twilio-php Changelog ==================== Version 4.12.0 -------------- Released September 1, 2016 - Add voice grant. Version 4.11.0 -------------- Released August 9, 2016 - Add `synchronize` method to InstanceResoure Version 4.10.0 ------------- Released January 28, 2016 - Add support for filter_friendly_name in WorkflowConfig - Load reservations by default in TaskRouter Version 4.9.2 ------------- Released January 22, 2016 - Fix Address instance reference Version 4.9.1 ------------- Released January 19, 2016 - Add missing create/delete methods on Address Version 4.9.0 ------------- Released December 18, 2015 - Add IP Messaging capability Version 4.8.1 ------------- Released December 8, 2015 - Fix issue with empty grant encoding Version 4.8.0 ------------- Released December 8, 2015 - Update access tokens to support optional NBF Version 4.7.0 ------------- Released December 3, 2015 - Add access tokens Version 4.6.1 ------------- Released November 9, 2015 - Secured Signature header validation from timing attack Version 4.6.0 ------------- Released October 30, 2015 - Add support for Keys Version 4.4.0 ------------- Released September 21, 2015 - Add support for messaging in Twilio Pricing API - Add support for Elastic SIP Trunking API Version 4.3.0 ------------- Released August 11, 2015 - Add support for new Taskrouter JWT Functionality, JWTs now grant access to - Workspace - Worker - TaskQueue Version 4.2.1 ------------- Released June 9, 2015 - Update install documentation Version 4.2.0 ------------- Released May 19, 2015 - Add support for the beta field in IncomingPhoneNumbers and AvailablePhoneNumbers Version 4.1.0 ------------- Released May 7, 2015 - Add support for Twilio Monitor Events and Alerts Version 4.0.4 ------------- Released May 6, 2015 - Add support for the new Pricing API. Version 4.0.3 ------------- Released on April 29, 2015 - Fix to add rawurlencoding to phone number lookups to support spaces Version 4.0.2 ------------- Released on April 27, 2015 - Fix the autoloading so that Lookups_Services_Twilio and TaskRouter_Services_Twilio are available independently of Services_Twilio Version 4.0.1 ------------- Released on April 22, 2015 - Make Lookups_Services_Twilio and TaskRouter_Services_Twilio available through Composer. Version 4.0.0 ------------- Released on April 16, 2015 - Removes counts from ListResource - Change Services_Twilio::getRequestUri() from a static method to an instance method. Version 3.13.1 -------------- Released on March 31, 2015 - Add new Lookups API client Version 3.13.0 -------------- Released on February 18, 2015 - Add new TaskRouter API client - Miscellaneous doc fixes Version 3.12.8 -------------- Released on December 4, 2014 - Add support for the new Addresses endpoints. Version 3.12.7 -------------- Released on November 21, 2014 - Add support for the new Tokens endpoint Version 3.12.6 -------------- Released on November 13, 2014 - Add support for redacting Messages and deleting Messages or Calls - Remove pinned SSL certificates Version 3.12.5 -------------- Released on July 15, 2014 - Changed the naming of the SIP class to comply with PSR-0 Version 3.12.4 -------------- Released on January 30, 2014 - Fix incorrect use of static:: which broke compatibility with PHP 5.2. Version 3.12.3 -------------- Released on January 28, 2014 - Add link from recordings to associated transcriptions. - Document how to debug requests, improve TwiML generation docs. Version 3.12.2 -------------- Released on January 5, 2014 - Fixes string representation of resources - Support PHP 5.5 Version 3.12.1 -------------- Released on October 21, 2013 - Add support for filtering by type for IncomingPhoneNumbers. - Add support for searching for mobile numbers for both IncomingPhoneNumbers and AvailablePhoneNumbers. Version 3.12.0 -------------- Released on September 18, 2013 - Support MMS - Support SIP In - $params arrays will now turn lists into multiple HTTP keys with the same name, array("Twilio" => array('foo', 'bar')) will turn into Twilio=foo&Twilio=bar when sent to the API. - Update the documentation to use php-autodoc and Sphinx. Version 3.11.0 -------------- Released on June 13 - Support Streams when curl is not available for PHP installations Version 3.10.0 -------------- Released on February 2, 2013 - Uses the [HTTP status code for error reporting][http], instead of the `status` attribute of the JSON response. (Reporter: [Ruud Kamphuis](/ruudk)) [http]: Version 3.9.1 ------------- Released on December 30, 2012 - Adds a `$last_response` parameter to the `$client` object that can be used to [retrieve the raw API response][last-response]. (Reporter: [David Jones](/dxjones)) [last-response]: Version 3.9.0 ------------- Released on December 20, 2012 - [Fixes TwiML generation to handle non-ASCII characters properly][utf-8]. Note that as of version 3.9.0, **the