return false;
return false;
getQueryParams: function (url) {
var pos = url.indexOf('?');
if (pos < 0) {
return {};
var qs = url.substring(pos + 1).split('&');
for (var i = 0, result = {}; i < qs.length; i++) {
qs[i] = qs[i].split('=');
result[decodeURIComponent(qs[i][0])] = decodeURIComponent(qs[i][1]);
return result;
getQueryParams: function (url) {
var pos = url.indexOf('?');
if (pos < 0) {
return {};
var qs = url.substring(pos + 1).split('&');
for (var i = 0, result = {}; i < qs.length; i++) {
qs[i] = qs[i].split('=');
result[decodeURIComponent(qs[i][0])] = decodeURIComponent(qs[i][1]);
return result;
initModule: function (module) {
if (module.isActive === undefined || module.isActive) {
if ($.isFunction(module.init)) {
$.each(module, function () {
if ($.isPlainObject(this)) {
initModule: function (module) {
if (module.isActive === undefined || module.isActive) {
if ($.isFunction(module.init)) {
$.each(module, function () {
if ($.isPlainObject(this)) {
init: function () {
init: function () {
function initRedirectHandler() {
// handle AJAX redirection
$(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, settings) {
var url = xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Redirect');
if (url) {
window.location = url;
function initRedirectHandler() {
// handle AJAX redirection
$(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, settings) {
var url = xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Redirect');
if (url) {
window.location = url;
function initCsrfHandler() {
// automatically send CSRF token for all AJAX requests
$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {
if (!options.crossDomain && pub.getCsrfParam()) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', pub.getCsrfToken());
function initCsrfHandler() {
// automatically send CSRF token for all AJAX requests
$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {
if (!options.crossDomain && pub.getCsrfParam()) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', pub.getCsrfToken());
function initDataMethods() {
var $document = $(document);
// handle data-confirm and data-method for clickable elements
$document.on('click.yii', pub.clickableSelector, function (event) {
var $this = $(this);
if (pub.allowAction($this)) {
return pub.handleAction($this);
} else {
return false;
function initDataMethods() {
var $document = $(document);
// handle data-confirm and data-method for clickable elements
$document.on('click.yii', pub.clickableSelector, function (event) {
var $this = $(this);
if (pub.allowAction($this)) {
return pub.handleAction($this);
} else {
return false;
// handle data-confirm and data-method for changeable elements
$document.on('change.yii', pub.changeableSelector, function (event) {
var $this = $(this);
if (pub.allowAction($this)) {
return pub.handleAction($this);
} else {
return false;
// handle data-confirm and data-method for changeable elements
$document.on('change.yii', pub.changeableSelector, function (event) {
var $this = $(this);
if (pub.allowAction($this)) {
return pub.handleAction($this);
} else {
return false;
function initScriptFilter() {
var hostInfo = location.protocol + '//' +;
var loadedScripts = $('script[src]').map(function () {
return this.src.charAt(0) === '/' ? hostInfo + this.src : this.src;
$.ajaxPrefilter('script', function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {
if(options.dataType == 'jsonp') {
var url = options.url.charAt(0) === '/' ? hostInfo + options.url : options.url;
if ($.inArray(url, loadedScripts) === -1) {
} else {
var found = $.inArray(url, $.map(pub.reloadableScripts, function (script) {
return script.charAt(0) === '/' ? hostInfo + script : script;
})) !== -1;
if (!found) {
function initScriptFilter() {
var hostInfo = location.protocol + '//' +;
var loadedScripts = $('script[src]').map(function () {
return this.src.charAt(0) === '/' ? hostInfo + this.src : this.src;
$.ajaxPrefilter('script', function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {
if (options.dataType == 'jsonp') {
var url = options.url.charAt(0) === '/' ? hostInfo + options.url : options.url;
if ($.inArray(url, loadedScripts) === -1) {
} else {
var found = $.inArray(url, $.map(pub.reloadableScripts, function (script) {
return script.charAt(0) === '/' ? hostInfo + script : script;
})) !== -1;
if (!found) {
return pub;
return pub;
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
......@@ -11,218 +11,218 @@
yii.validation = (function ($) {
var pub = {
isEmpty: function (value) {
return value === null || value === undefined || value == [] || value === '';
addMessage: function (messages, message, value) {
messages.push(message.replace(/\{value\}/g, value));
required: function (value, messages, options) {
var valid = false;
if (options.requiredValue === undefined) {
var isString = typeof value == 'string' || value instanceof String;
if (options.strict && value !== undefined || !options.strict && !pub.isEmpty(isString ? $.trim(value) : value)) {
valid = true;
} else if (!options.strict && value == options.requiredValue || options.strict && value === options.requiredValue) {
valid = true;
if (!valid) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
boolean: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
var valid = !options.strict && (value == options.trueValue || value == options.falseValue)
|| options.strict && (value === options.trueValue || value === options.falseValue);
if (!valid) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
string: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
if (options.min !== undefined && value.length < options.min) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooShort, value);
if (options.max !== undefined && value.length > options.max) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooLong, value);
if ( !== undefined && value.length != {
pub.addMessage(messages,, value);
number: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
if (typeof value === 'string' && !value.match(options.pattern)) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
if (options.min !== undefined && value < options.min) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooSmall, value);
if (options.max !== undefined && value > options.max) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooBig, value);
range: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
var valid = !options.not && $.inArray(value, options.range) > -1
|| options.not && $.inArray(value, options.range) == -1;
if (!valid) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
regularExpression: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
if (!options.not && !value.match(options.pattern) || options.not && value.match(options.pattern)) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
