Commit 69cad905 by Carsten Brandt

Refactoring Console commands

added method wrappers in console/Controller issue #33
parent 55cc8813
No related merge requests found
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use Yii;
use yii\base\Action;
use yii\base\InlineAction;
use yii\base\InvalidRouteException;
use yii\helpers\Console;
* Controller is the base class of console command classes.
......@@ -35,6 +36,12 @@ class Controller extends \yii\base\Controller
public $interactive = true;
* @var bool whether to enable ANSI style in output. If not set it will be auto detected.
* Default is disabled on Windows systems and enabled on linux.
public $ansi;
* Runs an action with the specified action ID and parameters.
* If the action ID is empty, the method will use [[defaultAction]].
* @param string $id the ID of the action to be executed.
......@@ -115,6 +122,136 @@ class Controller extends \yii\base\Controller
* Formats a string with ANSI codes
* You may pass additional parameters using the constants defined in [[yii\helpers\base\Console]].
* Example:
* ~~~
* $this->formatString('This will be red and underlined.', Console::FG_RED, Console::UNDERLINE);
* ~~~
* @param string $string the string to be formatted
* @return string
public function formatString($string)
if ($this->ansi === true || $this->ansi === null && Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors(STDOUT)) {
$args = func_get_args();
$string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args);
return $string;
* Prints a string to STDOUT
* You may optionally format the string with ANSI codes by
* passing additional parameters using the constants defined in [[yii\helpers\base\Console]].
* Example:
* ~~~
* $this->stdout('This will be red and underlined.', Console::FG_RED, Console::UNDERLINE);
* ~~~
* @param string $string the string to print
* @return int|boolean Number of bytes printed or false on error
public function stdout($string)
if ($this->ansi === true || $this->ansi === null && Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors(STDOUT)) {
$args = func_get_args();
$string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args);
return Console::stdout($string);
* Prints a string to STDERR
* You may optionally format the string with ANSI codes by
* passing additional parameters using the constants defined in [[yii\helpers\base\Console]].
* Example:
* ~~~
* $this->stderr('This will be red and underlined.', Console::FG_RED, Console::UNDERLINE);
* ~~~
* @param string $string the string to print
* @return int|boolean Number of bytes printed or false on error
public function stderr($string)
if ($this->ansi === true || $this->ansi === null && Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors(STDERR)) {
$args = func_get_args();
$string = Console::ansiFormat($string, $args);
return fwrite(STDERR, $string);
* Asks the user for input. Ends when the user types a carriage return (PHP_EOL). Optionally, It also provides a
* prompt.
* @param string $prompt the prompt (optional)
* @return string the user's input
public function input($prompt = null)
if (isset($prompt)) {
return static::stdin();
* Prints text to STDOUT appended with a carriage return (PHP_EOL).
* @param string $text
* @param bool $raw
* @return mixed Number of bytes printed or bool false on error
public function output($text = null)
return static::stdout($text . PHP_EOL);
* Prints text to STDERR appended with a carriage return (PHP_EOL).
* @param string $text
* @param bool $raw
* @return mixed Number of bytes printed or false on error
public function error($text = null)
return static::stderr($text . PHP_EOL);
* Prompts the user for input and validates it
* @param string $text prompt string
* @param array $options the options to validate the input:
* - required: whether it is required or not
* - default: default value if no input is inserted by the user
* - pattern: regular expression pattern to validate user input
* - validator: a callable function to validate input. The function must accept two parameters:
* - $input: the user input to validate
* - $error: the error value passed by reference if validation failed.
* @return string the user input
public function prompt($text, $options = array())
return Console::prompt($text, $options);
* Asks user to confirm by typing y or n.
* @param string $message to echo out before waiting for user input
......@@ -124,15 +261,27 @@ class Controller extends \yii\base\Controller
public function confirm($message, $default = false)
if ($this->interactive) {
echo $message . ' (yes|no) [' . ($default ? 'yes' : 'no') . ']:';
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
return empty($input) ? $default : !strncasecmp($input, 'y', 1);
return Console::confirm($message, $default);
} else {
return true;
* Gives the user an option to choose from. Giving '?' as an input will show
* a list of options to choose from and their explanations.
* @param string $prompt the prompt message
* @param array $options Key-value array of options to choose from
* @return string An option character the user chose
public static function select($prompt, $options = array())
return Console::select($prompt, $options);
* Returns the names of the global options for this command.
* A global option requires the existence of a public member variable whose
* name is the option name.
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