library requires PHP version 5.2.3, at least for TwiML generation**. (Reporter: [Walker Hamilton](/walker)) [utf-8]: Version 3.8.3 ------------- Released on December 15, 2012 - [Fixes the ShortCode resource][shortcode] so it is queryable via the PHP library. [shortcode]: Version 3.8.2 ------------- Released on November 26, 2012 - Fixes an issue where you [could not iterate over the members in a queue][queue-members]. (Reporter: [Alex Chan](/alexcchan)) [queue-members]: Version 3.8.1 ------------- Released on November 23, 2012 - [Implements the Countable interface on the ListResource][countable], so you can call count() on any resource. - [Adds a convenience method for retrieving a phone number object][get-number], so you can retrieve all of a number's properties by its E.164 representation. Internally: - Adds [unit tests for url encoding of Unicode characters][unicode-tests]. - Updates [Travis CI configuration to use Composer][travis-composer], shortening build time from 83 seconds to 21 seconds. [countable]: [get-number]: [unicode-tests]: [travis-composer]: Version 3.8.0 ------------- Released on October 17, 2012 - Support the new Usage API, with Usage Records and Usage Triggers. Read the PHP documentation for [usage records][records] or [usage triggers][triggers] [records]: [triggers]: Version 3.7.2 ------------- - The library will now [use a standard CA cert whitelist][whitelist] for SSL validation, replacing a file that contained only Twilio's SSL certificate. (Reporter: [Andrew Benton](/andrewmbenton)) [whitelist]: Version 3.7.1 ------------- Released on August 16, 2012 - Fix a bug in the 3.5.0 release where [updating an instance resource would cause subsequent updates to request an incorrect URI](/twilio/twilio-php/pull/82). (Reporter: [Dan Bowen](/crucialwebstudio)) Version 3.7.0 ------------- Released on August 6, 2012 - Add retry support for idempotent HTTP requests that result in a 500 server error (default is 1 attempt, however this can be configured). - Throw a Services_Twilio_RestException instead of a DomainException if the response content cannot be parsed as JSON (usually indicates a 500 error) Version 3.6.0 ------------- Released on August 5, 2012 - Add support for Queues and Members. Includes tests and documentation for the new functionality. Version 3.5.2 ------------- Released on July 23, 2012 - Fix an issue introduced in the 3.5.0 release where updating or muting a participant would [throw an exception instead of muting the participant][mute-request]. (Reporter: [Alex Chan](/alexcchan)) - Fix an issue introduced in the 3.5.0 release where [filtering an iterator with parameters would not work properly][paging-request] on subsequent HTTP requests. (Reporters: [Alex Chan](/alexcchan), Ivor O'Connor) [mute-request]: /twilio/twilio-php/pull/74 [paging-request]: /twilio/twilio-php/pull/75 Version 3.5.1 ------------- Released on July 2, 2012 - Fix an issue introduced in the 3.5.0 release that would cause a second HTTP request for an instance resource [to request an incorrect URI][issue-71]. [issue-71]: Version 3.5.0 ------------- Released on June 30, 2012 - Support paging through resources using the `next_page_uri` parameter instead of manually constructing parameters using the `Page` and `PageSize` parameters. Specifically, this allows the library to use the `AfterSid` parameter, which leads to improved performance when paging deep into your resource list. This involved a major refactor of the library. The documented interface to twilio-php will not change. However, some undocumented public methods are no longer supported. Specifically, the following classes are no longer available: - `Services/Twilio/ArrayDataProxy.php` - `Services/Twilio/CachingDataProxy.php` - `Services/Twilio/DataProxy.php` In addition, the following public methods have been removed: - `setProxy`, in `Services/Twilio/InstanceResource.php` - `getSchema`, in `Services/Twilio/ListResource.php`, `Services/Twilio/Rest/AvailablePhoneNumbers.php`, `Services/Twilio/Rest/SMSMessages.php` - `retrieveData`, in `Services/Twilio/Resource.php` - `deleteData`, in `Services/Twilio/Resource.php` - `addSubresource`, in `Services/Twilio/Resource.php` Please check your own code for compatibility before upgrading. Version 3.3.2 ------------- Released on May 3, 2012 - If you pass booleans in as TwiML (ex transcribe="true"), convert them to the strings "true" and "false" instead of outputting the incorrect values 1 and "". Version 3.3.1 ------------- Released on May 1, 2012 - Use the 'Accept-Charset' header to specify we want to receive UTF-8 encoded data from the Twilio API. Remove unused XML parsing logic, as the library never requests XML data. Version 3.2.4 ------------- Released on March 14, 2012 - If no version is passed to the Services_Twilio constructor, the library will default to the most recent API version.