email: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
var valid = true;
if (options.enableIDN) {
var regexp = /^(.*<?)(.*)@(.*)(>?)$/,
matches = regexp.exec(value);
if (matches === null) {
valid = false;
} else {
value = matches[1] + punycode.toASCII(matches[2]) + '@' + punycode.toASCII(matches[3]) + matches[4];
if (!valid || !(value.match(options.pattern) || (options.allowName && value.match(options.fullPattern)))) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
url: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
if (options.defaultScheme && !value.match(/:\/\//)) {
value = options.defaultScheme + '://' + value;
var valid = true;
if (options.enableIDN) {
var regexp = /^([^:]+):\/\/([^\/]+)(.*)$/,
matches = regexp.exec(value);
if (matches === null) {
valid = false;
} else {
value = matches[1] + '://' + punycode.toASCII(matches[2]) + matches[3];
if (!valid || !value.match(options.pattern)) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
captcha: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
// CAPTCHA may be updated via AJAX and the updated hash is stored in body data
var hash = $('body').data(options.hashKey);
if (hash == null) {
hash = options.hash;
} else {
hash = hash[options.caseSensitive ? 0 : 1];
var v = options.caseSensitive ? value : value.toLowerCase();
for (var i = v.length - 1, h = 0; i >= 0; --i) {
h += v.charCodeAt(i);
if (h != hash) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
compare: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
var compareValue, valid = true;
if (options.compareAttribute === undefined) {
compareValue = options.compareValue;
} else {
compareValue = $('#' + options.compareAttribute).val();
switch (options.operator) {
case '==':
valid = value == compareValue;
case '===':
valid = value === compareValue;
case '!=':
valid = value != compareValue;
case '!==':
valid = value !== compareValue;
case '>':
valid = value > compareValue;
case '>=':
valid = value >= compareValue;
case '<':
valid = value < compareValue;
case '<=':
valid = value <= compareValue;
valid = false;
if (!valid) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
return pub;
var pub = {
isEmpty: function (value) {
return value === null || value === undefined || value == [] || value === '';
addMessage: function (messages, message, value) {
messages.push(message.replace(/\{value\}/g, value));
required: function (value, messages, options) {
var valid = false;
if (options.requiredValue === undefined) {
var isString = typeof value == 'string' || value instanceof String;
if (options.strict && value !== undefined || !options.strict && !pub.isEmpty(isString ? $.trim(value) : value)) {
valid = true;
} else if (!options.strict && value == options.requiredValue || options.strict && value === options.requiredValue) {
valid = true;
if (!valid) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
boolean: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
var valid = !options.strict && (value == options.trueValue || value == options.falseValue)
|| options.strict && (value === options.trueValue || value === options.falseValue);
if (!valid) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
string: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
if (options.min !== undefined && value.length < options.min) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooShort, value);
if (options.max !== undefined && value.length > options.max) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooLong, value);
if ( !== undefined && value.length != {
pub.addMessage(messages,, value);
number: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
if (typeof value === 'string' && !value.match(options.pattern)) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
if (options.min !== undefined && value < options.min) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooSmall, value);
if (options.max !== undefined && value > options.max) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooBig, value);
range: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
var valid = !options.not && $.inArray(value, options.range) > -1
|| options.not && $.inArray(value, options.range) == -1;
if (!valid) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
regularExpression: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
if (!options.not && !value.match(options.pattern) || options.not && value.match(options.pattern)) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
email: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
var valid = true;
if (options.enableIDN) {
var regexp = /^(.*<?)(.*)@(.*)(>?)$/,
matches = regexp.exec(value);
if (matches === null) {
valid = false;
} else {
value = matches[1] + punycode.toASCII(matches[2]) + '@' + punycode.toASCII(matches[3]) + matches[4];
if (!valid || !(value.match(options.pattern) || (options.allowName && value.match(options.fullPattern)))) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
url: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
if (options.defaultScheme && !value.match(/:\/\//)) {
value = options.defaultScheme + '://' + value;
var valid = true;
if (options.enableIDN) {
var regexp = /^([^:]+):\/\/([^\/]+)(.*)$/,
matches = regexp.exec(value);
if (matches === null) {
valid = false;
} else {
value = matches[1] + '://' + punycode.toASCII(matches[2]) + matches[3];
if (!valid || !value.match(options.pattern)) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
captcha: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
// CAPTCHA may be updated via AJAX and the updated hash is stored in body data
var hash = $('body').data(options.hashKey);
if (hash == null) {
hash = options.hash;
} else {
hash = hash[options.caseSensitive ? 0 : 1];
var v = options.caseSensitive ? value : value.toLowerCase();
for (var i = v.length - 1, h = 0; i >= 0; --i) {
h += v.charCodeAt(i);
if (h != hash) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
compare: function (value, messages, options) {
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
var compareValue, valid = true;
if (options.compareAttribute === undefined) {
compareValue = options.compareValue;
} else {
compareValue = $('#' + options.compareAttribute).val();
switch (options.operator) {
case '==':
valid = value == compareValue;
case '===':
valid = value === compareValue;
case '!=':
valid = value != compareValue;
case '!==':
valid = value !== compareValue;
case '>':
valid = value > compareValue;
case '>=':
valid = value >= compareValue;
case '<':
valid = value < compareValue;
case '<=':
valid = value <= compareValue;
valid = false;
if (!valid) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
return pub;
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